Reviews from

in the past

bad controls and based on the technically inferior version

excelente adaptação, o pointer funciona bem melhor do que deveria

Super solid Resident Evil game. Great resource management and setting is on par. Atmosphere and style is evident, and story kept me moderately interested. Tank controls are easy enough to get used to, but are still not modern.

La mejor versión de este juego que existira.


I honestly can’t explain what makes this game so amazing but it’s damn amazing. I don’t even think it’s as good as everyone says but it’s still a 10. Not even one of my very favorites but fuck if it isn’t good.

Once you kneecap someone with the flick of the wrist before pulling the WiiMote trigger to send a slug into a zombie's head, it's nearly impossible to go back to Mouse and keys (and a controller? fuhgedaboudit)

Considering the time this came out and the survival horror selection for Wii, this was great! I've played the HD version on ps4 and i like the motion controls and aiming much better in this version. the game itself had a lot of great creative moments but towards the end it felt a little more like an action movie than a horror game. the game was also a bit too long for my liking, i felt resident evil 2 and 3 remakes and Village really nailed it on the game lengths. but honestly its fantastic, definitely worth playing once if you want to try noteworthy games!

Absolutely fantastic video game. Easy to see how this became so legendary and influential. The island bit was the only part I can say was lower quality, but other than that, this game was fucking excellent. I think I liked the game's unique controls more by playing it on Wii tbh.

La verdad esta bien divertido, pero es bien largo

Fond memories of using the striker glitch to go out of bounds and just explore random leftovers that were moved outside the boundaries of the map. Oh and also it's like one of the best game ever made.

I played this first on my wii. And glad i did cause i actually enjoyed it more here than the pc version. Controls felt more natural.

Controls aside it's a fantastic game, i've completed it multiple times and stands as my favorite survival horror. And maybe even one of my favorite wii games of all time :D

The game was a lot more frustrating then I expected difficulty wise which sucks since the gameplay itself was design well, and Leon quotes are amusing.

Innovative game that was one of the earliest examples of games that set the gaming trend of people rebuying Resident Evil 4 over and over again. Frankly, I only own this version, the Playstation 2 version and the Playstation 4 HD version.

This game is great: the controls are just heavy enough to be stressful when you are chase by a enemy but not unfair (plus the motion control, oddly enough add a lot to the game), all the semi open map and enemy and boss are a blast and memorable in their own right.the story is kind of bad not gonna lie, but all the character are really cool(except you Ashley...not sorry) the gameplay when you have to keep Ashley safe is really nailed, even tho her AI Can be stupid at time. The music is not as good as the original trilogy, but the visual still hold up today: what do you want me to add? Its Rez 4 bitch: the game that make inventary management fun


As long as they don't half-ass it the way they did RE3, I'm interested to see what the remake of this will be like with some more modernized controls.

The best way to play this perfect game.

The game that changed the pace of the entire industry, but ported to the Wii! Capcom really made some of the best games of all time, and this one is incredibly indicative of that.

até então era a melhor versão do jogo em questão de gráficos e jogabilidade

era uma versão linda e com todos os bônus que a versão de GameCube (a mais bonita até então) não tinha (já que eles eram exclusivos da versão de playstation 2 e pc)

e até hoje ainda é a versão com a melhor iluminação de todas (o que é muito bizarro), mas ela ainda não se compara com a HD Edition de 2011

Critical: 8.5/10
Despite some dated game design aspects (insta-kills, QTEs, inventory management), there is still some exhilarating fun to be had with this game. Each section offers an engaging setpiece, spectacle, or gimmick, resulting in a surprisingly long journey with great pacing and moments. Even though the action and campy dialogue often overtakes the survival horror atmosphere, Resident Evil 4 is a solid experience that has aged incredibly well.

Personal: 9/10
After four long years (college life, am I right?), I managed to finish up the game this summer, and... wow.

I'm not a fan of either shooters or survival horror games, and I originally borrowed this game from my friend as a joke. But there was a point in the first area where I started to realize, "damn, this game is actually fun."

Although the motion controls / aiming greatly enhanced my experience, Resident Evil 4, at its core, is filled with memorable locales and encounters. I find it hard to acknowledge that it originally came out in 2005!

Still, are there some frustrating, dated mechanics? Yes, those insta-kills and QTEs are unforgiving. Is the dialogue kinda awkward? Yes, some of the lines should be coming from a game like Bayonetta instead. But did any of that ruin the overall experience? Not at all.

I decided to give the Wii version a go after hearing some recommendations, and wanting to try it after loving the remake. This version really does feel great, and I found it much easier to wrap my head around than using a controller. Using the nunchuck in my left hand to move Leon into place, then pointing and shooting with the right. It’s a nice mix of tactical positioning with an arcadey, light gun feel. It looked a bit rough in glorious, blown up 480p, but sometimes sacrifices must be made.

I was able to employ some of my strategies from the remake, and found myself falling into that similar addictive flow state, moving from one encounter to the next. Didn’t find Ashley particularly irritating or hard to manage like some have said. The game has a slightly unhinged, cobbled together feel about it, compared to the more polished remake. I loved the castle in particular, felt the most different to the remake, with all its crazy rooms and traps. Some parts were less enjoyable though, especially the island, which drags on, and some of the boss fights.

Overall I find the remake more immediately and consistently enjoyable, but I’m glad that I’ve played through this game, and can appreciate what many see in it.

caraca achei mais facil zerar isso no controle do nintendo wii do que no controle de ps2 kkkkkkkk

Really enjoyed the game. This was the first Resident Evil game that I completed and it got me hooked on the series. Since it was my first Resident Evil game I played with a prima strategy guide that I probably didn't need looking back.

I wish it was just a bit shorter. The game drags on a bit towards the end. I was satisfied when I finished the game so I didn't play through Separate Ways.

I had saved a bunch of rocket launchers for the end so the final few bosses were extremely easy.