Reviews from

in the past

Talk about a wasted opportunity. A fighting game with Sonic characters is such easy money, but this ain't it.

First impressions were all over the place. The art is out-fucking-standing, this is SUCH a good look for the gang, but I swear I felt my ears bleeding a little bit with that Mode Select BGM. Whoever decided to use that guitar sample for multiple tracks in the game, you have a special place in hell set aside for you. The soundtrack as a whole is pretty weak, with a couple exceptions (Holy Summit is so good, no wonder they brought it back for Advance 3.)

The writing is cheeky and fun, and the story itself was entertaining enough but good lord the progression here is absolute dogshit. How do you like fighting the same character twice(or more!) in a row, with more rounds each time? How about selecting a random building just for shits and giggles since it's your first time playing, only to be assaulted by Emerl clones because you dared to explore a little bit?
The moment I realized I could win most battles by either spamming normal attacks or special R attacks, you bet your ass that turbo button was on and the frameskip was rolling. While the combat system is interesting on the surface, it's just not very satisfying. Even when customizing Emerl with new skills, every fight feels like a slapfest, with everyone waving those foam spaghetti things in the air.

Uh, what else... Oh, it looks really good. Sonic's GBA entries always had beautiful sprites, and Battle brought so many great animations to the whole cast. I also love the 3D environments, always cool to see that on the GBA, even though I wished it was a normal 2D fighting game instead.

That really just sums it up. I wish this was a regular ass 2D fighter on the PS2 or some shit. Instead, we have a weird arena fighter with some interesting ideas that ultimately aren't very satisfying. The story isn't good enough to warrant playing this all the way to completion, I feel. Cute character moments don't make up for all the "fight Gamma again for the millionth time" you have to sit through.

Gosto do modo de batalha desse jogo que utiliza um 3D com 2D, pra um jogo de GBA isso é bem incrivel.

>> Prós
• PERSONAGENS : Tem um elenco dos melhores personagens existentes da época ( faltando o Metal Sonic ).
• JOGABILIDADE : É bem legal e divertido de jogar pelos cenários do modo de batalha do game.

>> Contras
• ARENAS : Dava pra ter um pouco mais.

>> Perso Favorito = Shadow.

I think this game is very fun but like Secret Rings it has what I call the slog, for the first hour of the game this game is so tedious to get thru and is just filled with dialogue, I suggest you play this game with a 100% save file and play it like a Custom Robo game

Sonic Battle is a game about raising a child to be their own independent being, and then having to brutally kill them while everyone mourns their passing

A genuinely great base for a unique Sonic fighter, with a diverse cast, beautiful art styles both in-game and within key art, and a soundtrack with a surprising amount of hits. Unfortunately, it's ultimately let down by some of the worst pacing a campaign in this series has ever seen, combined with the absolute slog of a game-long quest that is getting Emerl up to resembling anything close to playable.

You're a real one if you remember the sprites from this game being used in every Sonic VS battle animation in the mid-2000s to early 2010s.

Fantastic spritework with a really sick style, but is held back by gameplay, while unique and interesting on paper, feeling a tad repetitive and maybe having the worst single player campaign in fighting game history.

I honestly wish I could play this with friends because I'm sure it would be so fun in multiplayer! Singleplayer mode is fine but it's really only needed just so you can unlock characters and gain more moves for Emerl to learn. Emerl being a customizable fighter is so cool since you can have him learn other characters moves and create unique combos like Sonic 1, into shadow 2, and finish it with Knuckles 3. So much room for customization! I'd like to see another attempt at this sort of game one day.

love the flaming head in the logo. they should've put it in the game. flaming head. final boss. oh i hate sonic's move where he throws a ring and dashes to it. you can just dash normally dumbass

Great art style and slightly fun at times, but boring for the most part.

Bom pra caraio, modo história é rica em dialogo então pra quem não gosta não vai curtir tanto e vai achar entediante, mas as mecânicas do jogo compensam, é um estilo meio diferente jogo de porrada isométrico, esquisito no começo, mas divertido depois que aprende a jogar e a melhor coisa de todas é customizar o teu robozin, fora que, você se sente super imerso no mundo do Sonic, pra quem é fã isso aqui é ouro.

A very unique brawler game. Very simple as well.

Completed the whole story and it was compelling, sad that the robot dude never appeared on later games.

On one hand, it's a neat and fun experience that's there if you want something that's a major step up from your 80% of mobile games you see. On the other, fighting that red robot bastard in the story mode makes me want to

Emerl deserves being in a better game

This game probably changed Sonic sprite animations forever.

This is like one of those YouTube epic fight animations made in flash but as an actual game and it's so good too

Very cool concept and story but not executed well enough. If this got a 3D remake of some sorts it would be an excellent game

Interesting idea and mechanics absolutely marred by execution. The fighting mechanics themselves are fine I guess, probably more so with friends but the single player campaign is a massive slog. It's the same type of fights over and over and over again and there's no variation anywhere to be seen. No interesting challenges with different stipulations, no boss fights except for one, just the same 3 round fights on loop. What's worse is that the AI is so immensely frustrating that you basically have to cheese them by using a special move they're unable to block over and over again and then switching to another that they cannot block, because otherwise fighting them normally reveals they just block everything thrown your way. This was practically the only way to kill anything in the campaign mode, and the Emerl customization is kinda cool but could've been fleshed out way more.

This is a very fun, pretty polished hidden gem from this series! The combat mechanics are very simple, but they utilize a very interesting special moves system where each stock you can block one of the three types of moves. The 3D arenas are also really cool for a GBA game, especially if playing it on a handheld like a GBA or 3DS where it won't look too chunky.

The story is pretty good too, as it's basically just "Sonic and Co. literally raise a child together". You can imagine pretty well how that goes, although it tying back into SA2's story with Gerald Robotnik and Shadow was pretty cool. Really goes to show how much SEGA was committing to the continuity of this series back in the day.

The main appeal of this game is customizing the robot playable character that the characters raise, Emerl. He has a super cool ability where you can equip him with moves from other characters you get from fighting those characters, where the only issue is that they don't drop enough. From what I've seen, it's nearly impossible to get all of the cards in a reasonable time, which is my main critique of the game. After trying (in vain) for about 2 hours to get anywhere in the Virtual Training mode for new cards, I just gave up and cheated them in because I have better things to do.

Overall though, really fun time that gets a solid recommendation for me! Good length, good difficulty, genuinely just a really fun, although not perfect, game.

bad video game that is awesome

admittedly not that good as a fighter but the story goes so hard and the character customization is so fun that it's worth playing just for that

Emerl is the best written character in the entire Sonic franchise. This isn't an opinion.

Somewhere under the millions of Phi rematches and fucked up padding, you really do have a game packed with charm and character.

I enjoyed when I was a kid, the game lacks of content but you can create your own move set with Emerl, the music is #ss but the gameplay has some potential.

Tried playing it through the emulator when I was about 12 years old, couldn't beat the story mode due to some problems with the controls and the game constantly crashing on me for some reason, of course I couldn't figure out why at that time.
But still, even if most of it can be done by button mashing certain cheesy moves, the game is mostly pretty fun.
And dont get me started on the sprites, they are gorgeous. They were also used for the Sonic RPG flash games, which were a HUGE part of my childhood.

Great story, unique design with beautiful presentation and fun gameplay make Sonic Battle one of my favorite modern handheld Sonic games, its only real flaws being balancing issues and a lack of variety in the structure of combat sequences throughout the story mode. For those who wouldn't consider these flaws a dealbreaker though and are fine with the game feeling somewhat repetitive, what you have is what I'd consider a more than worthwhile Sonic game, especially when played after SA2 and/or before Advance 3 so it feels even more impactful. I cannot recommend it enough, it's worth it for the story and character interactions alone because it provides such a great balance of fun and heartfelt moments that any Sonic fan would appreciate.

A unique handheld fighter that doesn't really have much going on besides the novelty and art style but can be decently fun on a little car trip

emerl is a cool robot even if he is named after an italian

These two Stars are for the story, in spite of its frequent padding. The gameplay is entirely horrendous, which does its awesome story and aesthetic a disservice.

I was always told that Sonic Battle was just kinda whatever, but idk I had a pretty fun time with it. I really liked the artstyle and for GBA it sounds pretty alright. The story was meh but this is a fighting game so it's not like I was expecting anything good out of it anyways.

Had no business being as good as it was.