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This new entry returns to the essence of the series roots, a more cartoonish run and gun experience with the multiplayer resulting in less camping and more essential arcade fast-paced action we’ve come to expect. However, it’s also very shaky and plagued with problems that need to be addressed quickly. On the other-hand, the campaign in the same streamline of the black ops storyline is excellent once again and zombies rocks like always bringing many new things to the table. A very welcome addition!

ugh what else can i say, it's call of duty again but this one is almost exactly the same as last years game but with different guns, i love the zombie modes in treyarch cods but this one ATM is so bad the launch map is so awful plus i'm so sick of dead ops i don't care for it at all, plus the campaign was so alright with a stupid plot twist at the end cause it's treyarch and they've gotta have one of them for some reason

One of my least fav cod games been a fan since WAW sad to see this franchise in such a rapid decline :c
the campaign was amaze doe


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In this installment COD makes you play as one of it's most bloodthirsty, emotionless, unforgiving protagonists in the entire series: a CIA operator.

In all seriousness, while the Bell twist is rather well done, it still feels a little too similar to the "what are the numbers mason???" twist from the first Black Ops. I can see what they were trying to do here, but I don't think it worked entirely. I actually enjoyed the dialogue options and multiple endings, actually made you feel like more of a person in the world instead of a passive observer, and it's pretty amazing for Treyarch to add an actual new mechanic into these games literally 20 years down the line. The Zombies storyline as well feels like it's trying to emulate the past Black Ops games without really getting why they were so popular to begin with. The design of the maps has improved, but the setting and environment isn't differentiated from the campaign enough, it doesn't really FEEL like the Nazi Zombies we know.

This game had a lot riding on it coming after MW19 and while it is a genuinely good game, there's too much holding it back to reach the heights this series has in the past.

Only played zombies. It was ok and fairly good casual experience. Doesnt compare to BO1-3 zombs

Enjoyed campaign format and solid multiplayer

Favorite campaign in cod history great zombies and a good multiplayer

The campaign kinda sucked. The multiplayer is still fun though. I miss the OG Black Ops.

There's a lot wrong with this game, but I can't deny that I played the hell out of 3v3 mode. It was a crazy time sync for me. Made a lot of friends and enemies playing this game.

i liked the zombies and the campaign,. multiplayer was a step down from mw but better than mw2-3

Valoraré solo el modo campaña para quien le interese, este COD trata sobre la guerra fría entre EEUU y la Unión Soviética, hace mucho que no me divertía tanto con un juego de disparos, es frenético sin tiempo para aburrirte, también tiene algún toque de buscar pistas y darle al coco que de vez en cuando viene bien y en un juego de "espías" es lo que toca, de los gráficos poco puedo decir tremendos la ambientación podría ser mejor y el apartado musical mejorable, pero queda una campaña bastante buena y de las mejores de los últimos años de esta saga.

Most fun I’ve had with a COD game in years.

One step forward, eight steps back and now falling down the stairs and getting paralyzed from the neck down.

gostei do zombies e do Multiplayer, e não joguei a campanha, é legal

alright campaign, the final levels were really cool.
multiplayer was cool had it not been for the horrible matchmaking
zombies is no longer fun

Bro decided to pick up MW2 so I'm done playing Cold War

Don't care much for COD Campaign's so I only did MP for this one and it's alright. A step down from MW2019 in some ways but other mechanics felt good. Definitely liked the Cold War spin on things more than the modern aesthetic. Overall a solid experience that will probably survive longer than Vanguard


best part of the campaign is getting the alternate ending where you change the trajectory of the cold war also zombies is fun i guess

Really liked the multiplayer in this. I don't know if this had a campaign but I did not play it.

Not too shabby. The campaign is a little weak at times but the ending is pretty cool.

still shitty the campaign was cool though

Un buen Call of Duty en términos generales. No sorprende, pero tampoco decepciona.

Sad entry, really could be better. Zombies sucks, multiplayer is mid, campaign is alright but otherwise it's mid

It's decent but modern warfare clears

I went into this game very skeptical after feeling disappointed with Black Ops 4. The rushed development for this title does fell apparent, but there is a good game here that is a lot of fun. Zombies is mechanically the best it's ever been, despite lackluster maps, and multiplayer kept me coming back.