Reviews from

in the past

Create a super star was so fun. Lets be real no one plays this for gameplay only for the crazy things you can do to make crazy homunculus dudes. This game delivers 10 fold.

You basically become Santino Marella, then feud with Santino Marella, then fight Vince at WM.

A fun time but it certainly isnt one of the all time great wrestling games. Not even the best svr game.

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I fucking loved this game as a kid

BEAST of a wrestling game. Basically added up on the formula of the previous one and made it bigger and better.

The series surprisingly got back on track after the disappointments that were 2007 and 2008

A step up from 09 in terms of content but the presentation still wasn't great.
At the time I loved the inclusion of story designer mode but it's incredibly limited and made redundant compared to what 2011 offers.
Sadly the community creations is now gone as is most of the appeal of this game.
Soundtrack and story modes were unmemorable by this point. Gameplay was still at a low point - slow and boring.

I have 33% of the achievements unlocked in this game and I can't remember a damn thing about it.

jogava muito com o meu tio muito massa



Lise zamanlarımda beni güzel oyalayan bir oyundu. Çok keyiflenerek oynardım.

sooo many hours into this. good game, some matches go long but again rose tinted glasses of childhood.