Reviews from

in the past

Cute little game. It was actually my first Ace Combat and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Played this one with a NEGCON too which made the experience pretty sweet.

It's a more polished Air/Ace Combat 1 with a slightly better OST. Nice planes, great gameplay that improves on the first one's foundation, and overall really fun to play. It's really just more of the same but a lot better.
No big crazy complicated plot yet. Just fun times. Pew pew the other planes and all that. Fairly short, so you can probably finish in 2-3 days.

Overall, I really liked this one (as expected). Might be hard to adjust to if you're coming from the newer games and their more in-depth flight systems.

NGL I don't really remember most of this game from what I played of it, this game and the first one are kinda forgettable due to their lack of any crazy plot nonsense and okay gameplay. The OST is hot fire tho so maybe try it out just for that, otherwise there are several better ace combat games you could and should be playing instead.


Um dos maiores saltos de qualidade de uma sequência que eu já vi, ainda mais nesse contexto.
Melhora tudo que o 1 trouxe, só que dessa vez muito mais divertido e casual.
Trilha sonora FENOMENAL, design de fases bem intuitivo, controles jogáveis e sem bobagem de gameover.
(bom, talvez até tenha, mas uma pessoa de habilidade média não conseguiria fracassar tanto, que nem era no primeiro)

I think Air Combat tricked me into believing all PS1 just looked like that. The flat ground texture which resulted in difficult-to-judge altitude is a total non-issue in the sequel. The flight controls have been tightened, the music even better and the story? A mild improvement, but not something I cared about.

Ace Combat's biggest strength lies in its missions, where we some much needed variety. Standard dogfights are interspersed between defence objectives, time restrictions and levels that require precise navigation. Not every level is great, but the diversity is appreciated regardless. Environments are more unique, too, with the highlight being a city at night which lets you squeeze right by the buildings if you're feeling brave. As this is a PS1 game with access only to a D-Pad, controls aren't as accurate as you'd hope, making some maneuvers riskier han they'd be if full analog control was possible. Regardless, it works well enough that I can forgive the shortcomings.

Ace Combat 2 is great, a solid step up from its predecessor and a fantastic foundation for entries moving forward. I'm particularly excited to see how the series fares on more powerful hardware (particularly given the dual analog setup), but that'll have to wait a little longer.

wow they really made air combat and then decided that they needed to lock the fuck in. and they were right this game is fucking awesome

Pretty good and a improvement compared to the first one. Also great OST. I just hoped for less ground assault stages. There are too many.

Genuinamente nunca vi um salto evolutivo tão gigantesco entre uma sequencia e seu antecessor.
Esse jogo me fez questionar em vários momentos como que eles saíram de algo divertido porem simples como Air Combat pra algo com tanta personalidade assim, Graficos muito bons, missões divertidas, controles melhores, uma soundtrack sensacional, talvez o único problema real seja de fato seu tamanho pq o jogo realmente é bem curtinho. De resto é um excelente jogo e me fez ficar ansioso pra sequencia dele.

Afterburner II better learn something from this game homie.

Terroristas malos :c
Pero con música :)

"Communication mode: Level 5
Operation code : TC2012
Communication description :

A coup d'état broke out in the military corps' general area code 'NA-P2700'.

They saw an opportunity during a time when their leaders were away from the country on a diplomatic mission.
After the forces occupied the centre of administration, they seized control of important facilities in each district. They are expanding their influence while strengthening their fighting power.
Their military capabilities include air and sea forces. It has also been confirmed that they are in possession of extra powerful cruise missiles.
To respond to the rebel's forces, the military corps' headquarters made a decision to use the special tactical fighter squadron, "Scarface" which consist of you, my fellow pilots.

We want you to go on this mission and suppress the coup d'état immediately. you will receive all-out support from our military corps. Full information regarding the rebels, full co-operation through our intelligence division, and military supplies.
The situation is tense, and there is no time to waste, take on this mission immediately.

That is all."

Ace Combat 2.

The amount of times that intro monologue has been stuck inside my head is astounding, along with the fantastic 'Dystopia' soundtrack, which brings a dire, gloomy situation the fictional nation is at the moment, with it's only hope in establishing a special air force unit in order to change the tide of war in their favour.

So Ace Combat 2 is in all sense superior to Ace Combat 1, better controls, better graphics, fantastic soundtrack and improved gameplay.

So a perfect sequel.

A childhood classic/favourite.

The earliest ac ive played. AMAZING music, fire youngman and rising high are my personal favorites.

shouldnt be forgotten, but its not an essential play. play this if youre an ac superfan and want to experience its roots as i did.

oh, also, not being able to skip the dialogue on mission intros is annoying.

first impressions:
My adoration of Armored Core VI has led me to the other AC series, in an unending obsession with fusing my will with heavy machinery.

I haven’t cleared this one yet, but I’m excited to keep winding down after late work shifts with some BINGOs and BULLSEYEs.

This soundtrack rocks and both the digital and analog controls are pretty good. Gobs more fun to play, and look at, than the series debut too.

completed june 20
That ruled. Lotsa fun, excited to play an English-patched version of Ace Combat 3 next. What a chill and cool time. Namco tunes while I swerve between skyscrapers or navigate canyons? Dope as hell.

Just a better version of Air Combat. It's not improved enough to be amazing or anything but the addition in gameplays do add a bit more to it. Sadly movement is still restricted though you can do loops, it's veryyy slow.

i though the first game was pretty good, fine in its own simplistic way, this one however is one damn fiiiine sequel.

better handling, new ships, new type of missions and a whole new mode where you use fanfic ships that are exclusive to ace combat, it tripplifies the balls to the walls nature of the first game in such a way that the last mission is somehow the most rule of cool thing i could see happening on a ps1, if i the first game gave me something to look foward, this one might have made me a fan of the series.

also standart controls gang

EDIT : i just finished the extra aircrafts mode and lets just say the XFA-27 is my new lover and i will kiss that jet in the snout, all the new jets are very cool, i like how the extra mode lets the designs go balls to the wall and just invent crazy new shit , took me 6 hours in total to beat this game, it honestly felt like 2

there are 2 billion final missions in this game

Jueguito de aviones resultón para el año en el que salió, la historia no tiene mucha chicha pero un diseño de niveles chulo junto con una banda sonora que es fuego te dan unas 3/4 horas de juego muy divertidas

I think AC2 is a good entry after deciding to embark for this series. The usual campaign is 21 missions, each could take from literally a couple of minutes or 15-16 on the higher end depending on how good you are and whether you clear the map or just focus on the main objective. The campaign has a divergent path halfway through to encourage replays.
There's quite a few aircraft available but unlocking them is easy and most are straightforward upgrades rather being distinct fighters with quirks so usually you only decide between 2 prime planes depending on the mission.
The combat arcadey with enough difficulty that expectedly ramp up, I recommend learning the expert control layout because it gives you more control and a wider range of play, while the other exhausts combat quickly way before the campaign's over.
The soundtrack has some strong standouts, I never thought I'd be firing air to air missiles to a jazzy track. That was great.
Sequel is supposed to be the one starting the ace shenanigans so here we go.

An improvement in all fronts, especially in the music cause this shit is fire

Amazing aviation simulation game!
A lot of childhood memories here :)

Awww yeah, now that's a motherfucking video game sequel.

Ace Combat 2 is more Ace Combat. Bigger, bolder, better, the hallmarks of a killer sequel are all here and accounted for. The satisfying air combat dogfighting is even more fun, the campaign has more going on with alternative routes to up the replayability, and the soundtrack is as rocking as ever. Top notch stuff all around!

But what really makes AC2 better than the first game is that the "Alert! Body damaged!" sound effect only plays once or twice after getting shot, rather than 12 times in a row like the original.

Ace combat started come into it's own

Not a game series I originally thought I would be into, but after giving it a shot, I was pleasantly surprised by this. Fun game, and while I wouldn't say i'm a diehard fan, i'm definitely interested in trying out other games from the series.


Ainda continua sendo kino