Reviews from

in the past

Honestly the definitive version of the game. However if you're a purist stay away as the controls and design has changed quite a bit. I like it though so fuck you guys muhahahaha

Some changes are great on one hand, but it's bogged down a bit by some gameplay decisions the team added to this (basically, all of Starlight Zone what were they thinking?). Still good, but it's frustrating in parts.

The improvements to the physics make this game much easier to play, although the vastly improved controls do make the relatively simpler platforming segments feel a bit lackluster as they were obviously designed with the more finicky controls in mind.

The entire games colours are much more vibrant, which looks distinct from the original, but good in its own way. The new levels are OK, they do standout as obviously seperate from the orginals, but they look brilliant even if the level design is a tad hit or miss.

The new characters are cool, although I did stick with Sonic for most of my playtime.

One thing I did find very strange is the way they changed collecting the chaos emeralds, reverting the game to have a special stage system similiar to the 16bit version. I was never crazy about needing to find the emeralds in the original version, but it was something unique to this game, and was quite satisfying once you had figured out the spots they were hiding in, so I find it very odd they stripped that away from this remake for a more boring traditional system.

If you want an easier time, this is the way to go, but it is honestly different enough from the original where I wouldn't say its an immediate replacement.

I will preface this review by saying that this game is NOT a replacement for the Master System original.

First off, the controls have been tweaked to be a bit closer to the Mega Drive game, which may sound good on paper but the faster movement and more precise jumping controls seem to result in the levels being too easy or hitting hazards you would normally avoid.

This is because of my second gripe with the remake, the original stages are not changed to accommodate the change in controls (I should add that some stages do have little extra sections in them but nothing that changes the overall stage). The original stages were designed around the controls so it just feels off.

My third problem is that the emerald challenge has been changed from finding the emeralds hidden in the stages to finding them in the bonus stages from the Master System original. This I feel removes some of the charm of the original and makes the game much easier as the levels were designed around the gameplay loop of having the player search for the emerald in each Zone. I don't even think the inclusion of Super Sonic is even worth the change, as he just exacerbates the controls issues and makes the stages even easier (which isn't helped by the fact that once you have all 7 emeralds you get given a giant ring at the start of each Act which is worth 50 rings.)

I should add that there are things I do like. I think the inclusion of 8-Bit demakes of the 16-Bit exclusive Zones are a nice touch, and as they are made from the ground up for this game they work better with the controls. I also like the fact that rolling into badniks has been made easier to pull off.

Overall I don't think this is a bad game. If you are looking for a fresh take on a classic favourite this game can be a fun time, just don't bother going super and resist the urge to grab the free 50 rings at the start of each Act when you have all the emeralds. I also think that if you don't like the slower pace and emerald hunting of the original title you might find something worthwhile here too.

I'd heard about this a while back, a fan remake of the excellent Master System/Game Gear take on Sonic 1 that introduces a bunch of new things including extra playable characters, levels based on those from the 16-bit game like Marble, Spring Yard and Labyrinth, and some new modes to play around with like time attack, a boss rush and an Encore mode borrowed from Sonic Mania where you swap characters by hitting an item monitor.

I was curious to try out a 2D platformer on my Retroid Pocket, so I gave this a go and ended up enjoying this quite a bit - enough that I played through it three times within a couple of days. I've always liked Sonic's first 8-bit outing, and this keeps a lot of what makes that game good while adding a bunch of new things on top. The new characters (Tails, Knuckles, Mighty and Ray) pull from their Sonic Mania incarnations in terms of abilities, which allows them to easily overcome the linear level designs if you know how to use them effectively.

The special stages have been reworked so that you collect the Chaos Emeralds in them, rather than finding them in hidden parts of the regular levels, and doing so earns you the super transformation. This also causes a big ring to appear at the beginning of each level that'll give you 50 rings and let you transform immediately. It's a bit game-breaking but what's really nice is that this also happens in the boss stages, which you previously had to take on with no rings. I think the boss fights are manageable enough, but it's a nice consideration for players who aren't able to handle certain fights. Just do a bit of exploration, hold onto your rings, and if you get all seven emeralds, you're good to go.

I'm not entirely sure about the new zones; they're straightforward adaptations on the Mega Drive stages, which works really well for Marble Zone since that zone was always more linear and fits right at home with everything else. I don't really like Spring Yard Zone in general, so having it here did nothing for me, and although I like Star Light Zone's sudden introduction of a motorbike stage for the second act, the game overall feels a little bit flabbier with 9 extra levels to contend with. Still, that's only in the "remake" mode and you can always play the "original" mode if you wanna experience 8-bit Sonic as it was back in 1991.

It's a cool way of playing one of my favourite 2D Sonics on the go, and I'm pleased that it resulted in a bunch of extra projects thanks to the "Open Sonic SMS Remake" engine released by the developers. There's a remake for Sonic 2's 8-bit version by the same studio (which I tried out and gave up on after not being able to figure out the awful boss in Aqua Lake), and a new game currently in the works that seeks to mash up elements of Sonic CD, Chaos and Triple Trouble. Elsewhere, the engine's been used by others to remake Sonic Chaos and Sonic Blast, though I can't say much more since I haven't checked them out.

I mean, it's fine?

I feel like giving 8-bit Sonic all of his modern abilities completely demolishes any challenges these levels once had, you're going to be completely demolishing these levels in less than a minute consistently with the exception of Labyrinth considering that it's, you know, Labyrinth. Having the entire Mania Plus crew playable is pretty charming, though.

While it is fun to blast through the new zones without a care in the world, the big complaint I have with this fan remake is that the method to obtain the Chaos Emeralds has been completely altered, and while it's novel to see Sonic 1's 8-bit bonus stages turned into full-on special stages at first, they're all so insanely easy that you'll have Super Sonic by pretty early into the game. It's also a shame if you preferred how Sonic 1's Master System counterpart handled emerald collecting, with one emerald being hidden away in every zone rewarding exploration by the player. It also makes an already easy game even easier that once you have all seven emeralds, every act now starts with a giant ring that grants you 50 rings upon collecting, giving you immediate access to your character's super form; that being said, it is worth noting that Sonic 2's remake would go on to partially remove this feature, which is nice.

This game ultimately feels like it applied a Sonic Advance 2 mindset to the 8-bit Sonic games, with any ideas of platforming being tossed out the window in favor of making you insanely batshit fast at any given moment--you just need to take one look at the incredibly buffed Drop Dash to see that. But hey, that doesn't make it bad, it can be fun to take these familiar zones and snap them in half just to see how hard they break when you introduce all these new movement options. It's not a bad remake, but it definitely doesn't overtake the original as a platformer in any definitive way outside of the increased 16:9 aspect ratio which is always appreciated in old Sonic games. Bridge Zone Act 2 is still an auto-scroller, though. That could've been fixed.

Always been quite the 8-bit Sonic 1 enjoyer. Love its ost cause Yuzo Koshiro can't miss, and in spite of not all its zones being hits (Bridge and Jungle Zone's third acts know what they did), it's one I've gone back to every now and again just to kill the odd hour every now and then. My total hours pails in comparison to the 16 bit release, but I honestly go back and forth on which version I prefer. So hey, a fanmade remake of the game, akin to the Christian Whitehead remakes of the 16-bit quadrilogy, sounds awesome!

And it leaves me very conflicted.

Okay, let's start from the top. Sonic 1 SMS Remake is still 8-Bit Sonic 1, highs and lows included. You've got your entire zone lineup from Green Hill to Sky Base, and most of what made the original game what it was is still here. But there's also plenty of new stuff here; to start off with, the remake's now offering widescreen. Nice! Though, I swear they removed the ability to angle the camera downwards by crouching, so I had to make a few more leaps of faith in Jungle Zone than I was comfortable with. Gave me unfortunate memories of the Game Gear version, but alas. Widescreen in 2D Sonic being a standard now is swell. Sonic's got the spin dash, super peel out and drop dash, all is well on that front; it can kinda break stages if you know how to use them, but Sonic speedrunning is always enjoyable, so I see it as a win. There's also the inclusions of Tails, Knuckles, Mighty and Ray, all incredibly welcome additions who all play just as they did in Sonic Mania. Speaking of, Encore Mode is on offer, as well. No palette swaps, but it effectively allows you to play 16-Bit Sonic 1's level lineup, including little 8-bit demakes of Marble, Spring Yard and Star Light!

And it's here that we start getting into changes I'm not really big on. The game offers a classic and remixed mode, the latter throwing the aforementioned levels into the campaign at various points. These being less like truncated versions of 16-Bit Sonic 1's missing half, and more the devs trying to imagine how they'd fit in alongside the rest of the 8-Bit version's lineup. To give credit to Spring Yard, it's fine! Didn't have any real issues there! Marble Zone is whatever, had some annoying sections, a blindside here or there, and I even had a run end with me softlocked as I got stuck inside one of the chandeliers after accidentally jumping as I was taking damage from losing an invincibility powerup. That sucked.

Star Light is just straight ass, though. There's a section where you're riding on top of a platform you can only stop via jumping, while flamethrowers sit above you and will drop fireballs down on top of you. It's annoyingly tight, but get through it, and you're presented with a slope. A slope that, should you roll down if, leads you right into a bottomless pit, as you're expected to anticipate a brief platforming section immediately after it. Really made me exasperatedly sigh when that kicked me in the balls. Then act 2 is just a Mega Man X ride bike section, so you know what to expect if you're familiar with that series. To give the devs credit, they offer the aforementioned classic mode, which I'd assume lets you skip right past them, but I was playing on the default selected remix mode, and I'd want to have seen them all to get at least a decent assessment on the new content on offer.

New content that isn't up to snuff in a remake, fanmade or otherwise, is one thing. It's disappointing and lame, but as long as the original experience is there as intended, it's all good! So when they start making tweaks to the base game, I really start to gripe. Maybe I was just losing my mind, or it's been a while since I last played the MS original, but I swear Sonic felt more slippery to control; I was jittering back and forth like a motherfucker during Bridge Zone's tighter jumps. A 1:30 timer gets added to Scrap Brain Act 3, as do doors that, unless I missed something, just seem to permanently close behind you and lead to total dead ends? Fuck that shit, the game even goads you in by offering item capsules.

It's been some time since I played 8-bit Sonic 1, so I might be blanking on some things I bring mention to in the event they existed prior. For all I know, the team might go back and fix them, maybe I was playing an older version and didn't realise it. The most egregious change of this remake, however, is one I noticed immediately, and it's the changing of how chaos emerald collection works. Rather than have special stages accessed via collecting 50 rings at the end of the stage, 8-bit Sonic 1 had an entirely unique approach with having the chaos emeralds be hidden throughout the game's stages, encouraging exploration. Sure, the Labyrinth emerald can go to hell, but the direction, I felt, was a nice change that gave the game more of its own identity. Bonus stages existed via the previous 50 ring method, but they were used for gaining extra lives and continues.

So this remake? Yeah, it scraps the emerald search entirely and throws them haphazardly in the bonus stages. These special stages are mindless bouncefests as is, but throw an emerald in and you've also made them incredibly easy, while stripping away some of the original game's uniqueness and making it way easier in the process. You also get Super Sonic, but weirdly he makes every level start with a giant 50-ring drop spawning behind you. Cause the game wasn't easy enough already.

All this to say, I've got nothing but respect for the dev team giving some love to one of the series more underappreciated titles; just the principle of having a Sonic 1 8-bit in the vein of the Christian Whitehead remakes is amazing to me! But when I disagree with the choices being made within the remake, it makes it impossible for me to look at this and say it's the version of 8-bit Sonic 1 you should be playing, or that it replaces the original wholesale. It's a give and take with its new inclusions, and that really bites. It's not an outright bad game or anything, and again, the devs making this at all is commendable! I just think the more succinct Master System version, warts and all, is the better option of the lot. Disappointing, but it is what it is.

Remake foda, level design melhor que a versão de mega drive sinceramente, não parece tão veloz mas ainda é divertido correr, personagens e cenários tão bonitinhos e cheio de carisma, ter tantos personagem assim também adiciona muito no fator replay, zerei com todos os personagens menos o Mighty e ainda sim todas as experiências foram muito divertidas, além de que o jogo tem vários modos que adiciona ainda mais replay.

O jogo tem uns problemas chatos de controles na versão de celular que irrita muito de vez em quando, além de que os outros personagens são muito ops pq claramente o level design foi feito só pro Sonic, além de que ter 3 atos faz ficar um pouco repetitivo, tirando isso, jogo bem legal, vou jogar os outros.