Reviews from

in the past

(Part 1 review, idk if backlogg'd will seperate part 1 and 2 when it comes out)
All the good stuff in Doom Eternal is back, kicking you straight into 3 levels of endgame doom eternal. Mandatory sections of this game feel like base game slayer gates, and its fuckin tight.
However, every new enemy they added to the DLC is unbelievably annoying. I don't think I ever enjoyed seeing any of them show up. Turrets are an honest waste of time, spirits are a cool idea but the embodiment of DE forcing you to fight things a particular way that's kinda a drag (also fighting two of them is hard pullingly annoying), and whatever the last thing was also Just Annoying I Dont Have A cool Phrase For That One
All of this cumilated to an unbeleivably frustrating final boss, but maybe thats just my salt speaking as I got fucking pissed at not one but two double spirit phases.
On another note, I know people dont play doom for the story but the story of doom 2016 was honestly pretty interesting and it's really disappointing that basically everything from that game was tossed aside and everything that happened in that game was actually done by super angels. everything. was always god plans. thank you drake.

The base levels are actually a bit tighter designed than base Doom Eternal - The story is a little more nonsense and not conveyed very well, and i do miss having access to the doomslayer's base and progression, but nonetheless The Ancient Gods shows a promising path for Doom Eternal.
Ancient Gods part one is only mostly let down by a poor final boss fight, but i was surprised to see the base game's most annoying enemies used a bit more cleverly this time around.

Part 1 is basically just more of Doom eternal but pushed further and harder, it may have been just me but I think part 1 is harder than part 2.
The three levels are all unique, large and well constructed with the 2nd level in the blood swamps being my personal favourite.
There are afew new enemy types that shake up gameplay a bit and the spirit enemies are especially challenging to deal with in a large brawl and the final boss was decent, nothing amazing but it was interesting.
The visuals and landscapes are just as breathtaking as they were in the main game but overall part 1 suffers from just being very similar to the base game which is definitely not a huge problem if you love it and I do.

Exploration and progression from the base game trimmed away exclusively in favor of stringed-together combat arenas, paired up with some obnoxious enemy design. Story beginning to hit the shitter big time.
Feels like a $20 canonical nuts.wad.

It's DOOM alright. The story is not why you should play this, but more shooting and slashing isn't the worst thing in the world.

Más DOOM Eternal siempre está bien y eso es justo lo que ofrece este DLC.

Niveles más simplificados en favor de ofrecer más peleas multitudinarias. Está bien, pero los picos de dificultad son absurdos y hay zonas que son directamente frustrantes si no bajas la dificultad.

Los nuevos mapas son muy chulos y los nuevos enemigos están bien aunque algo desequilibrados (especialmente los espíritus).

Me ha gustado, pero no me ha maravillado. A ver qué tal la segunda parte.


More DOOM Eternal is always good and that's exactly what this DLC offers.

More simplified levels favoring huge fights. It's fine, but the difficulty spikes are absurd and some areas are downright frustrating if you don't lower the difficulty.

The new maps are cool and the new enemies are fine, although a bit unbalanced (mostly the spirits).

I liked it, but I didn't wow me. Let's see how's the second part.

This was insanely hard and kicked my ass but damn if it wasn’t fun. Can’t wait to play the second part. Fuck that final boss tho.

le quito una estrella porque el jefe final es absurdamente complicado y se les fue la mano con cantos marauders

Very fun, but I played before the patch that lowered the difficulty and I found it very exhausting, I'd need to take breaks after each level or 2. The final boss was also pretty infuriating and unfun.

At the end of Doom Eternal, I was left with a bit of disappointment. Too many things were forced into the game and it got tiresome towards the end. New enemies were uninteresting and slowed the pace down some, too much platforming, and the difficulty was all over the place no matter what difficulty setting you were on. The Ancient Gods, sadly, exacerbates this by adding a new enemy that, once again, slows the pace down and is just an excuse to use a certain weapon mod. There are no new weapons, just three newish levels. I say newish as the third level – The Holt – is a recycled Urdak level. It’s boring and uninteresting, yet the first level, UAC Atlantic, is just a giant science center in the ocean. The Swamps, the second level, was the most interesting of the three, but they aren’t amazing overall.

The story takes place right after the ending of Eternal with Doomguy trying to kill the one true Seraphim God to end all demons. It’s mostly just dialog over intercom here and there and just barely advances the already silly Doom Eternal story. Outside of a few codex pages, there’s not much else to the story here. In fact, there are even fewer secrets to find. Just 1ups, BFG ammo, codex pages, and there are six Gore Nests and three Slayer Gates. The Gates will give you an extra perk that has been added, which aren’t very useful, and the Gore Nests reward new Slayer Skins. That’s pretty much it for secrets, but the levels are very long and incredibly difficult. Combat arenas are tougher and longer and I died numerous times in each level even on the lowest difficulty. This is my biggest issue with Doom Eternal. Doom 2016’s areas felt hand-tailored, but Eternal’s feel randomized. Even the final boss is insanely difficult with too much jumping and worrying about obstacles rather than just shooting.

The Ancient Gods feels mostly like stuff from the cutting room floor rather than an actual expansion. There’s almost nothing new here outside of 2.5 new levels and a few perks and two irritating enemies. Yes, like Maurader and Maykyr Drone, these enemies just slow the pace down. We get another Maykr Drone that has a shield and is only vulnerable when it’s down, and then there are the Spirits. These possess demons and make them stronger and the only way to kill them is to use the Microwave Beam or kill all the enemies in the area so it disappears. Super annoying, not any fun at all, and just slows things down. I would have liked to see a new weapon or a new actual demon.

Overall, The Ancient Gods are still fast-paced and fun Eternal combat, but it’s just not enough new to be considered anything more than some lost levels. Fewer secrets, new annoying enemies, insanely pumped up the difficulty, longer and less interesting levels, and only three new perks. It’s still plenty of fun and if you finished Eternal early on then this will give you a few hours of mayhem to get another taste, but it’s nothing to write home about.

Pretty much just more Doom Eternal.

Was kinda in the mood for more Bethesda stuff after Redfall (excited for that) and Starfield(ehhhhhhhhhhhh) was shown at the Xbox show so decided to play through this quickly. Pretty much what I expected from a Doom Eternal dlc but some stuff kinda annoyed me. Mainly the new enemies all fucking sucked ass to fight with the spirit in particular being possible Eternals worst designed enemy. That being said the encounters still felt super good and having everything upgraded made each encounter feel incredibly fair and satisfying as hell to get through. Also definitely gotta give credit to the phenomenal art direction and music (I prefer Mick Gordons work but Andrew Hulshult did a fantastic job as well).

As I said pretty much more Doom Eternal so its pretty great and Im excited to mess around with Ancient Gods Part Two.


Doom Eternal, much like its 2016 predecessor, was a complete package and one of the best first-person shooters campaigns ever made. But id Software has found the urge to expand upon Eternal, a feeling it did not have with 2016’s reboot, with The Ancient Gods Part 1. This debut episode continues where Eternal left off and instead of feeling like a half-baked WAD, it ends up being one hell of a satisfying, challenging expansion.

Read the full review here:

Ancient Gods - Part One é como uma grande Master Level. Sério, é bem mais difícil que o jogo base e você precisa ter dominado o combate do jogo na campanha principal pra progredir na DLC.

Com isso dito, essa DLC é foda demais.

yani yeni bir şey yok sadece hikaye devam ediyor, üç yeni boss fight var o kadar. daha fazla doom eternal'dan fazlası değil

Hacía tiempo que no me daban tantos palos en un juego. No sé si es que se perdió algo de balance respecto al original, o que lo que los nuevos enemigos no están del todo bien integrados, pero lo sentí distinto, menos 'justo'

(Review of just part 1)

More Doom Eternal which is a great thing.

The encounter design is great, and arguably better than the base game due to it being balanced around having your whole loadout from the start. It definitely is balanced assuming you've mastered the game loop though, as it's a lot more difficult than the base game. A couple new enemies are thrown into the mix which serve to make old enemies more interesting as well as spice up the combat in their own way.

The sections between big combat rooms feel a lot better here too due to more intermittent enemies and more engaging platforming puzzles.

Really my only complaint is that there's no new weapons and that a couple of the arenas feel a bit too cramped. Looking forward to part 2.

I played this on "I'm Too Young to Die" and thought it was tough, and this is post-nerf apparently.
An exhilerating and challenging continuation to the base game that puts your combat mastery to the test amid stunning locations, breathtaking setpieces, and, as always, badass demons that you can kick the shit out of in all its gory glory. If you crave more chaos after beating the base game, this is the next logical step.

"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should"

Fewer, yet longer and more detailed, levels (good!)

Plot (bad!)

pretty enjoyble for more experience players but can be extremely fustrating to new ones

I genuinely really liked this DLC. Went into it thinking there would be something that'll really bring the experience down. To my surprise, a lot of this game was actually an improvement on the base game. There are some flaws which is why I understand why people don't like this DLC but in my opinion it's definitely worth your while.

- The combat takes it up a step further without the need of changing difficulty. Some of the shootouts and slayer gates really tested my abilities
- The first level blew me away. The contrast between fire and water was brilliant and the level was like 2 hours long!
- All the other levels are absolutely gorgeous and each of them have a different aesthetic to the base game
- There are new abilities to unlock which caught me off guard
- The new bosses are better than those from the base game which isn't saying much but it's still something

- The new enemies are quite hit or miss. They increase difficulty but one of the enemies require you to use a specific weapon mod which is absurd
- It has a pretty decent game length but once again the price tag doesn't justify the content it brings
- This DLC counts as a separate experience to the main game meaning that every upgrade and mod is already unlocked. It was a little bit annoying having to re-equip all my preferences

Ancient Gods was really fun overall and I recommend getting it when it's on offer as I did. It's just more Doom and personally I can't wait for part 2!

More Doom Eternal, which is good.
More lore, which is bad.
The new spirit enemy sucks and the lasts boss double sucks.
Played on Ultra-Violence and I don't think it was that much harder than the main game?

Good, weird difficulty spike from the campaign tho. Still amazing Doom content. Worse music cause no Mick Gordon but Andrew and David do good as well.

Felt it was decent but was pretty short for the asking price. Not too many stages, but the stages here felt like they dragged on for too long. It’s great for eternal fans, but that’s really about it.

Love this, builds off the game completely naturally. Seraphim boss fight could be better.

cool expansion. lore and story wise it moves a little too fast for my taste and does some things with vega and ol' sam that feel a little strange I liked the simplicity of sam and vega in doom 2016, and the music isn't as memorable without mick gordon but it's still a great expansion and I had a lot of fun with it. super duper cool set pieces and some awesome areas

Base game was merely building your arsenal, but this cleverly nudges you to master it. Beating TAG 1 on nightmare means you got in the proper reaping and tearing zone. Play in moderation slayers.

Oyun için söylediğim her şey geçerli ama bi yarım puanı kırıyorum çünkü kısa sürsede kompakt bir hikaye yok hadi o neyse doom bu ama oyun düşmanları boca edercesine üzerinize salmaya başlıyor hatta kombo yapamıyorsunuz. Baya sinir oldum ama genel olarak güzek bir deneyimdi.