Reviews from

in the past

fucked up that wolfquest was my first exposure to any dating sim

8 year old me was NOT normal about this one

been a fan since 2009 i cant stop now babey

Hallmark of my wolfaboo phase

This game nearly made me a wolfaboo when I was like 10 like I remember EP2 coming out but then I became a fucking weeaboo cause I got into higurashi which instead in hindsight was probably a better choice but then i also read warrior cats when i turned 11 so does that make me a furry or something-

who would i be without this game, actually defined my childhood

This had me in a chokehold and it was worth it

Who would I be without this game. Who would I be if I didn't play this so much back in the day. I know all the locations and their little paths and shit and the dialogue options when you meet other wolves by heart

awful experience, my wife left me because of this game

this game rules. shout outs to when they censored all references to gender because people would not stop trying to roleplay wolf fucking. ahead of the curve

when i was 14 i had a pack i loved dearly and one day a bear came while i was out hunting food and the bear killed 90% of my family, i was so upset i never touched the game again

no one can ever make me think this game is bad

i think this was my first sign of autism