Reviews from

in the past

Yk this really should be my shit and lain (game and anime) is so so so close to being my shit but in an absolutely devastating turn of events I only like this one and don't love it. Presentation is sick though, idc if its clunky I think it goes hard.

this game fucking ruined me for a solid 3 weeks after i finished it and i never want to think about it again

I've yet to watch the anime but if it's anything to the game, wowwwieeee I'm really going to love this. This isn't a videogame as much as a series of backloggs but even still, it's amazing


The best game ever made, it’s more of an experience tho

Despite the clunky gameplay and being a game mostly revolved on audios it's something amazing. Mindblowing as expected with Lain. Both her and the counselor are great characters and witnessing (or listening) their evolving relationship and descent to madness is the big highlight of the game. The voice acting is really good too. I recommend psx Lain a lot, especially to Serial Experiments Lain anime fans, I believe both works are complementary despite having wildly different plots

And all the fears you hold so dear
Will turn to whisper in your ear

No matter where you go, everyone’s connected.


Vote: 10
Time CONNECTED: 8 H 47 M

I had to take multiple week-long breaks to make sure I don't get a stomach ulcer. What a horrific thing this software is.
Apparently 精神分裂病 is the old, offensive term for schizophrenia, but 統合失調症 seems just as offensive to me.


I find this game (if you can even call it that) so unusual and dense that I don't really know how to talk about properly. It really shook my heart and made me feel a certain way even if I didn't entirely understand what was going on. I'm still sort of reeling from the experience. Lain PSX presents a lot of existential questions and scenarios that I found deeply moving and disturbing at times. With how intimate the diaries and files are in this game, Lain and Touko come across to me as some of the most believable and human characters I've seen in a game. It really showcases how profoundly loneliness and isolation can affect a person's mind, especially a child growing up. The game makes a lot of use of psychiatric terminology to go about this. It clearly feels very well researched. Never gonna forget this game.

If you love the anime, I urge you to play this game. If you love the game, I urge you to watch the anime. Many of their themes and ideas are tightly intertwined and certain concepts that are mentioned or can be inferenced in one medium are expanded or elaborated upon in the other. The two are definitely most rich when experienced hand in hand.

Was happy to be a part of this psychotherapy, but I got to go, I need to return some videotapes.

she just like me for real 😃

A fractured story told through audio logs, diary entries, and the occasional short video clip. It tackles similar themes to the anime of identity, memory, and mental illness, but in a much more directly psychological fashion, with less of the tangents into the outright weird and conspiratorial. It's a more personal story, diving into the minds of its two main characters as they, and their relationship, evolve over time.

I consider this an essential experience not just for Lain fans, but fans of psychological media in general.

Gosto muito de Lain mas esse jogo é boring demais e muito lento, achei péssimo.

i played this on my school chromebook

More of a simulator than a game, recommended to any fans of the anime.

if you can figure it out its very fucking heavy

don't play this if you suffer from any sort of existential dread, this game really exacerbates those feelings

Playing this thing felt like exposing myself to a cognitohazard.

did NOT make me feel alright

it's almost tough to call this a game, but oh boy does it hit you in the face

let's all love lain

I dont know what else I could say about this game besides the fact that I adore the light it shines on mental illness and the help you can recieve for dealing with said illnesses through the protagonist of Lain herself. By the end while it did worsen my mental health I cant help but appreciate what the game set out to do

While I think it's an absolutely untraditional game that won't appeal to everyone, those who are willing to explore it and give it a chance will find one of the most mind-bending narratives in a video game...and it's kind of one of my favorite anime games out there (which frankly isn't saying much as I've only touched the Fullmetal Alchemist games on PS2 and this.)

If you liked the anime and wanted more Lain and are willing to put up with some very unconventional game design...I'd say it's worth it. You can play it for free here:

i love reading audio log subtitles for 8 hours