Reviews from

in the past

the first indie game that really made me realize indie games were something that went beyond 15-minute flash games. this game is good, simple fun: you are a ball, you bounce around through various levels connected by a hub world, sometimes you get new materials you can turn into and that changes how you bounce around. the vibes are incredible.

Crazy how one of the best video game soundtracks of all time is hidden away in an obscure freeware Metroidvania from 2006.

I first played this when I was about 10, before I even had an internet connection. Found it on a weird CD with a bunch of random games (used to be quite common in Slovakia) and I've been returning to it basically every year.
An absolute masterclass in ambience, sound design and just general vibes. It's like the entire game was injected with a comically large syringe labeled "Childlike Wonder".

Every time I hear the Hub level music, I feel like that GIF of Anton Ego taking a bite of Ratatouille. Shit's magical. Makes me have an existential crisis over a bouncing ball.

As close to perfect as a game like this can get. Over a few hours, WaDF eases you into its bouncy physics and gently expands the boundaries of its world, always offering an unexpected surprise or challenge, giving you enough space to discover things for yourself without leaving you stranded. Feels like a cool sunrise and a big mug of tea with honey.

moon level gotta be one of my favorite part of my game. music is sooo good. wish i had the patience to finish it tho ToT

the vibes are unbeatable and you get to be a little bouncing ball with eyes. so good

Insanely ahead of its time, a good stepping stone for what would become the indie genre

A fun ball metroidvania. Reminds me of knytt. Nice and short.