Reviews from

in the past

constantly am on the edge of disaster but worth

Draining and soul-crushing in the best way possible, Don't Starve Together is perhaps one of the most complete survival game experiences on Steam.

aburrido luego de varias playthroughs

I had trouble keeping myself awake while playing this game. Fun with friends, though.

It's more fun with friends honestly.

half a star bc the douchebag who forced me to re-purchase it on ps4 to play it with him FLAKED great game tho

é divertido, principalmente com amigos. O único problema é que você precisa de uma conexão relativamente boa para jogar sem sofrer com lag.

bah... achei bem paia e difícil.

Kış Geldiği Zaman Oyun Çok Zorlaşıyor Sikerler

played it with friends and it got too complicated to enjoy tbh

I never completed it but I tried many many times. It's boring to play alone but it's really good when you play together.

this suffers from the survival game syndrome where i have no real objective and get bored fast

super laggy & rubber banding all over the place, tried multiple fixes/different hosts and nothing worked

I understand that the whole point of the game is that it's really difficult, however, it becomes really draining having to play this game over and over again hoping for a good spawn, since after you die, you cannot respawn in the same world. Really interesting game idea though, and it can have it's fun moments.

new to the game, a blast to play with friends

Give your friend all your food and then watch them die to some bees.

tell me why this is my longest played game. 1,400 hours put into this.

Makes me want to sleep, but with friends, it's pretty all-right.

it's fine if you have good wifi i guess

be miserable. with friends!

A solid game made all the better when with friends.

I can see the appeal, expecially considering the art style, but I couldn't get into the somewhat slow mechanics and expecially slow start.

Plus I have no idea why but after half a hour of playing this I'd always feel very sleepy

The game can be pretty brutal in terms of difficulty but it leverages it with an already celebrated art style and cherishable moments in its bleak atmosphere.

Cool art style but the game itself is painfully unfun.

Will never forget the time i got framed and blamed for stealing the carrots that could have helped us survive through winter to later find out they were used by the spider monster boy to grow his army bigger.

no começo voce nao sabe o que ta fazendo e depois parece que voce ta no começo mas é um jogo legal pra jogar com os amigo

Making this game co-op was such a great idea