Reviews from

in the past

A visual feast with two great games. With enhanced art and music, and tons of extra in-game content this is a must-buy for all JRPG fans.

ffx is my favorite ff
x2 is an alright game

good shit. tells a good story in a reasonable time frame, great music, fun cast with solid development. truly special

X-2: Haha cutscene skip goes BRRRRRRRRRRRR

God what a good ending on both of these.

Dress Spheres are good and should be in more shit. Every class/job/role in every game should have a magical girl transformation with it.

I only beat X this time.
X- I liked most of the cast, the story was cool and it's something you can discuss, the setting was pretty cool, and the music I noticed.

otimo remaster do X e do jogo que não existe

The first 20 hours of this game are amazing, I enjoyed the first half of this game almost as much as FF VII, but then the game starts to drag a little bit at the 30 hour mark, and finally the last 10 hours take a dive from a writing/dialogue/plot/pacing view (after the date scene), causing the climax of this game to not land for me.

It really shows that 20% of players on Xbox got to the date scene (30 hour mark) but only 6% of players finished the game.

The battle system is my favorite of the 3d Final Fantasies so far (have played VII, VIII, IX), it felt fast for the first 30 hours of the game, but again, for some reason enemies at the climax have really long animations that hurt the pacing of this game.

Tidus and Yuna are great in general, the only problem I have with Tidus is his whole "this is my story" gimmick, it honestly doesn't make sense to me. In the case of Yuna its really noticeable that the voice director told the voice actress to deliver her lines in the most monotone way possible, which ends up affecting some dramatic scenes, though it kinda works for other scenes.

Seymour is by far the most pathetic villain so far in this FF games, he literally does nothing, he is just there, you end up killing him like 4 times. At first I thought the whole "uniting cultures" stuff was gonna be a theme with this villain, but nope, he just wants everyone to die, very disappointing villain.

The supporting cast is mostly alright, Wakka ended up being a standout, since I was surprised to have a racist party member lol, at least he grows out of it at the end of the game.

This game continues the trend of IX, which means, female npcs outfits are weirdly oversexualized, which is kinda yikes.

The general plot is typical FF non-sense, which is part of the charm of this franchise, but since this is the first FF game that uses 3D environments and almost no pre-rendered backgrounds it ends up really hurting the presentation, since most locations had really flat textures, which felt disconnected from the fantastical descriptions the game wanted to show.

I really dislike the trend of the final boss of this games having an unique mechanic that can insta-kill your party, I had a busted Yuna with double cast and Ultima and still had to look up how to beat Sin, since I didn't knew I had to use the talk mechanic and other stuff in a very specific way, it sucked the fun out of this last boss.

Finally the "last" boss of this game is a total drag, its pretty much a cutscene, but worse since its a slog of a "battle", again because of not knowing I had to cast reflect on the boss, it ended up taking me triple the time to defeat it.

If the Xbox version had the cheats of the VII, VIII and IX remasters, this game would probably be an 8 for me.

Finally, the trials are pure trash, Zelda wanna be puzzles that are complete trial and error non-sense, this trials alone docked and entire point.

I enjoyed it in general, but I will probably never replay this game.

Gostei tanto do X! Um FF com dificuldade muito equilibrada e história excelente!

Warning: Only played FFX, not FFX-2.

Incredibly beautiful game visually, mechanically is really good but didn't age well.

Almost excellent

an amazing, memorable, messy, game that shows its age just a lil bit. but my god i LOVEEE the story in this game so much its insane

This is a case of... I should have kept my nostalgia perfect.

I still love the game, but it did not quite capture me as much as it did in my youth.

(Never finished X-2, this just applies to FFX)
One of the few FF I finished. Visually it's a treat, and while some of the cast can be annoying, they're generally pretty good, with Tidus and Auron being a highlight. FFX has one of my favorite battle systems in the entire series, being a traditional turn based system where turn order is dependent not only on agility, but also on the actions commited in the battle. Couple that with the unique Sphere Grid replacing traditional leveling and you have some very solid gameplay that doesnt get old.

Don't think this one is my thing, but I could eventually come back to it.

If Square bothered to remap lip flaps to dialogue and fixed the stiff walking during cutscenes this game would be Heaven on Earth.

After 13 years the first time I saw this game I finished it myself, with some help with guides because the last boss was a b-. What an amazing game I now get to say I've finished.

I played a bunch of X HD. Didn't get too far. Would love to have re-beat it and try to get 100% as well as actually try to beat X-2. Oh well.

I've only ever touched FFX in this collection, but I'm sure I'll get around to X-2 someday, maybe.

Haven't played X-2, the score is for X

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I thought knowing that Tidus was dead before starting playing this was gonna make the ending less impactful, but nope, the tears came anyway lmao. I love the characters and the world of this game so much, I do not know why I didn't play this sooner, like c'mon me. I cheesed the final boss mixing with Rikku "Trio of 9999", because fuck the big rocks and the dark aeons that didn't let me get important stuff to power level. FFX is now one of my favourites FF.

I really don't like it. It feels way too linear, in an FFXIII kinda way, and I couldn't bring myself to care about most of the characters either. The music was definitely great though. I didn't even both with trying X-2 after giving up on X. ALSO, HOLY FUCK Blitzball is the worst goddamned thing to exist.

Quizá de las mejores ambientaciones e historias que nos brinda esta saga, pese a todos sus problemas es un juego realmente sólido. Mención especial al tablero de esferas.

a better performing FFX and FFX-2 still sucks so nothing new there.

Amazing game and an amazing remaster!