Reviews from

in the past

excelente adaptação, o pointer funciona bem melhor do que deveria


As long as they don't half-ass it the way they did RE3, I'm interested to see what the remake of this will be like with some more modernized controls.

I played this first on my wii. And glad i did cause i actually enjoyed it more here than the pc version. Controls felt more natural.

Controls aside it's a fantastic game, i've completed it multiple times and stands as my favorite survival horror. And maybe even one of my favorite wii games of all time :D

Better than the original by virtue of just Being A Laser Pointer instead of an emulated laser pointer. Has all the other problems still.

La mejor versión de este juego que existira.

bad controls and based on the technically inferior version

Marrant. A faire au moins une fois

La mejor versión de RE4 sin duda alguna.

best version of the game. masterpiece

el juego está guapo pero que el villano sea Adam Saddler otro rollo

Tienes que hacer malabares para conectar el mando de gamecube.

Very fun, but I'm a scary cat.

Super solid Resident Evil game. Great resource management and setting is on par. Atmosphere and style is evident, and story kept me moderately interested. Tank controls are easy enough to get used to, but are still not modern.

up until remake this was the definitive version, point and click aiming was so good for a game this pace

El último gran survival horror de la "época dorada" del género. Un juego que ya de por sí es muy bueno, la Nintendo Wii lo mejora aún más con las mecánicas de disparo, de recargar y de los Quick Time Events.

Es divertido y sabe ser muy exigente, con oleadas muy opresivas y enemigos con mucha durabilidad que te hacen pensar meticulosamente en tus municiones.

El guión es un poco tosco y edgy rozando la comedia accidental, pero de a ratos se siente como una película de acción que te encontrarías mientras haces zapping en la TV a cable.

Mi primer resident evil la verdad, y con los mandos de wii una pasada, recomendado.

The best way to play this perfect game.

The game that changed the pace of the entire industry, but ported to the Wii! Capcom really made some of the best games of all time, and this one is incredibly indicative of that.

The game was a lot more frustrating then I expected difficulty wise which sucks since the gameplay itself was design well, and Leon quotes are amusing.

Innovative game that was one of the earliest examples of games that set the gaming trend of people rebuying Resident Evil 4 over and over again. Frankly, I only own this version, the Playstation 2 version and the Playstation 4 HD version.

Had to go 4.5 although my heart wants to do 5. Amazing game. Amazing controls on Wii. The only thing stopping me is that there's a little too much bullet sponging and too many moments where it just tries to overwhelm with enemies. Everything else though is pretty amazing. I just finished it and instantly went onto the bonus playthrough as Ada. I will also definitely be playing it again soon on new game plus at a higher difficulty.

Loads of releases for this, whatever way you have to play it, just make sure you do

This game is great. The game play takes a while to get used to, but other than that itis perfect. I like it a lot.

An absolutely amazing game! The story is really dumb but the combat is pretty damn fun. I can see why this became the blueprint and golden standard for over-the-shoulder-action-games in the future and how it inspired the game industry for such a long time.

ZAMN þetta virkar ógeðslega vel með motion controls hvernig fóru þeir að því

Beaten this game more times than I can count.

Um dos jogos de Wii (que não são Wii alguma coisa) que eu amo.

Minha primeira versão de RE4 foi no PS2, com controles tradicionais. Já era na época meu Resident Evil favorito.

A versão do Wii trouxe o uso do pointer para o uso das armas, e essa modificação muda bastante o ritmo do combate, e a precisão dos tiros.

Fora essa mudança de gameplay, o jogo permanece a maravilha que é.