Reviews from

in the past

This DLC is most comparable to the Sky fortress DLC from JC3. It gives you a cool new movement option, as well as a bunch of challenges to partake in and a few ships to blow up.

I didn't really like the hoverboard at first because it felt very reliant on the rails to actually function. The more i used it, the better I got with it and it is a really fun utensil to use. You can gain massive momentum and it even works on water.

While the hoverboard is the main attraction, Rico gets a few more cool gadgets for his arsenal. Boats, helicopters and a couple of cool weapons all give you more variety to blow stuff up. Nothing special but it's still more than the 'Los Demonios' DLC.

There is also a change in enemies this time. The new enemies have acquired a very nice upgrade that I won't spoil and there is even a boss fight. The boss is a little bit easy with the right equipment however it was still really cool to see.

One final thing is the DLCs length. I could complete it in a few hours which isn't all that great. There are optional races to complete and it's longer than the Sky Fortress DLC but I still don't think that the price is justified.

Please don't end the Just Cause series here, there is so much potential for a JC5.

Actually is a little better than the main game. The addition of fighting other agents is something I'm surprised has never been explored in this series before.