Reviews from

in the past

Its because of this game that I've lost all interest in 2D Mario. Completely bland and basic level design and barely any challenge to boot. There were at least alternate level exits and hidden worlds to find, which is probably the only plus I can give it. And holy shit, those freaking 'Bahs' all throughout the ost. Awful.

This slapped harder than my parents belt when I got a B

The most unique of the NSMB games, isn't much of a challenge but still important for bringing Mario back to tradition

Mario gets big in this one when i was 8 i got stock on like the third level for three months and i would keep trying to beat it but i never could

While it's unfortunate that it went on to define the Mario franchise's aesthetic and tone, New Super Mario Bros was a refreshing throwback when it released and is still pretty fun.

Honestly really good, except for the fact that this game claimed the life of my first DS phat, so it's actually awful

This came out on my birthday. It's also mostly just fine.

Good return to form for 2d Mario.

pretty cool game, had some neat cool stuff

2d mareo but its a bit too safe and lame

I forgot to review this one. Played in close proximity to Mario land 2, I'm able to compare and contrast the two. While I think Mario land 2 is objectively a bit better, there's emphasis on "a bit." I may have had more fun with this one.
The biggest advantage this has over that is the controls. In my eyes, the NSMB series is 2D Mario controlling at its finest. It's super fun just to run through the levels, triple jumping, wall jumping and ground pounding the whole way through. The levels are really well designed, and can actually be a little challenging. There's some creative concepts, particularly in world 8. The bosses are a massive upgrade too, which is saying a lot since they're still pretty easy. The pixely 3D models give it a unique charm compared to the other games in it's series, and the soundtrack is fantastic. I still think the castle theme from this game is the best in any Mario game, competing with Dark Road from 64.
It's nowhere near perfect though. It's pretty easy, it's still short, and it's still an NSMB game. It's pretty generic, even if that's understandable since it was the first really modern platformer. It may not be as unique, but it's a solid entryin a fantastic series. It definitely is an NSMB game. Those are repetitive together, but really fun on their own. It's a tough game to hate, so yeah. Easy recommendation.

My first Mario game outside of shitty flash games and honestly a wonderful return to form. Not perfect but it never needed to be. Shame Nintendo would milk the hell out of this once it became a franchise since the original is a super solid 2D Mario

Best New Super Mario Bros. game. Everything after this is streamlined.

Just a damn good traditional Mario game. They ultimately ended up making too many of these, but that doesn't make this one any less solid.

Another childhood staple. I still get the 1-1 theme stuck in my head occasionally.

This is a game I've played through many, many times, and when I now returned to it, I had a lot of fun with it. It's not really a difficult game, so my goal became to collect 99 extra lives before completing the game. While I only got to 88 in the end, it was a nice journey. The soundtrack is not that special, but it works well for the game.

Game 12 of Mario Marathon

I was so excited to play this game when I bought a DS. I remember seeing Mario just turn giant in advertisement and was instantly sold, but this one always dissapoints. It's not really a bad in a frustrating way Sunshine is, but it's so generic. This is a problem for all New Super games but this one is definately the worst of the bunch. There's just not a lot of ideas going on in this one outside of introducing the wall kick to the 2D games. This is as bland as Mario has ever gotten other than maybe The Lost Levels.

There is a better version of this game in a romhack called Newer Super Mario Bros DS. It is amazing what they did with this game, creating whole new worlds, powerups, and mechanics that give this game a whole new sheen. I would check that out over playing this one ever again.

this came out in 2006 why is it called that

Played the hell out of this on DS, just a really solid entry in the series.

My DS is still missing in Qassim

admito que joguei em emuladores, e amei

It's the first mario bros game I played, its seriously very memorable and fun but I won't give it 5 stars because super mario bros wii was an upgrade