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Such a cute dlc!

Ogerpon is so adorable and I love the gameplay surrounding her masks. Her backstory along with the loyal three is pretty neat. The loyal three are all really cool new additions. Dipplin is funny but like its Flapple and Appletun counterparts, is not very good (at least competitively). The Bloodmoon Ursaluna is raw. Sinistcha is a cool convergent backwards evolution.

The land of Kitakami may not be that big but it has a simple layout with lots of familiar old faces to catch.

Kieran is such a cute and relatable character and I'm a little worried to see what becomes of him in the Indigo disc. Perrin is cute. Not much else to say about her. But Carmine... Carmine is mommy. Love her hair, how tall she is, her outfit and her personality. She can act like the super bossy big sister at times, but when she isn't, she's a sweetheart. Her quirkiness makes for some funny and lighthearted moments. Love Carmine! Not as much as Rika though. No one can top Rika!

Overall great start to the dlc for Scarlet/Violet and I'm super excited for the Indigo disk because that one is looking to be more awesome than the Teal Mask.

One negative is the forgettable music. Scarlet/Violet has some memorable tracks but the new ones here are really generic. Unfortunate because Pokémon is known to have some banger themes.

.. part 2 definitely looks like it's the beefier half. took me only 6 hours to "finish" the dlc & also catch all the legendaries.. all i have left to do is finish the 'new dex.' was hoping that the mochi they added wasn't just the horribly laggy mini game.. but it is..

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I really love Sc/Vi despite all their jank, and would say they're the most fun in the series for my money. Another bitesized experience to tuck into then? Hell yeah. Loved everything about this DLC, maybe minus the story here and there (I just want everyone to get along dammit...). Still, I'm sure it'll all be resolved just fine in DLC 2 (which is shaping up to be hella beefy) so can't really fault it too much for making me feel like a huge arsehole.

Pretty good DLC, the new Pokemon are pretty good and I especially adore the main legendary. Bloodmoon Ursaluna is also SICK

minus points on the frame rate though, this runs like ass

Une bonne surprise ce DLC, alors que les trailers avaient du mal à donner envie.
La petite histoire est sympathique (Ogerpon adorable), les nouveaux personnages sont intéressants, une quête annexe référence à Legend Arceus et la nouvelle zone est d'une taille plutôt correcte avec une ambiance campagne réussie.
J'ai aussi apprécié le teasing pour la suite, que ça soit les références à certains éléments de lore ou la réaction assez surprenante d'un des nouveaux personnages en fin d'histoire.

Le plus grand reproche que l'on puisse faire à ce DLC est le même qu'au jeu principal : son effroyable technique qui n'a pas été corrigée. Si cela me semble peine perdue pour la qualité des textures, j'aurais espéré ne pas revoir les problèmes de framerate.

Au final, technique mise a part, il s'agit d'un DLC plutôt honnête. Même s'il y a encore de quoi être dubitatif vis-à-vis du prix imposé, on se sent largement moins lésé par rapport à ce qu'avait pu être Isolarmure. Reste à voir ce que proposera la seconde partie qui promet d’être plus chargé.

Pretty strong Pokémon dlc in my opinion. I loved the story and characters but I wish there was a bit more meat to it. Kitakami honestly felt a little barren compared to Paldea. Could’ve used one more town or something. Excited for part 2

man this was a sleeper i barely cared to finish this

the dlc continues both with the games strong character writing/music but also its hickups (framerate is uh. not good still).

I don't know why, but I couldn't stop playing this DLC..there is a lot of problems, but it was a really captivating experience. Maybe I got distant from Violet and all the drama envolving these games that now I enjoyed it a lot.

I was going to play Persona 5, but I was told I would need to finish this DLC to play DLC part 2 and so I did..really tight, I think I liked more than DLC from Sw/Sh? Anyway, maybe I'm not so off pokemon as I thought :D

Another Pokemon Violet map. I enjoyed Violet well enough so that's all good and fun, but not much else to do on this map and the story itself isn't that good.

Best thing about this is the new Pokemon, Ogerpon.

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Love is in the air?

id catch a billion pokemon if that meant id share a tent with perrin

5 stars for Ogerpon, 2 stars content

I most just wanted the DLC for the new/transfered pokemon. I beat the game and completed the pokedex all in 10 hours.

I like Carmine and Ogerpon but it's a bit unremarkable otherwise. They seem to have something cooking with part 2 though.

Tl;dr: Brings S/V's main issues front and center and adds more issues, but in a more interesting map and with more enjoyable battles.

Mostly fine. Story's somewhat interesting, the few new Pokemon are fine. Music is good, as always. All the returning Pokemon and the new Pokemon look good, as do all the characters. The only village is actually fairly detailed, if not actually nice to look at. The world is still pretty ugly, but it does feel more interesting to explore with its smaller area and a more compact, interesting design.

Unfortunately, the DLC seems to perform worse than the base game on average in my experience. Way more stutters and frame drops than I ever had in the base game, to the point that a few times I actually started getting a bit sick. There seems to be a memory leak or something, as the performance gets worse the longer the game is open; resetting it can fix a few of the more prominent issues for a bit.

It doesn't help that the DLC makes some weird decisions. It's accessible from the start, meaning that you can access it within the first 3 or so hours of playing the game. To make it enticing for players who have already beaten the game, they made the areas scale with your in-game progress (if only the main game had something like that...), but it's in a bit of an odd way. See, the first area has levels right around the first member of the Elite 4 (assuming you've beaten the game). This means that, having beaten the post-game events and such, my team was still about 20 levels too high despite the scale. To remedy this, I made a new team exclusively from catching Pokemon in the DLC area. This was probably the most enjoyable part of the experience, just using a bunch of different mons. However, by the end of the DLC, opposing trainers' Pokemon have scaled up much faster than my own - where I'm level 60, they're level 70.

It feels like they really didn't know how to try to tackle level scaling, and so they did it in a way that I can't say I found especially enjoyable. I enjoyed that it was certainly more challenging than usual, with several of the trainers' teams actually having items and competent movesets. But the level scaling felt really off. If you come in after beating the main game, you're presented at first with a bunch of Pokemon that you will breeze through for a few boring hours until you get to something somewhat close to your level. If you make a new team instead, it won't scale up "properly" with the opponents. If you come in during the main story, you're going to end up massively overleveled for wherever you were in the main story. I'm struggling to figure out what audience they were trying to satisfy with this.

The cutscenes are still cool, but still are fully mouthed as if they were going to have voice acting. A lot of the quests require you to go back and forth a lot, it's really tedious and frustrating. The open world feels pointless with the story of the DLC being very linear, and I just found myself annoyed with it.

I did really like the new characters Carmine and Kieran. I really enjoyed that battles felt tougher, there were several where I came down to my last Pokemon and it felt really cool - back and forth battles that almost reminded me of watching the anime. But ultimately this was just pretty underwhelming. Releasing 10 months after the main game and having worse technical performance without really any improvement elsewhere to make up for it was... Disappointing. I can't say I hated my time with this, but I didn't really enjoy it either.

A cute little story made to establish the setting for the rest of the DLC, but unfortunately ends way too soon; I probably would've preferred if they just released the entire DLC at once

Ogerpon is very cool btw I love them

This DLC is utterly boring, thats the best way I can put it. I thought at the very least it would entice me into coming back to play more of Pokemon Violet but if anything it did the opposite. You would think that with a year of development time post-release Game Freak would work on polishing not only this but the base game as well. NOPE! It's still a laggy, unfinished-by-appearance mess. I actually questioned to myself if the game was always like this or if it was just the new area because I legitimately didn't remember.

The story of this arc is such a basic bore, the new characters are flatter than a piece of paper, the new pokemon introduced (of which I can count on one hand) add nothing of note. There's just not much here.

I only have two good things to say about the DLC. The music is still top notch for Pokemon, they managed to get that right. The other was watching one of the characters become a literal incel and complete the mother of all heel turns in a nod to Nishikiyama from the Yakuza series.

In closing, part 2 of this DLC has massive ground to catch up on for me to feel like I got my money's worth because Part 1 was such a dissappointment

This DLC was definitely an improvement over Isle of Armor, the returning Pokemon were pretty good, there was finally level scaling and the music was pretty good, however I don't think it was fleshed out as well as it could have been. The festival part where you meet Ogerpon felt way too short and the signs where you had to take photos were way too easy to get to because of the fly points, with the game overall feeling kind of short as I was able to beat it in around 4 hours. They also somehow made the game more laggy than the already laggy base game

Absolute meh of a DLC. The island feels empty as usual in this game, the pokémon spawns also feel kinda random and the story is nothing special. I liked the characters from the story and the design of Ogerpon, but everything else is quite mid. Hoping for some character development in Part 2 tho.

This took me two hours. Didn't interact with the empty world or wild pokemon at all aside from logging fly points, just went straight to the story and caught the fabled ogre. Holy moly this DLC feels like nothing but setup, and the people who are saying this is miles better than Sword & Shield's DLC are completely misguided.

Overall, a massive improvement over base game Violet.

As much as I like the aesthetic of Kitakami, there really isn't a lot to do here. I think Ogerpon and the Loyal Three are neat, and I enjoyed some of the references to specifically Legends, but that's about it really. I think while Carmine and Kieran are decent characters, I also found myself not really caring too much about them (which sucks since both DLC stories practically REVOLVE around them.). All in all, good setup for Indigo Disk but nothing too groundbreaking.

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One of the DLCs of all time

I liked SV despite them being extremely broken & embarrassing unpolished technical messes because their strengths were in areas that generations like 6 & 8 didn’t even try with (characters, story, an attempt to innovate in gameplay). This felt like a lot of the not so good aspects of gen 9 condensed down to a 3-4 hour experience

The story is fine I guess, I think the idea of legendaries assuming the story villain role is actually a cool concept but the royal three are so lame (and also some of my least favorite Pokemon designs ever) and have no actual role in this besides being generic catch encounters with underwhelming music. Carmine is on the better end of Pokemon characters and actually has a fun personality, but I thought Kieran’s character and story in this was extremely melodramatic and annoying, and yes I realize it’s Pokemon but things like the last few hours of SV show that they can do better than this if they actually feel like bothering to. Ogerpon was kinda cute ig

Kitakami feels very bland as an area, and doesn’t really have much personality going for it. Something that should be cool like the mask festival is just a generic badly rendered 2 minute walk with nothing in it except a bad mini game. Most of the main story just has you going back and forth between the same maybe 1/4th of the overall map area which doesn’t really help

Decent amount of old pokemon added back which is nice for competitive, but feels like a weird thing to be giving them praise for.

Idk maybe part 2 will be better

Kieran was annoying

(+1 star for Monkidori)

It is really average. I'm a big pokemon fan but as new games are released the quality really decreases. The story is okay, not amazing, the gameplay is... still the same, and the graphics are really really ugly.

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Cute DLC with a simple story. I love Ogerpon and found it humorous to be the beginning of a child's villian arc. Why oh why hasn't game freak fixed the horrid battle angles and clipping environments.