Reviews from

in the past

can't say im a huge fan of this social media app. im more of a miiverse gal myself.

Tutorial takes aaaaages, but this is surprisingly playable and has great tunes, well worth a go.

i dislike playing the game; the tutorial enough is a pain. however, the impressive visuals on the gameboy is notable and gives this game some worth and is worth playing for a few minutes for that alone.

I tried to play, now that the English version is around... but it is still too damn difficult. The controls are laggy and we don't know exactly what we are doing.
It is very impressive technically speaking, but gameplay wise it should have been way better. It is like a glorified tech demo.

A remarkable technical achievement that is also fun to play, this is an open world first person flying tank combat game that works shockingly well on the Game Boy. There’s an excellent fan translation and the tutorial is well implemented and gives you a great feel for how the game works. Everyone should try this one.