Reviews from

in the past

Y a un gameplay qu'a été un minimum bossé, mais bon c'est difficile d'exécuter des combos et de toute façon c'est pas grave parce que l'IA est à chier.
Manque cruel de variété de modes de jeu aussi. Le truc le plus amusant au final c'est de customiser sa toupie.

all i remember about this game was the gameplay being so mind numbing and the fact that the singleplayer gameplay was pretty much the exact same for every single character and had the same final boss at the end of each character's story. free beyblade though that was cool

When talking to people about video games, I mention "Hey, did you know that they made a beyblade arena fighter on the DS?"

Probably a cool game, but I dont think I ever totally got into it. I don't think I can fairly score it yet either.

It came with a free Beyblade that no one else had and it kicked all of their asses, and I didn't have to go to Toys R Us. The game is a mash A fest though. Mindless and numb of challenge.

Beyblade fighting game is a genuinely genius idea

I played this as a kid and thought it was really fun