Reviews from

in the past

amazing. pure silly goofy fun. god bless XBLA and also rip XBLA

buy cool ranch cheesy hot and spicy doritos

The follow up to Doritos Dash of Destruction, but you actually had to work to get the achievements this time. Remember this game being a pretty decent game for being free.

En los días de Xbox Live, o estabas grindeando un shooter o jugabas a esta mierda

I actually used to speedrun this. Something about it's weird physics and collision detection made it feel like a rollercoaster where all the tracks were covered in soap and grease, which made it hilarious to play for an hour a day for eight months.

Good mechanics, but very repetitive and short. Glad it's free.

Surprisingly great Wipeout TV Show inspired free 2D platformer. The physics and handling are pretty loose, but that only makes it feel like an authentic wacky obstacle course. There's a lot of fun courses here (including 10 dlc ones that were a nice addition later on) that are all really fun to race through multiple times as you first figure out how to tackle them, then improve your time on the leaderboard in subsequent runs. Despite its origins as a free ad game, this game kicks a lot of ass.

put this on steam you cowards

Great platformer where you play as your avatar against other friends. Was a great game to pick up when there wasn't any games coming out at the time back in the day

This was the game you played when you and your friends (who had bad taste in games) didn’t have the same game

Eu odeio esse jogo pqp que raiva

Such a fun party game to play with friends. Would randomly come back to this game once every few months for years and was always fun. The courses were challenging and brought so many laughs. A lot of nostalgia for this one.

Underrated gem IMO. For a free game, it's got a lot of replayability and it's a riot online with both randoms and friends. Found myself getting pretty good at this one back in the day, with it being one of my first experiences with time trials and competitive online gaming. Still regularly revisit it even now. Screw Fall Guys, this is the Wipeout game we really truly deserved.

I thought I would win a bag of Doritos if I beat this game

A ideia desse jogo é muito boa, ela foi executada bem, porém é muito fácil de enjoar querendo ou não.

what the hell was I thinking

I played for 2 hours, passed almost all the levels, got tired of it, didn’t go any further, the obstacles are certainly interesting, but only at first, then everything repeats itself and gets boring


i remember watching smosh gaming play this one time when i was like probably 9 or something and one of them called one of the obstacles "The Ballbuster" and i changed my XBOX gamertag to "Ballbuster6464" with no idea what it meant

So much nostalgia for this.

I don't think that you really care about game quality when you're young, so a total wipeout esc game would have definitely grabbed my attention.

I unironically really love this game. It's just super damn fun game with a really good feeling sense of movement.

Sleeper of a game on Xbox 360 — and it was free! It was so much fun that I paid the extra $3 or whatever to 100% the game.

its probably not good but this was my childhood

XBOX. 360. CLASSIC. Having your avatar run around this obstacle course all goofy, and even doing it with friends was a fucking blast, man.

never thought i’d see hatty hattington in wipeout but ok

A throwback to a casual cheap and fun game