Reviews from

in the past

The level itself is honestly my favorite in the game. It's a giant cruise ship is super fun to run around in and explore all of the different areas. However, the missions that accompany it are extremely frustrating, and easily the worst parts of the game. On top of that, it is exceptionally unpolished (not nearly to the extent of Nyakuza Metro, but still pretty bad).

Snatcher you really be testin me oh lawd but I KNOW I will prevail

seals not that good but death wish mode is the best part in the game

While the Cruise mission is a fun area to explore and traverse, I really wish there were more missions in it because it feels half-baked. The Snatcher missions can lick my fucking ass though

You should only really get Seal the Deal if you're a massive AHiT fan or really looking for more difficulty from the game. The chapter it adds is alright, but it doesn't really have the fun platforming of previous worlds and some of the missions are eh. Death Wish is a neat concept, but it does kinda get annoying to deal with whatever annoying difficult challenge the game forces you to go through - I do realize that this is just because I'm not that great at hard challenges though, so a masochist would love it.

Muito bom essa dlc, o mundo do cruzeiro eh bem interessante mas podia ser menos confuso eh facil se perder la

Não é minha dlc favorita mas ela é de fato muito boa

DLC with amazing content, a really interesting stuff to already interesting levels, while also requiring more effort to get through.

Music is even better now, they added a lot of amazing tracks.

Reminder that the content is accessible because the devs added a mode if you die too much, that will make the death wish levels more forgiving. Which is great, I used it for some of them.

This DLC having mixed reviews is why we can't have nice things like an optional content adding extra difficulty and variety (or complete new levels!) to the base game.

Amazing, beautiful, perfect. I love seals.

I didn't bother with the death wish stuff but the cruise part was pretty cool.

I'm really not a fan of this DLC. Almost every mission is annoying in some way, and the Death Wish part of the DLC is too frustrating to be fun. And this is coming from someone who has beaten Getting Over It over 50 times. Difficulty is good, frustrating difficulty isn't. I know there is a fine line and it is different for everyone. But for me Death Wish doesn't feel fair and when it does it is still really aggravating to play. I typically stay away from this DLC when replaying the game.

Not a single good mission, all either really frustrating platforming with bad checkpoints, or tedious fetch quests. Chore work.

Its kinda mid but the seals are adorable so <3

the absolute shortest, most frustrating chapter of the game, and a giant band-aid over the base game's (lack of) difficulty. I offer my condolences to those who paid full price for this

Not bad, but it was really frustrating at times.
I didn't even bother with the contracts though.

This DLC made me question how much I like Snatcher, cause christ those death wishes are HARD
The new cruise level is pretty good though, I had a good time with it

Cruise ship level is mediocre but death wish is beautiful A+

A really great addition to the game that feels more heavily skewed towards the Deal part rather than the Seal part. Don't get me wrong, the new level is great, and I love the little seal fellas and how dumb they are, but a lot of the meat of this DLC comes from the Snatcher's challenges, which are actually very challenging! The game doesn't shame the player for not being up to the challenge, however, rather just providing a bit of levity when it comes to the challenge, with the catch being that it will say whether you used the easier mode or not. It allows skilled players to flex while letting people who don't want to spend all that time "getting gud" to just play the fun new challenges. All around a great time.

I see a lot of people trashing this DLC and praising the second one, but that is completely unfair. Nyakuza Metro is amazing but I honestly prefer this one. The 6th chapter isn't great, but it's clear that most of the effort went into the Death Wish. This DLC adds a lot of content to a slightly content light game.

The 6th Chapter is definitely the worst and shortest out of all 7 (aside from the 5th chapter for obvious reasons). However this doesn't mean it's 'bad'. The music is top notch as always however the level design is slightly off. I wish they tried a little bit harder with this chapter but that's okay. It's made up by the pizza time level that rivals that of spiderman 2 - music and all.

Death Wish is definitely not for everyone. It is brutally difficult and very similar to the Godmaster DLC from Hollow Knight in the sense that it reuses old content but with a fresh coat of pain. There is new stuff and the new stuff is amazing but most of the content comes from remixed existing levels. The content provided here is astonishing. It basically takes a game that's only 'flaw' was lack of content and it essentially doubles it. Snatcher's voice lines are infuriating but funny and well written. While I did say that the levels are incredibly difficult, the game does encourage you to buy an easier version of the level with in game currency. I will admit that I used this for 1 level because it was just way too difficult but it doesn't lock you out from any content or achievements. Some of the new music actually tops my favourites from the base game and that was a hard feat to accomplish.

The boss fights get their own paragraph because they are so amazing. I loved the base game bosses but I beat all of them first go (even with going into the game blind) and so having an actual challenge was a real treat. These are all really well made bosses as well, pretty much no random RNG crap that plague a lot of difficult bosses. The boss themes are definitely my favourite tracks in the game as well. They slap so hard.

In defence of many peoples complaints, I don't believe that death wish is unfairly challenging. Most of the levels are cleverly changed in a way that makes the level way harder, but still makes your death your fault rather than an unfair mechanic. I'll admit that giving a level a timer is just artificial difficulty but luckily only 2 or 3 levels have that. Also one singular boat themed level was just so hard that I had to use the easier mode to get past it (you know the one if you have played the game).

Also Rhythm Jump Studio is one of the coolest levels in the entire game.

uno de los niveles nuevos era practicamente imposible y lo tuvieron que parchear. aunque el mundo nuevo estuviese simpático los niveles fueron bastante olvidables o malos y los niveles de desafío no me importaron en absoluto

cruise level is really mediocre but the devil challenge things are real cool

the "seal" part of the dlc is fun, cute and relaxing. just a nice vacation with a big boat to explore. fuck the waiter mission though.
the "deal" part of the dlc is hard, frustrating, stressing, hard but also very satisfying.
one day i'll come back to this and 100% everything

Adiciona algumas coisas, mas não é nada tão espetacular quanto o jogo base.

Completely garbage that it requires 35 time pieces, many more than what you complete the game with, and the only way to get more is to find those god forsaken time rifts

Absolute dogshit that ruins playing endgame for the base game but I still have to torture myself with it to 100% it on steam. Awful. Adds the worst stages in the game and the suicide enducing Death wishes. Fuck this dlc