Reviews from

in the past

It probably wasn't that good because I always needed to look up tutorials but I have good memories of it.

game kinda banged? the ninja land????????

This was and still is one of my favorite games I played during my elementary through high school years. Loved it to death and played it a lot when I was younger. I stopped playing it for several years, but that was only because I thought this game had died out just like the original Club Penguin had years ago. But now that I know this game is still a thing and that my old account still works, I think I may replay this game. I hope though that they bring back the old islands from over 10 years ago though. Besides that one thing, the game is still great.

i bought the membership to play the willy wonka and the chocolate factory island early as a kid

Along with Club Penguin, probably the best web based game ever released. Had so much fun with all the islands, the stories for each were captivating (Even if child me had to look up a walkthrough sometimes lol) and it was just a ton of fun. My favorite islands was the superhero island and the astro knights island. I played this at home and at school because it was the only game unblocked in the school library lol.

I played this game a lot as a kid. I remember loving the shrinking Island, the art thief Island, the superhero Island, the spy Island, the medieval island, and much more. I haven't played it ever since the virus hunter island came out.

This game went hard back in elementary school. The strat was to help carry in the recess equipment so you could be first in the classroom and make a mad dash for the classroom computers.

Miss the old islands

Love this game with all my heart, everyone who hates it can SUCK MY DICK

Very vaguely remember playing this...came across it through Funbrain arcade, which I only remember thanks to a YouTube video called "Revisiting Poptropica a Decade Later" that I'm watching.

Anyway, simple fun browser game "world" with different islands and their storylines, talking to NPCs to complete quests via platforming and puzzles using the mouse cursor, and tie-ins to books and comics like Big Nate. All I can remember. Probably blew my mind back in elementary school.

i tried playing this multiple times as a kid and just disliked it so much i stopped each time... im glad other people enjoy it

this was my shit back in first grade

1. Astro Knights Island (4.5/5 Stars)
2. Mythology Island (4/5 Stars)
3. Great Pumpkin Island (4/5 Stars)
4. Super Power Island (4/5 Stars)
5. Poptropolis Games Island (4/5 Stars)
6. Reality TV Island (4/5 Stars)
7. SOS Island (4/5 Stars)
8. Survival Island (4/5 Stars)
9. Virus Hunter Island (4/5 Stars)
10. 24 Carrot Island (4/5 Stars)
11. Spy Island (4/5 Stars)
12. Time Tangled Island (4/5 Stars)
13. Counterfeit Island (4/5 Stars)
14. Cryptids Island (4/5 Stars)
15. Game Show Island (4/5 Stars)
16. Shrink Ray Island (4/5 Stars)
17. Nabooti Island (4/5 Stars)
18. Early Poptropica Island (4/5 Stars)
19. Jade Scarab Island (4/5 Stars)
20. Shark Tooth Island (4/5 Stars)
21. Goofball Island (3.5/5 Stars)
22. Fairy Tale Island (3.5/5 Stars)
23. Ghost Story Island (3.5/5 Stars)
24. Twisted Thicket Island (3.5/5 Stars)
25. Big Nate Island (3.5/5 Stars)

I was SUPER into this during its first year or two but with each update they went more overboard with gimmicks and licensed properties and it made it hard to care

Great way to spend indoor recess. Some islands were so hard though. Last time I checked some of my favorite classic islands aren’t in the game anymore, so that’s a shame. Can you believe the same guy who wrote Diary of a Wimpy Kid created this game?

game was kinda litty not even gonna cap

The best part of cyber school was spending more time playing this than actually paying attention in class.

i loved the diary of a wimpy kid crossover event it was so cool

if there is any game at all thats emblematic of my past inability to focus on and beat a game in my youth its this game
i think quite literally every time i tried to play this game i created a new account, picked a random level, walked around and tried to talk/interact with random people/things, then closed the browser tab and did something else
and ive probably done this like a dozen times
ive NEVER beaten a poptropica level and i likely never will because last i checked there are now ads basically everywhere they could possibly fit ads and i dont like that!

magical and wonderful and incredible and other fun good words

Classic islands were pretty great! A little simple but full of charm. The rework post-flash is kind of dookie tho :/ especially since it removed a ton of the islands

I love you Poptropica, so sorry you're gone. The new release of it sucks

The best game to ever exist

Man, the nostalgia hits hard with this one. First played as a child in elementary school, and continued up through some point in middle school before dropping it. I once got a paperback guide from the school book fair to help get me through the different islands; my favorite one by far was Ghost Story Island, not sure why but it was an unforgettable experience. Nowadays the old islands are gone, and my account was deleted due to inactivity, but I'd give anything to access it once more, just for memories' sake.

i miss you!!!!! i wish i saved my password so bad i loved my goofy little characters i made

Great game, lots of stuff to do. I wonder if it’s still around.