Reviews from

in the past

Great fucking story, great characters and gameplay. But it feels rushed, the open world everything is so empty it feels like they had so much planned but it got cut. The story saves the game big time

Orjinal oyunu nasıl bozabildiniz.

an alright game that is undeniably inferior to the first from a story perspective. not gonna bother comparing the two considering how different their gameplay is but as a "definitive edition", this is far from a flawless experience. over a year since launch it's still buggy and very inconsistent performance-wise. not in any position to comment on how it looks compared to the original version because i never played it but it's just baffling how much was let slide with this release that still hasn't been properly patched. all of the radio station music is incredible though and the atmosphere is unmatched, i will give it that

game holds up better on replay. weirdly felt easier on the hardest difficulty? remaster still sucks dick.

Aged like milk, but not as hard as 1. Still very worth it for the story. BETTER GRAMPHICS WOO. Just glad to have it on something other than Xbox.

they fixed the bugs on the older version, but added more, some sound bugs (the music of the cutscene keeps playing in gameplay; the character dialog is playing twice).

Decent if dated game. The soundtrack is great and there are some fun set-pieces throughout (namely the window cleaning mission). However, whilst the game has a really good final few hours most of the plot is plodding and a lot of the missions are simply driving between locations.

The actual gameplay has some pretty major issues. Gunplay is clunky and unforgiving and the checkpoint system is ludicrously unbalanced - Once my game crashed 20 minutes into a mission and when I loaded back in I had to start from scratch.

This brings up the other major issue: the bugs. The game is full of technical issues. In the ~10 hours it took me to beat this game it crashed 3 or 4 times, textures constantly popped in and out with a slew of visual issues, and repeating audio forced a few more restarts.

It's not a bad game but this remaster feels low-effort at best.

This remaster is asscheeks. After the first time skip it's like the farther you get into the game the more the shoddy craftsmanship of it shows itself. Frame rate is unbearable. Stuttering on fucking console???? Constant visual glitches, and Im fairly certain after a certain montage cutscene the music that plays in it isn't supposed to keep playing after it but it does.

Developers really need to stop trying to revitalize an ip and see if it still has people who care for it with the world's shittiest remasters this shit is so tiring.

more like the Definitively Buggy Edition

queria fazer uma review sobre o quão FODA é mafia 2, mas meu primeiro contato com o jogo foi justamente com o remake, e MEU deus, que desastre é esse remake, é bonito graficamente (por mais que pareça um shader baixado no nexus (se fosse seria mais bonito)), mas nossa que desempenho porco, trocentas missoes que eu fiquei com o jogo rodando a 2 FPS, trocentas vezes de carros surgindo do nada na minha frente, bugs toda hora, IA burra que simplesmente te atrapalha quase toda hora, o save que não funciona direito, bug em cutscene, tudo DESAGRADA TANTO nesse remaster

A unica coisa boa é possivelmente o melhor ponto do jogo original, a história. E como foi meu primeiro contato com o jogo, o que falar dessa historia foda pra caralho? scaletta é simplesmente fodastico, muito foda ver todo o arco desse personagem, a relação dele com o Joe é engraçada e foda demais, muitas missoes desse jogo sao extremamente bem feitas, por mais que eu tenha achado o jogo bem curto no final de tudo

no geral é um jogo com uma puta historia (por causa do jogo original) o remaster em si não tem NENHUMA melhora ao jogo original, com toda certeza quem jogou o original e esse remaster, prefere o original

vindo de alguém que amou Mafia 1 Remake, bem feito e conseguiu deixar o jogo bem moderno, jogar esse remaster de um jogo que na história é bem melhor que o antecessor, faz parecer que o 1 é o melhor da saga

pela história é 10/10. mas como tenho que julgar o remake, um 6 tá ótimo, não vale o sofrimento, joguem o original.

Yani remake olmayan halinin üzerine pek bir şey yok. Yine de oynanır. Keşke silinen şeyleri geri getirselermiş.

So there's not much on the non-remake version. It's still playable. I wish they would bring back the deleted stuff.

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Oh, this edition is very definitive. They improved the resolution for the game, textures, and added lots and lots of bugs.
My advise: play the original version.

A sloppy remaster of a great game.

I love the original version of Mafia II, but as of the time I dropped this game, it's unfortunately the worst way to play the game. Particle effects have been downgraded and yet the game still runs worse despite looking the same (at least on PC, may be better in comparison to the original console release). All three DLCs are lackluster with only Joe's Adventures only really being worth the play to bridge a small gap in the story. Odd graphics glitches such as melting faces and AI outright breaking in the remaster is what leads to me to give it a poor score.

Go out of your way to try and pick up the original on Xbox 360 or PS3, and stay far away from this remaster.

Difficulty spike in Chapter 14 caused me to bail on this game. Age has not been kind to this game. It blew my mind in 2011 when it came out, but in 2021 it's difficult to play, looks bad, and the story is just so-so.

It was a really solid experience, but ending just kinda messed everything up for me.... Still really good story with great characters and with super good cutscenes. Gameplay is pretty solid too and shooting mechanics are satisfactory, close combat is rough but when you get the pattern you can get through melee fights very easily. Driving is ok i guess, but i really didn't like long and meaningless driving sections.

And i think this is an acceptable port. I downloaded og version thinking i will have a better experience but NOPE, turns out original version doesn't like when you have a powerful pc and get more than 60FPS. So installed DE and it ran very good. Not 165FPS, not 144FPS but it ran above 120FPS most of the time and yeah not really good for a remaster but game looks pretty and i can live with that.

I didn't play the original version (obviously), so i can't compare two versions but if you have old machine or less powerful machine you can rock with og version no problem. But if you have newer 7 level cpus and a monitor that supports more than 60FPS go for the Mafia 2 Definitive Edition, size is bigger but for me it was worth the waiting.

For me this was a revisit of a game that I discovered and enjoyed years prior between middle and high school when I first became interested in Mafia and Gangster films and media. going back to it now I was hit by a surprising amount of nostalgia but also was able to more clearly see the game's gameplay issues and some story pacing issues and the game's empty world map. However the game excels where it needs to for a mafia story, which is the dynamics between all of the characters, giving a great story that takes inspiration from both Coppola and Scorsese films alike. And so if you do decided to play this game, this is definitely the version to play

Why play this when games like Witcher or Skyrim exist?

Masterpiece. Amazing story and gameplay.

A remaster that doesn’t quite hold up, yes there are lots of elements of this game that are great however this remaster is simply just a downgrade. Plenty of performance issues as I played and the open world feels sort of… empty. Not much to do other than the main missions. Main missions feel well paced and great up until the last 5 chapters imo. 2.5/5 for me (would’ve been 3/5 if it wasn’t for glitches)

The story was as good as the first. The gameplay, like the first, wasn't the best.

I don't know if it's a bad port or if it's just aging poorly, but I struggled to enjoy this. I played the game back on the 360 and remember really loving it, but this was a slog! It has its moments early on but after a while it becomes the most repetitive thing ever. Watch a cutscene, drive to point A, watch a cutscene, drive to point B, watch a cutscene, shooting gallery, watch cutscene, drive to point C. That's it and it is ROUGH! Found myself wondering why I was pushing through it all. And I mean, this is a GTA clone, the formula shouldn't have come as a surprise, but the problem is the mechanics suck. The driving is so bad it started to become funny to me. I challenge you to get where you're going without destroying your engine or t-boning a cop car after which he chases you around the block while you crash into everything in sight.
After struggling with all that, I even lost interest in the story. Oh also, some mindblowing game breaking bugs. (Like when a character tells you to go to a sewer entrance so you follow the waypoint and discover that the entire sewer portion of the map hasn't even spawned in) I was really looking forward to revisiting this. What a bummer

Que jogo PERFEITO vsfd, tava tão focado, tão imerso na historia que simplesmente eu tava na ultima missão eh nem percebi kkkkk (essa versão teve alguns bugs, como o cabelo do vito sumindo do nada, joe sumindo em algumas cutscenes kkkkkk.

Em geral passei mais raiva do que me diverti.
A mira é um pé no saco, a direção é um pé no saco, a polícia é um pé no saco, a demora entre os checkpoints é um pé no saco.
O que salva é a história. Achei um puta final.

very fun game with a pretty good story but id be lying if I said there weren't parts that absolutely pissed me off

Last chapters could be better but in overall it’s A very good game,story and characters are so well written gun play and drive are so solid too.