Reviews from

in the past

Hanamaru now has access to her upgraded ability! Her Laptop can cause a huge explosion!

Very fun, short and sweet metroidvania! Highly recommend if you like love-live! (Yohane is my fave so I was so happy to play this!)

Good job Inti Creates, let's get someone working on that Love Live RPG next (copium)

finished it last night and I thought it was cute and fun and I love all their little interactions, let's go lesbians!

The game presents excellent visuals and an engaging soundtrack, adding vibrancy to the gaming experience. Its well-structured levels flow smoothly between each other, providing a pleasant progression. The numerous movement options and powers, especially after upgrades, bring fun and variety to the gameplay.
However, the game suffers from a slight runtime padding towards its conclusion, which might feel lengthy for some players. Additionally, the game zones tend to be a bit too simplistic for an optimal challenge level, diminishing engagement at certain moments.
Overall, despite some minor flaws, the game offers an engaging and enjoyable experience for those seeking an adventure with good presentation and a range of gameplay options.

Solid metroidvania for beginners, if a little easy.

As a fan of the Love Live series, I’ve finally convinced myself to play through Yohane the Parhelion after pondering for nearly a year after its release. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been really really into Love Live, but had no Love Live games to play since School Idol Festival is out of service, so I started playing Parhelion instead. While it is not a substitute for SIF, I’m proud to say that this isn’t a mobile gacha game, so I’m able to keep it forever without fearing it going away. The story was very cute, the only downside was that it didn’t go into depth for side characters much. I felt like I only knew much about the cast since I watched Love Live, and played their other games. Without other content, I’m afraid I wouldn’t know much about the cast.

Although this was my first Metroidvania game, I found the maps simple, with very few strong enemies. The fighting mechanics were fun. I loved kiting big enemies with explosive arrows, stunning with Chika, or nuking them with Maru. Mari’s and Riko’s utilities were also very fun to use. The whole cast’s abilities were very unique and suited them well. Boss battles were only as hard as you wanted them to be. Personally, I just stocked up on health potions and brute force most of the boss fights with ease.

I found the art very charming. Aside from Yohane, Chika and Mari’s designs were some of my favorites, yet the rest of the cast were gorgeous as well. The map designs were simple yet engaging, making it easier for people who are new to this genre to have a stress-free experience while navigating the levels. Some of my favorites were Coral Hill, Crystalline Grotto, and Aqours Memoria. Last but not least, the music was captivating, just like in the Love Live series. My personal favorites were the Sunken Temple theme and Deep Blue!! Deep Blue playing right after Yohane revived gave me so much serotonin. It made me feel as if I could power through whatever I was struggling with, even if it was just me spacing out against an enemy who wouldn’t be a threat to me otherwise. Overall, I had a happy time playing this game. If you are a fan of the Love Live franchise please play this game, it will not disappoint!

el dark souls de los juegos de Love Live.

19/19 Platinado.

Yohane the Parhelion é talvez o jogo mais + ou - da inti. Não acabei curtindo muito o jogo mesmo tendo feito 99.9% do jogo, aquela ultima luta não da muito chata. Ele é um bom jogo pra passar o tempo, não vale nem ferrando 124 reais. A música do jogo genericassaaaa, menos a da Partitura. Combate chato, o pior jogo de Castlevania é mais legal. a Inspiração foi muito Order of Ecclesia mas ai não souberam fazer.

It's just a simple metroidvania with some bs bosses that's overall just... alright, but I'm excusing it cause it's the first proper Love Live game lol

Honestly this is just worse Ender Lilies but Riko says “Riko Beam” in it so I’m giving it three stars

Just a neat lil' Metroidvania game with some nice QoL.
Somewhat on the easy side if you use items a bunch, but choosing to not use them provides additional challenge, though you may need to use a few to restore DP.
Nice music and well designed boss fights, barring how HP spongey they can feel.
I don't like how it doesn't feel like you actually get stronger though, and some normal enemies felt a bit too tanky.

Overall, good game.

Very basic, very easy metroidvania and I've yet to touch another Inti Creates game that felt like satisfactory subtitute for Mega Man Zero, but this one is fun nonetheless. It's short enough to be a one-day clear and sometimes that can be refreshing. Enjoyed all the Love Live inside jokes in it. The Coelacanth lives!

Someone call Team Cherry and MercurySteam and tell them to pack it up cause there's a new metroidvania in town and her name is Yohane.

they referenced the april fools live action so it is peak unfortunately

(Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about Love Live.)

It's kind of crazy that it took this many years for Inti Creates to make a standard metroidvania. They've made games that fall fairly neatly into the genre, sure, but the worlds are usually much more linear and less interconnected.

This game is a full blown metroidvania, but it's also a very safe one; it doesn't really do anything you haven't seen before. You got a slide with some fun advanced tech to it, and summons that I assume are similar to the core gameplay of Ender Lilies. As you progress through the game you get access to a double jump essentially ripped straight out of Hollow Knight, and a wall climb ability that's reminiscent of Celeste. These are pretty fun abilities, and Inti always does a great job at making movement enjoyable.

Still, while it is a little derivative, this game is really charming. The dialogue gets genuinely funny at times, and the various summon abilities can be pretty goofy. Inti has once again nailed their pixel art aesthetic and fantastic music (This song in particular is great).

Also I've seen some criticisms that the game is too short... Guys, a 7 hour playtime for a metroidvania is pretty standard for the genre. I think Hollow Knight was so good and content-packed that it dramatically shifted people's standards. Don't be deterred by this game's length, there is absolutely enough content to be enjoyed.

Anyway I would recommend this game if you're looking for a straightforward lighthearted metroidvania experience, or if you're already a fan of Inti or Love Live stuff. Laptop attack reigns supreme.

After Gal Guardians, I was hoping Inti Creates would make a true metroidvania, and Yohane fucking DELIVERS. about 11 different abilities that are unlocked between boss fights and chests scattered around. Not very difficult but like, maybe every game doesn't have to be tbh

Despite the underwater theme, Yohane the Parhelion is by far Inti Creates' most shallow game yet.

I was pretty disappointed with Gal Guardians earlier this year but I'm actually floored at how much worse this game ended up being. Its bad when you can look back at Gal Guardians and actually note instances where the developers had at least SOME spark of love for what they were working on. Yohane has absolutely none of that. Its a souless licensed game cash grab not worth your time or your money. I hope the money was worth it for Inti Creates, because I'll be sidelooking all their future releases if this is what we can expect from them now.

bacana, mas fora as personagens e algumas coisas especificas eu não consegui sentir muito da identidade de Love Live.

Really fun, quick little metroidvania. Crafting is neat, every time you'd get a popup that a new craft is ready was exciting going into the inventory to see what it was. Really neat how it promotes you using different abilities/summons, but the ease of getting consumables lowered the difficulty quite a bit.

é so pegar o laptop da hanamaru e ja acabou o jogo

The game reminds me of Tevi, except good.

Fun short metroidvania, a little expensive for what it is, I wanna see if there are speedruns for this game because there probably are some weird things that can be done in a few places

I had a lot of fun with this one! It was a fun, albeit rather short game. General exploration didnt overstay its welcome, and outside of managing to make the final half of the boss encounters a complete joke with a single weapon/accessory combo, I'd say the combat is pretty solid as well! If you're here for a short metroidvania, or a fan of Aquors I'd definitely recommend picking this one up on sale if you're curious!

(BTW Hanamaru's abilities are the most charming in the entire game, shes literally me fr)

Very basic metroidvania its ok

terrorism is a effective weapon 10/10

Fiquei devendo esse do ano passado. Inti Creates não decepciona, muito melhor que eu esperava. Não conheço nada de Love Live, especialmente do Sunshine, então todas referências de personagens ficaram perdidas em mim. Mesmo assim, o jogo funciona muito bem, a premissa é básica e te joga direto pra ação. Ótimos QOL pro gênero de metroidvania, especialmente os warps sendo sempre acessíveis pelo mapa. Única crítica que tenho é o método de ataque, as summons te travam pra atacar toda vez e pra mim seria mais divertido só atacar imediato, mas nada que prejudique muito o jogo.