Reviews from

in the past

Incredible step up, improved graphics and gameplay that rivals the best in the series coupled with an amazing soundtrack, a must play for fans of the franchise.

It's a bit better than AC1 (also known as air combat) and the OST absolutely rocks, I had fun, but the mission variety is kind of lacking, pretty solid game overall though.

Huge improvement over 1 in every sense, still pretty short and story is non-existent but the different paths and unlockable missions add some replayability

El bueno bueno era el 3, ¿verdad? ¿Verdad?

Al menos debo decir que ha molado jugarlo montado en un avión de verdad.

Barely remember playing this, as this game was from my early childhood. My brother played it all the time, and I would watch him. He never let me play it while he was around, though!

The earliest ac ive played. AMAZING music, fire youngman and rising high are my personal favorites.

shouldnt be forgotten, but its not an essential play. play this if youre an ac superfan and want to experience its roots as i did.

oh, also, not being able to skip the dialogue on mission intros is annoying.

Con 4 polígonos, unos controles bastante decentes y musicote turboengorilante consigue que te pongas a mil disparando a navecitas y bases enemigas y esquivando misiles. Me ha flipado, pero si lo hubiese jugado de niño directamente me habría volado la cabeza.

Best PS1 Ace Combat game. It was fun to play, comfortable to control.

im glad they added the new control style in this game but that should've been the default one, I would've missed it if i hadn't checked settings first

O meu primeiro contato com a franquia foi com esse jogo, um jogo que lembrava vagamente mas ficava no fundo da minha memória, ficou uma certa nostalgia desde a primeira vez q o joguei, é datado porem para sua época foi um excelente jogo.

wow they really made air combat and then decided that they needed to lock the fuck in. and they were right this game is fucking awesome

Makes Air Combat, which I had thought of right before playing this as one of the coolest games, look like baby time for idiots by comparison. God, what a ride, if the series stays this consistent I'm in for a new favorite.

Pretty good, though I wish the FOV was a bit wider.

Arcade de aviones con música guaperrima.

esse daqui é altamente pica

Surprisingly solid considering how hard I bounced off of AC1, including expert controls and me being motivated enough to map the left stick to the d-pad controls counted for a lot on that front though. This series really has been the same since the start hasn't it? Just a core of mission types and set pieces with room to improve with more tech. And this one really suffers for the lack of tech, short render distances and tiny flight ceilings make every dogfight claustrophobic, and attacking ground targets feel more like playing chicken with the earth waiting for a lock on the AA gun shredding you on the way in. in spite of this it still manages to be properly pretty, and with a fantastic soundtrack that sells the action perfectly.

Infinitamente Superior a Air Combat, Ace Combat 2 nos trás novamente o Esquadrão Scarface, Especificamente Phoenix do primeiro jogo, para lidar com mais uma tentativa de golpe de estado no país da USEA, que pôde acontecer muito provavelmente por conta de uma reunião dos membros da alta-cúpula dos estados de Strangereal para discutir a situação do asteróide Ulysses, que estava em rota de colisão com a Terra.

Por conta de ser um jogo arcade, a sua história é bem straight-forward, mas o World-Building está ali nas entrelinhas de modo discreto e interessante. Você luta em Anchorhead, por exemplo, como em Ace Combat 7.

Nesse jogo, Phoenix se torna tão importante quanto Mobius-1, na minha percepção. O antigo herói de Usea que desapareceu, e nos deu espaço para, futuramente, o destruidor do Megalito reinar na memória dos livros de história do Strangereal

Glória ao Scarface Squadron!😎

Some small improvements have been made regarding the first episode, but it still lacks serious storytelling. You go through missions without being immersed in a story. However, the gameplay is nice, and the additional objectives are a nice way to prolong the length of each mission and add some difficulty, as you will have to monitor the number of missiles you have left!

A step up from the original, better missions and better graphics to boot! Ace Combat 2 is probably my favorite in the PS1 trilogy because it still retains the arcade action of the first game and adds a story now. Also one of the best looking on the system. Project Aces never fails

Really good game! This is a really good PS1 game. Structure is really similar to the first game yet it feels more expanded upon, more varied missions and personally a more badass OST.

Nunca vi um salto tão grande de qualidade num mesmo console. Constantemente meu irmão dizia que não parecia em nada com um jogo de ps1 de tão bonito que é.

O melhor ponto desse jogo é que, diferente do primeiro, cada caça funciona de maneira distinta, então você acaba utilizando diversos aviões durante a campanha, é muito divertido.

As fases melhoraram demais em comparação com o primeiro jogo, são bem mais diversificadas e há uma boa melhora no funcionamento delas, como nas de ravina, onde não há limite de velocidade.

Tudo nesse jogo é absolutamente maravilhoso... TIRANDO A ÚLTIMA PARTE DA ÚLTIMA FASE, DERRUBAR AQUILO É CHATO DEMAIS. Mas tirando isso, jogo íncrivel, recomendo para todos.

flying planes is so cool there's much wiggle run for stupid/fun stuff plus the music always making you feel the hero of an action movie except on those fucking tunnel missions where you only go forward flying low shooting targets in a line

There's a lot of minor tweaks that add up to make the experience better than the first. The planes feel a bit better and the menus are more functional, the music and presentation are really good, and I appreciate some of the streamlining. Unfortunately I think it suffers a bit in the actual design in a lot of ways. There's not a lot of levels I can say are outright bad, but there is just a lot of missed potential coming off the first game, which hurts a lot more since it's shorter. There are a couple neat gimmicks but they are usually only used once, and I think the final levels especially are pretty disappointing. Still a pretty solid game though.