Reviews from

in the past

Its ok, it doesn't have a map so you just need to sumarize certain points. Still better than minecraft. Dragon Builder 1 and 2 are the best block builder games.

Not a half bad game. Don't let the small child level graphics fool you. This game mashes elements of Minecraft with standard RPG gameplay. Solid choice to play something small and casual with friends to wind down.

Grindei horrores nesse jogo, muito foda.

Thought this would just be a Minecraft clone but it's surprisingly good. Very relaxing game.

Mais um jogo INCRÍVEL que eu perdi, cara, o sistema de portais é incrível e o survival é maravilhoso e nada genérico, tudo é tão legal nesse jogo, os bosses e tudo...

pô eu gostava do jogo, mas bugaram meu jogo na steam e não consigo criar um novo

sympathique mais se finit assez vite

There are better games like this out there.

Honestly, if you want a Minecraft game with RPG flavor, why not just play Minecraft Dungeons? I'm not sure who this game is for. The graphics make me think it is for kids, with comically oversized pixel-style worlds (I mean, the stairs come up to the chest of the characters! ONE STAIR!) and cute characters and enemies. However, the complex building system and sometimes difficult-to-navigate, randomly generated levels make this seem like it is aimed at older folks. The graphics are fine for this type of game, the sounds are what you'd expect, the story is fine, and all the general RPG things that RPGs should have are there. It works, but...

I cannot stand the combat mechanics of this game. I didn't try the barbarian character yet, but the ranged attacks of the ranger and mage drive me bananas. You have to switch to first-person in order to see where you are aiming because of your cartoonish head being in the way of the aiming reticle. Fine, no problem, but when you first hit your target, the game forces you back into third person when the camera locks on your enemy. So, you're stuck hoping you're actually hitting the target you can't see, because you can't switch back to first person when the camera is locked on. Third person is nearly unplayable in this thing. Apart from the bad combat, it seems to want to do too many things, never quite perfecting one, making the whole experience pretty lackluster.

I made a cute little guy with a mohawk, though!

Review from

é meh encima de meh, dava pra ter perdido tempo com algo melhor

As far as trying to be an RPG this game is unsophisticated and mediocre. The boss mechanics are not complex or difficult and combat is basically just hold left click. HOWEVER, the building/crafting is very relaxing and the progression through the game feels like it's paced appropriately.

I played this while waiting for minecraft to be on discount

Play this with a friend and damn what a game. Alone is not good at all

fiz speedrun desse jogo e eu nem percebi

second play we've made of this game, it's still a pretty good coop now we're waiting for the other one from the same creators to be discounted so we can get hooked again

I still think it's a very good game and friendly (only sometimes) to play in coop

Jogo com uma historinha infantil rpg infantil praticamente um jogo inteiramente infantil

jogando com um amigo esse jogo e muito foda, mas depois da primeira vez começa a ficar repetitivo

A cute Action/Adventure RPG that takes some traits from Minecraft, but turns it a full adventure RPG with story, quests, stats, equipment, crafting, and most importantly for me, an actual ending.

I can't remember binging a game this hard for many, many years: My SO and I played more than 30 hours in 3 days to beat the main story and had a real blast. We were really lucky to have found this on holidays, because we stood awake until 6, 7 and 5AM respectively. 🤡

Weirdly good for a kids game but it's not beating the top dogs of the genre any time soon.

N'est pas du tout un sous-Minecraft, mais un petit jeu sandbox/action rpg sympa avec plusieurs classes jouables et de bons boss.

I have never wanted to die more when playing a video game it’s astounding how unfun this is

seems fun until it gets very repetitive

I'm on a roll recently of playing games that are average/ a little better than average. Like this is just bootleg Minecraft but with RPG elements. It's fun but you would probably get bored of it after spending enough time with it. All you do is explore an island, gathering all the materials and doing the quests on the island. After you're all done, you go into a portal and you're onto the next one. If you like doing basically the same thing, but with slight variations, then this game would probably be pretty fun (that's also not a bad thing because doing something repetitive in games can be fun for a time).

curto mas divertido com amigos

se tivesse mais conteúdo seria perfeito