Reviews from

in the past

Licensed games like this don't exist much anymore. I really like the TV show and I felt like why the hell not. I was actually pretty impressed with it. It's not a game changer or anything but there was more depth here than I expected. It reminds me of the old 16 bit power ranger games. Visually the game looks a bit low budgety but it's not a big deal. The gameplay mechanics are actually pretty great though. You have a 3 character party that you can switch out with a button press and can do some pretty decent combos and special moves. Gameplay feels great and is pretty balanced and honestly better than some other indie beat em ups. Replay value is pretty decent and if you can get it on the cheap side is easily worth a pick up if you like the source material. I can easily see myself going back to it later.

Let me put this into perspective.
I found this ambulance that had some awful textures, but it also had the word ambulance on it, but it was placed on backwords and all of Cobra Kai calling cards are just fucking jpegs they slapped on the ground.
Basically what I'm getting at is no cared while making this so why the fuck should I care about this shitty game.

It was okay. It's way more fun when you have your 4 characters all maxed out, but before that it's just so slow and boring. Also, technically I only finished the Cobra Kai story, but I don't have the energy to play the story again as Miyagi-Do, so I'm counting it as completed.

as a person who actually watched the show
this is based

Had a blast playing this co-op with my girl