Reviews from

in the past

A common criticism is that the controls are bad. And while this is true, i think the controls work fine in the context of the game. The monsters move-sets are very basic, they charge, they bite, they swipe they're tails or they hip-check you. This means that keeping track of the monster even with the awkward controls is not that hard.
With that benig said, Monster Hunter 1 has some other problems. The small monster usually represent a bigger threat than the big monster, which is just silly. Your inventory space is quite small. The camera on some zones just didn't work. And the grind required to advance in the city is just absurd.
But despite all this problems, this game still has moments where the monster hunter gameplay shines, moments where the game is actually fun. It just happens that this moments not always occur and most of the times you're forced to deal with the frustrating part of the game.

(beat village Monoblos, got the credits) Genuinely one of the worst games I've ever played held up E N T I R E L Y by my retrospective love for this stupid franchise and having the best theme in video games. Battling the CAMERA was more of a struggle than anything from World or Rise, let alone the controls.
>but muh soul
Shut up, this game is ass and 3U is the best Monster Hunter thank you goodnight.

En kötü Monster Hunter oyunu.

It was clunky. It was full of game mechanics poorly explained.
This game set the foundation for the series and if you played it back then, the atmosphere it created was incredible.

the worst controls I have played with in a LONG TIME. shit was rough (ruff)

Attacking with the control stick? That's new

A great start to a great series. Much to improve upon tho

You'd be surprised on how solid they got the formula right at the start of the series for what was essentially just a tech demo for online capabilities. Especially if you have experiences games like MHW already, there's a lot of value and even fun to be had if you're willing to engage with it. Although using unorthodox control methods by modern standards, it actually plays real well within the context of the game.

I would highly recommend playing the JP version and looking up MhOldschool, as that will let you play the online portion again via fan servers for the true, full experience.

I only had access to the village quests, need to play through the Japanese version to get the full experience with the online using Monster Hunter Old School's private servers.
A interesting conversation about instant gratification in video games could be made here, especially comparing this to World and Rise. I'm not gonna do it though, maybe another time.
I find myself with the urge to play it more despite the intense frustration it caused me. Patience is the name of the game, and it gives quite a different experience to any of the other newer games in the series.

The good old days of bad game design and shitty camera control

Controles pésimos, farmeo excesivo, rathalos es un dolor en el culo, adoro este juego

The first non MMO online game I ever played. Put 400 hours into this game with friends online. Just a wonderful game, it has it's problems for sure. But man there are few games like this - and it had a profound effect on me.

Um amigo meu me recomendou esse game lá na época do ps2, ele dizia que jogava online via cabo. Comprei o game com meus únicos 5 contos, porém pra minha infelicidade não consegui conectar meu ps2 na internet, então joguei alguns minutos dele sozinho mesmo e depois larguei mão.

Deve ter sido muito daora pra quem conseguiu jogar na época, hoje os servidores devem estar todos fechados.

I spent many hundreds of hours on this game when it came out. It was the first online multiplayer game I really got into, and despite the poor reviews and wonky controls, I knew this series had the potential to become something special as a kid. There's something special about watching an underrated favorite turn into one of the more respected franchises in gaming. It's not worth playing this game now as most of the content is locked to the online mode, which has been dead since 2006.

One of the first games that changed my whole life. I started to learn English because of it. I remember pretty well, I had to deliver 5 blue mushrooms and was like "what is a blue mushroom..."

For sure the game is not the best one out of the series, but it was good enough to make me fall in love with the game!!!

Still holds up to this day, even with the release of more modern titles like World and Rise. The only bad thing I have to say about this game is the difficulty, this game is HARD.

An extremely basic and often dull experiment for the monster hunter gameplay loop. The grind is a slog, the actual monster fights are boring, most enemies are just reskins of each other and rathalos can go die, but it does feel good to conquer it. Would not recommend unless you love monster hunter and want to see the beginning

Giving it extra credit for being the first, but it certainly doesn't stand up to some of the better entries in the series, like Unite, 4U, or Rise.

The first Monster Hunter is a disaster of a game because the controls are horrible, the concept of using the analog as an attack is really stupid, combine that with the unresponsive camera and the disgusting hitboxes, makes the game really unenjoyable in some aspects.

decent first game but I don't feel like playing it when MHFU exists

For what its worth, its pretty good, as a first try its mindblowing. So much of this game's design decisions still exist in modern MH, specifically the balance of inventory item limits, which have been virtually untouched since their inception in 2004. Once you get over the more simple nature of combat, small monsters, and controls, you get a very enjoyable singleplayer experience. The online however, is painfully grindy, in the worst way; aimless points to progress, which automatically drops this game down an entire star for me, as mindless grinding is never a good idea. The worldbuilding and dialogue of this game are pretty great, and the theming of this generation is very unique, and hasn't been replicated in full by any other MH game since. Go play MH Freedom instead if you want Gen 1 MH.

Imagina quejarte porque atacas con el stick lol

This came out a full year after Shadow Tower Abyss yet someone at Capcom still thought using the analog to attack was a good idea.

It’s the worst MH game. I appreciate it for starting my favorite series but between the terrible controls and limited content, MH1 is not easy to go back to.

Compared to the later entries playing this feels like a chore. Everything is slow and a pain, it just hasnt aged well at all

It's definitely uh....interesting. I liked starting as a silly cavewoman.

The game was pretty unique and fun

Then I got into high rank