Reviews from

in the past

really simple stock market sim thats honestly addicting for what it is, i love it

this thing is addictive as fuck goddamn

put all my money into circuit city stock and then killed myself

うわー、仕事はなんて長い一日なんだろう。冷たいビールの時間 ...

Currently in Early Access, Stonks-9800 serves as a fairly realistic 80's-style stock market simulator. Buy and sell stocks as you watch the charts for various made-up companies. Feel the rush of seeing the prices for your invested companies skyrocket, only for you to have a medical emergency and get stuck in the hospital for 1-2 weeks as the prices plummet back to normal levels.

Bitterness aside, there's a fair amount to manage outside of your investment goals. Balance your stress and health using daily spending that you can scale up and down, go out to bars or gamble with new friends. Form strong enough relationships, and they may even let you in on insider trading tips! You can also use your new-found gains to buy cars and better places to live in.

Currently, there is only "Free Mode" and "CEO Mode" to choose from, but a "Story Mode" seems to be in the works based on the menus. I'd like to see some better QoL such as more easily accessible information on each company without going to multiple seperate menus, as well as more companies to invest in at a time (there's only 7 or 8 on the ticker at any given time, but other companies are constantly getting updates and the ones you can actually invest in vary on different save files). It'd be cool to get a bigger list to work with and manage. Still, the game is in a great state so far if this seems like your kind of thing! Satisfying aesthetic and music to match it too.