Reviews from

in the past

Interessante ver como esse jogo caiu no Hype entre youtubers em 2019, uma aposta coop que funcionou atรฉ metade do jogo, depois o jogo fica mega exaustivo

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Bem no comeรงo รฉ bem divertido podendo trocar de arma durante a gameplay, usar granadas molotovs etc, e mesmo tendo muitas fases e muitos mapas o game fica MUITO MAIS MUITO enjoativo pois a gameplay se repete atรฉ o final do jogo, e mesmo eles colocando diferentes objetivos nas fases que infelizmente acaba se repetindo com o tempo, ele nรฃo consegue te prender por muito tempo sem que tu fique extremamente exausto, entรฃo era + ou - umas 5 horas de jogo e ja estava cansado de jogar, isso que joguei cooperativo oque era pra ser mais divertido, e foi mas por pouco tempo, mas fui atรฉ o final pra nรฃo dropar, sem falar que esse game tem um grind ABSURDO pra voce conseguir upar as armas.


E nรฃo enche o saco falando que faltou isso ou aquilo apenas falo oque lembro que no caso รฉ quase nada.

Enfim essa รฉ apenas a opiniรฃo de alguem que ama jogar video jogosโ˜๏ธ๐Ÿค“.

Quand t'es plus impressionnรฉ par les hordes de zombie c'est la que tu comprends que le jeu est mid, drole en coop cependant

Pretty fun to play through with friends. The horde looks awesome, especially when you shoot mortar or RPG into it and watch meat chunks and body sacks flying in all directions like shrapnel.

Sadly, the game feels one-time playthrough for me and I don't think I'll ever get back to it. But it is a fun evening play with friends.

The campaign is L4D but with skill trees, and the horde mode is Gears of War 3 but with zombies. If you liked those game, you'll like this one too.

Dล‚ugo nikt nie zrobiล‚ tak dobrej coopej strzelanki do zombie jakim byล‚ Left 4 Dead. World War Z zbliลผa siฤ™ do tego poziomu. Strzelanie daje duลผo satysfakcji, lokacje sฤ… ciekawe, a na to wszystko dostajemy mechanikฤ™ rozwijania postaci. I wiadomo, w coopie zawsze lepiej.

played this with a friend and it is pretty fun. The missions are effectively the same and consist of gun your way through hordes of zombies and reach a certain objective. Pretty fun gameplay though, worth a shot if its on sale

Me divertir muito neste jogo e a quantidade de zumbis no jogo.
Tambรฉm a jogabilidade multiplayer รฉ muito legal.
Jogaria muito mais vezes.

World War Z is awesome I have so much fun playing this game with friends defending waves of zombies, the characters and guns are awesome and it has a great story behind it too where you get to play as different characters in different places

Con amigos es un cague de risa garantizado.

a 10-15 hour game similar to left 4 dead 2 with a pleasant, non-boring gameplay

Oye, pues es una copia de Left 4 Dead bastante maja para jugar con los amigos. El sistema de experiencia y mejorar armas y tal le da cierta rejugabilidad extra. Los castellers zombies dan muchรญsima risa.

Como um jogo que copia descaradamente o melhor jogo de Zumbi consegue ser TรƒO ruim? A campanha co-op desse jogo รฉ uma das maiores atrocidades que ja joguei e nรฃo tem linhas pra citar tudo de ruim.
O modo versus รฉ genรฉrico, mas ao menos nรฃo รฉ a pior coisa do mundo

- Z -
Muy buen juego de zombies repleto de hordas como debe de ser un juego de zombies. No tengo mucho que decir, fue buen juego pero a mi parecer se quedo corto en ciertos aspectos como la duracion de su campaรฑa y cantidad de armas disponibles.

Fun to play coop, good modern L4D clone with rpg progression and stealth elements. Levels are nice to look at and mostly doesn't bore you like most L4D clones. Also levels have variety. Sometimes you hold a place against waves, sometimes you run and gun your way, sometimes you need to sneak. Perks system, class system and weapon level-up system offers some rewards for player. Personally i think Killing Floor games have better rpg elements but those games have mediocre level design so they mostly bore me. It's a decent game overall

Sรณ peguei pra jogar com uns amigos e ainda sim foi frustrante, mas como qualquer jogo fica bom jogando com os amigo deu pra se divertir um pouco.

A gameplay รฉ boa mas muito frustrante pelos Bots e bugs, a histรณria รฉ bem mediocre e o jogo รฉ muito repetitivo, jogar sozinho รฉ uma tortura.

Jogo bem esquecรญvel.

I am literally only playing this because it's quarantine and my friend wants to play it. You hear that, Nick?? PLAY BETTER GAMES!!

Leveling up takes so fucking long. I truly do not know how people play this on anything other than easy. needs 100% brad pitt

un des seuls jeux auquel haoyue acceptait de jouer et rien que pour รงa

Generally chaotic and fun, play with several friends or otherwise, itโ€™s quite boring offline.

Was playing this with a friend in co-op and I guess it's fine, overall. Nothing special, but in a world where we lack a new Left 4 Dead, it's the next best thing we have. WWZ is honestly pretty generic, but the gameplay suffices the need for co-op zombie-slaying action well enough.

For the PS4 port of the game, it works fine yet has issues. The game experiences significant performance issues when tons of zombies are on screen - at least on the base PS4 - and there's some visual glitches that happen from time to time, but nothing I would consider "game breaking".

Certainly worth a go if you have the pals to play it with, especially with the crazy amount of game modes on offer to play. If you need a "forever game" to pick at from time to time with some friends, or even on your own, there are certainly worse time-killers out there, but don't expect anything special with this.

I have the game "shelved" for now, mainly because my friend and I are more occupied with playing the Resident Evil games together, but we'll return to it soon enough, and I'll have more flushed out thoughts at that time.

Bought it expecting some kind of Left 4 Dead clone and turns out to be a pretty fun game actually.
I don't fully get behind the unlocks but I guess you have to have some form of progression system, even though it is a bit too slow for my liking and there just isn't enough missions to play really.
On the other hand it is kind of good that there aren't too many as it can get repetitive really quickly if they overdo it.
Generally I'd say this game if fun for what it is and worth a purchase if it's cheap on a sale.

While WWZ is definitely inspired by Left 4 Dead and while I do believe it does better than Back 4 Blood, WWZ feels like diet L4D, having the fun of 4 survivors surviving a zombie Outbreak, that really has no big risk in terms of fighting zombies. Sure your team mate can go down, but honestly if it wanted to be pseudo sequel it should've just made special infected, sure the movie didn't have any special infected (Also the movie was mediocre at best) so while it did do a great job doing its own thing in terms of gameplay, it might as well have introduced its own brand of special infected, and have its own vs mode making the game more fun. Overall like with B4B, just buy left for dead 2 on steam, you'll have more fun and you're able to mod new maps, weapons, characters, Etc

What content this game has is extremely good.... But there isn't much of it. It needs more levels, a better matchmaking system and maybe even a Destiny 2 style gambit game mode, they already throw zombies at two teams so it wouldn't take much.

Very fun game to playthrough and it's extra modes keep it from being too short. However the main game was kind of short and I wasn't buying dlc. Otherwise really captures the hoards of zombies you would see in the movie perfectly and gives you just enough strength that with enough skill can help you survive it.

Um Left 4 Dead pra nova geraรงรฃo, mas realmente divertido com amigos tambรฉm, nada de muito novo