Reviews from

in the past

Clunky but nostalgic, but couldn't finish it and probably never will

Replayed on ps5 through PS Now. Yup you read that right, REPLAYED. Sigh. Ok so sadly I can confirm that it's exactly like the NSwitch port but with faster load times. It's still has those pesky bugs like how the boat completely stops whenever I pause to check the map. The game should've included a mini map. Oh well, atleast it's a short and easy platinum. And besides, I love Adventure Time

If you don't know anything about Adventure Time I don't think I'd recommend this game at all, as it doesn't offer much for world building or give enough time to flesh out the characters.

That being said I enjoyed my time with this game, but in most cases even if you're an Adventure Time fan, I don't know if this game is significant enough to warrant your time.

Conceptually this game sounds awesome, a small island based open world game in the Land of Ooo, with large team turn based combat.

I have considered myself NOT a fan of most turn based combat for the last few years, but even for how shallow it is, I owe this game for getting me back into turn based strategy games.
I was upset with how short this game was so I got South Park: The Stick of Truth, which I'm glad about.

The amount of clunk in this game is not mathematical

It was alright, I stopped playing, not sure I really had a reason i just had way better games to play

Adore AT so just being in this world and being with the characters is almost enough for me. Almost. But unfortunately the game is plagued with multiple flaws.

Firstly, it just feels rushed and kinda half arsed. Only 10 hours to beat, including all side missions, is super short. Most of the amazing AT characters never even make an appearance, or only briefly pop up. The map is very small, with only around 3 or 4 main areas, with a couple of small islands. The option to not include fast travel is indicative of a design to make the game stretch out too, so half the game time is spent riding around in your boat, which is slow and cumbersome to control in itself. You include fast travel, or make the boat faster, and youve got a 5-6 hour game here. Also the map fucking sucks, the curser feels weighed down by lead.

Gameplay is ok. Standard RPG turn based mechanics, you got attacks, specials, and items. Fights never feel very exciting or challenging.

Graphics are colourful and bright. Voice acting is the highlight here, the amazing voice actors from AT are here, and they carry the game when the game itself kinda sucks.

There's no replay value here, there's very little incentive to complete side quests. The whole game just feels rushed and fairly uninspired. Oh and the ending sucks, its like a 1 minute cut scene that attempts to set up a sequel without really tying up anything in a satisfying way.

Really, just such a missed opportunity here.

I really wanted to like it, but it's just so damn buggy and slow. Sad unfulfilled potential, it already has the making of a great or atleast a decent game but alas. Glitches and bugs, you win this time.

I'm a pretty big fan of the show so I wanted to give this a shot, I think Adventure Time's worldbuilding lends itself well to videogames but has strangely not really had any particular breakout games. Pirates of the Enchiridion is a cute little game with fun, if simple, combat. The cutscenes are cute but there are so few and the game is often completely silent which is bizarre, it kind of feels incomplete and the game just...stops. If you are a fan of the show and want to waste an afternoon in Ooo then pick it up on a sale.

found a glitch that sends you flying into the air and out of bounds in the first 15 minutes of playing by complete accident.

Não acho que o jogo seja terrível, até me diverti com ele em boa parte do tempo, mas é inegável que o jogo te dá aquela sensação de lerdeza onde deveria te trazer algo fluído e dinâmico.