Reviews from

in the past

Feels kinda cheeky of Machine Games to call this Episode 5 of Quake, given nobody involved has any real connection to the original product beyond working for a sister company of id Software. As far as I know, John Romero's SIGIL is the only collection of Doom maps that has dared to call itself Doom's "Episode 5" - such is the holiness of these games. Romero's already hinted that he wants to do a SIGIL 2 for Doom 2 and a SIGIL 3 for Quake, so it's gonna be awkward when he wants to claim he's made the fifth episode of Quake and finds out a bunch of crazy Swedes decapitated BJ Blaskowicz and then fucked with his final id baby.

Anyway - fan-mapping politics aside, Dimensions of the Past is an alright little compilation of Now That's What I Call Quake maps, but it's more of an Episode 1 - 4 grab-bag than a standalone entry in Quake's episode canon. Love it or hate it, Episode 4 was very much its own twisted annoying fucked up little thing that stood apart from its sibilings. This isn't - doing Shub-Nigguarth's Pit again but this time there's a ton of Shamblers and all you can really do is scramble around for the hidden Quad Damage is just as esoteric and annoying a final boss as the original Shub's telefrag trick. C'mon! Let's just admit that Quake boss maps aren't possible...

First 'official' QUAKE episode in two decades, and ... it sucks! Lazy difficulty based solely on providing about a quarter the ammo and health as usual and just spamming the spongiest and most annoying enemies in tight corridors over and over. Fairly well-constructed levels, but that's it. Nothing new. Cheap! Crappy! Bad job!