Reviews from

in the past

it's cool i might play it again but it's hard

The core gameplay is a bit too simple and character balance isn't great but that story mode is fantastic and I wish sonic games had a story like this.

Also Emerl is a sweetheart

I want to like this game, but I just can't, I think it's really stylish, however.

I loved this game when I was younger and the concept is great but good lord replaying the story was so painful in so many different places.

An Smash game with no ítems, Final Eggstination with a playable fox, an epic story with a surprise character in the last level. Even includes a fully customizable fighter and collectible cards.... But with 3D movement so it can be that good but at least the animations of the sprites and the sound design are AWESOME

A surprisingly decent story with a lot of heart, made all the more surprising that it's a Sonic game on the Gameboy Advance. Battles are fast and fun, sprites look great, and customizing Emerl is a slow but rewarding experience.

Sonic Battle? More like Sonic Never Gets To The Point.

Nah this game sucks funk is wrong (what else is new heh)

A little beat em up that's good dumb fun. Gameplaywise it works well enough, it's easy to play and have a fun enough time going through the campaign, fighting various characters from the franchise, and learning their moves. I especially liked how the main character, Emerl, had a customizable moveset and appearance and that he ended up as a fun sort of mix and matched OC. It's a good game to turn your brain off for.

I have nostalgia bias for this high of a rating. Playing in Knuckles' story and the Knuckles part in Sonic's story sucks.

Спасибо за убитые нервы, игра

The customizable moveset is impressive, as is the attempt at creating a developing story that ties itself to past Sonic lore (e.g., Emerl and Shadow). However that story campaign is insanely repetitive and boring, with barely any change in fights that can go on for ages from AI enemies. The fact you have to go through 8 story modes all with similar battles does not help at ALL.

Kojima wishes he wrote something this good

Decent game but a modern sequel has a ton of potential. Get on it Sega

Almost decent fighting game here thanks to a series of interesting move set and a surprisingly deep story but its all hampered by some severe balancing issues and while the idea of having Emerl as a custom fighter where you can mix and match moves is a nice one, it boils down to a lot of grinding for exp and luck based move drops and thats never fun when all you want to do is move on with the plot.

Jogo bastente único e divertido. O gameplay é extremamente simplório, mas funciona e é bem bacana, principalmente considerando que é um jogo de GBA.

Surpeendemente, a narrativa desse game é uma das melhores da franquia. Os diálogos são divertidos, bem escritos e a interação entre os personagens é ótima, só não gosto muito das caracterizações do Shadow e da Amy.

O problema desse jogo é o QUÃO repetitivo é o modo história. Sério, beira o surreal de tão repetitivo e de quão artifical são as maneiras que o jogo se utiliza para prolongar sua duração. O modo história desse game é pra jogar um vez só e nunca mais.

Por outro lado, a customização do Emerl é bastante intuitiva, o jogador se apega ao robô ao treiná-lo durante toda a narrativa. Montar o fighter perfeito e usá-lo é mais divertido do que aparenta.

Se não fosse pela tediosa repetição, Sonic Battle seria um jogo nota 8 facilmente.

Acho que ele foi meu primeiro jogo de gba, ele é bom mas não é perfeito

A really weird Sonic game but I had a lot of fun with it and customizing the robot character. It was basically a Dragon Ball arena fighter but skinned as a Sonic game.

A surprisingly decent, yet simple, Gameboy Advanced fighting game. Nothing incredible but I managed to have fun replaying this game multiple times from scratch so I think that says something.

It's... ok. Really the most I can say about this game. I should say that this is all from a single player perspective, I have sadly never been able to play this game with other people, despite it being a fighting game.
I think the core gameplay is nice, having a basic attack, a heavy attack, a dash attack, an air attack, an upper, a kind of weird homing in attack you can use in certain situations, and various special attacks. The game doesn't really come off as hampered from the lack of buttons imo, my main issue with the gameplay is the lack of interesting movement options, which is a shame due to the size of the arenas the fights takes place in. Each character feels unique to play which is nice, but there's obviously some balancing issues here (Cream is ridiculously good compared to the rest of the cast for example). A cool part of the game is that the main character, Emerl, gets to use traits from every other character, so you get to pick your favorite tools and combine them into one super-character. Though sadly, by the time you've got enough skill points to use everything you want (skill points being increased after each fight, they're the game's way of not having Emerl be stupid broken from the get-go, limiting what you can have on him at once) the story is pretty much over. Also annoyingly there's no actual way to get one skill over another (outside of character), it's not based on how much a move is used or anything, you just have to get into a battle with the character you want to get something from and pray you get the one you want.
The main story is... pretty fun but it has a few critical issues. Sometimes it can just drag on and on, like, you'll finish a battle that has 3 lives for everyone, and then have to do an exact repeat of that fight with 5 lives. It just gets exhausting.
Secondly, the AI is very susceptible to getting caught in loops (mainly with special moves, but can be done with some other moves like Rouge's air attack) which obviously makes the fights less engaging, though the AI will automatically block a special attack if you use it too much against them (this is limited to one at a time however, so if you alternate between two the problem is still very much there).
The story is, like, stupidly good for this GBA spinoff fighting game, but I don't want to reveal too much. Basically it centers around Emerl, an ancient robot that Professor Gerald had worked on before Shadow, with him interacting with different characters in the 8 campaigns. There's ones that are kind of just there like Knuckles', but if you get through all of them the story in this game is really one of the best out of Sonic.
Aesthetically I don't have much to say but yeah it's excellent. The portraits are all super sleek and there's a reason the sprites from this game were used in all those flash animations. Music is good, sometimes the GBA soundchip makes it ear grating but sometimes it really works (go listen to Battle Highway).
I don't really know who I'd recommend this game to, Sonic fans for the story, sure, but none of the elements from the main series really work their way into here. This game is very odd for a fighting game, so don't know if I'd suggest it there either. Just play it if you feel like it, I guess.

Knuckles’ Mine Hunt carries this entire game as a perfect masterpiece.

(Real review coming soon)

Emerl is literally the best fighting game concept I've ever seen and it is a travesty no serious game uses it.

Also, this is the only game that has ever made me cry real actual tears because of the ending. I was only like 9 but it still counts