Reviews from

in the past

swingy button masher that is the most fun you can have in mmo pvp outside of ganking allybabies at menethil harbor in 2005

One of the best MMORPGs, even if largely a clone of WoW. But it's a good clone that's better in many aspects, which is already a rare occurrence. It's a shame, however, that it's dead. When it launched, it had a subscription (EA must've been going after WoW's crown), and it never made a transition into free-2-play or at least buy-2-play. Today you can play it on a private server called Return of Reckoning. It's still just as fun to play, but the population is way too low (~1200 at peak times). Feels like a ghost town. Any MMORPG with less than a few thousand players is practically dead.