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in the past

[Early Access] Missing a poorly telegraphed encounter near the beginning of the game led to 14 hours of aimless exploration that was meant to be punctuated by dialogue, exposition and character development. Instead that plot advancement was crammed into the last two hours as I revisited areas I'd already fully explored, just now with a brief bit of dialogue and magically unlocked doors. The plot threads, however, were intriguing and tied into the first game in interesting ways.

While Below Zero maintained the same sense of mechanical progression from the original, the biomes felt less varied, and the world was significantly smaller. Large enemies were more of a mild annoyance than an interesting challenge.

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Not quite as good as the original game but that is mostly down to the lack of variety in biomes and the sense of discovery not being there in quite the same way but the new on land stuff is pretty cool even if it feels weird to have so much on land stuff in a game all about exploring an uncharted sea planet is kinda weird but the snow stalkers are cute and the hoverbike is cool so whatever it’s fine. I’m a little sad that none of the Leviathans in this were even half as scary as in the original game. Knowing these terrifying ass creatures were lurking around in different parts of the map was part of the appeal but nothing in this comes close to even the Ghost let alone the Reaper or Sea Dragon. Nothing in the original game was as annoying as the Ice Worm but it’s only in the game for about 10 minutes if you’re just headed in and out. The main story hook of Robin’s sister ended really abruptly and anticlimacticly in such a way that I genuinely didn’t even know what happened at first but the other storyline about Al-An was actually really interesting and I liked how it ended. Learning that I could play a TryHardNinja song on the in game jukebox made me fucking lose it.

Não sei se consigo zerar, chega uma parte do jogo em que as coisas ficam muito massivas e o progresso fica extremamente lento e a gameplay só se torna cada vez mais repetitiva sem nenhuma inovação além do terror ser bem fraco no jogo com uma variação de leviathan extremamente baixa e os que tem não são tão assustadores, uma completa falha em ser o sucessor do primeiro que é basicamente perfeito em tudo que faz, a única melhora foi gráfica e nos biomas que são um pouco mais ricos em detalhes mas menos marcantes mesmo assim

The sequel to Subnatuica, one of my favorite games of all time, was a solid addition, but not as good as the first. Still enjoyed the world they created and hope to see more based on the ending.

Not as good as the first subnautica,also the game runs really bad in some areas specially in the arctic spires biome

Not quite as good as the first one, but still enjoyed my time with this, hopefully they improve the formula even more for a new entry.

Really enjoyed a more story and lore heavy installment of this universe, but with plenty of the familiar freedom for exploration and creation. Nothing was ever as terrifying as the reapers though. I would love a sequel that picks up where this left off.

It´s definitely NOT subnautica 2. It´s below zero. I got a different experience than expected, but the whale leviathan is cute so it kinda balances it out.

Subnautica: Below Zero is Subnautica's slightly lesser sequel. The game still does a great job of putting you into an alien world full of life, but I found that the pacing of information being fed to you was a bit too quick and this never left you time to stop to think about what is going on for yourself. Still, if you enjoyed the first game, this game is worth a watch.

Good game but doesn't compare to the magic of the first.

Después de terminarlo al 100% puedo decir que me encantó. Aún así, le pasa lo mismo que al juego anterior, es muy difícil orientarse y si dejas de jugar unos días y no sabes por donde ibas es casi obligatorio ver tutoriales.

Its good, dont get me wrong its good but the exploration is not as good as the original, i get its meant to be smaller and all but the giant ice worm plays a literal minor role, the story is too in your face to feel ominous like the original did and the ending is a bit unsatisfactory, though its very cool to see a precursor and get on a ship by them and all, it still not a great ending and definetaly not as good as the original

Great addition to Subnautica.

As good as the first one, which my only "complaint" being that if felt a little smaller, but that might very well be a perception caused by the fact that I got going faster since I already was familiar with the mechanics from the first game. Again, wonderful experience.

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nearly as good as the original, which i also consider a 4.5/5. i thought the transition to a voiced protagonist would be annoying, but i actually liked her role in the story and how she interacted with other characters. the game is still really terrifying, but by the time i got through the base game and most of this game, i had learned most of the horror tricks, so they were less effective (only by a little!). and the biggest weakness is one that is shared with the base game, which is that it's virtually impossible to beat without a wiki.

Uma versão "melhorada" do 1, porém a experiência de jogar o 2 depois de jogar o 1 torna o 2 mais fraco pelo fato de você já estar acostumado (ou não) com o terror que o jogo oferece

Didn't even have the scare factor of the first, just so boring tbh

Subnautica ist einfach gut. Der erste ist etwas größer und erspart einem die Eishölle, abgesehen davon macht auch dieser Teil Spaß.
Es gibt nicht genug Neuerungen um dies einen 2. Teil nennen zu können, war wohl aber auch mal als DLC geplant.

Alles in allem immer noch eins der besten Singleplayer Survival games.

o jogo é bem inferior ao primeiro, infelizmente acabei dropando pois ele me dava mais sono do que diversão, mas é um jogo ok.

game's not as scary as subnautica one but its cool

It's not as good as the first game, but still worth your time if you enjoyed that game.

There is more of a focus of on-land survival in this game, which I thought was OK, but nothing spectacular. It does break up the gameplay a bit and sets it apart from the original, but the icy/snowy landscape is very boring and repetitive compared to the underwater environments. I would have preferred more focus on the underwater gameplay, as it feels like there isn't as much variety with the underwater environments in this game as there was in the original.

The most noticeable difference from the first game is the change in storytelling styles. The protaganist in this game is given voicelines, and that is what primarily drives the story. I much prefer the storytelling style of the original game, I found that a lot more enticing and immersive, but the story in this game isn't bad.

Overall, this game provides more Subnautica gameplay with a cool new customisable vehicle and some welcome quality of life improvements, albeit with a less exciting premise and environment IMO. In many aspects it isn't as good as the first game, but it's still quite enjoyable.

Idk man, it doesn't hit as hard as the original

A fair amount of changes from the first game, for better or worse, but altogether I think it's a wash. Adding in above-water sections and a couple characters to talk to was neat. Seemed a lot easier, but that could be a combination of having played the previous game already and being less shy about looking up the location of shit (worst part of both games is when you need to find a thing but the only 'hint' you got was a PDA message you got hours ago and forgot where you were when you got it). ummm but there IS a milf

não é tão legal quanto o primeiro, a lore continua sendo interessante e o mundo continua vivo mas os personagens parecem meio forçados e as criaturas perderam um pouco do seu charme e não causam tanto medo assim

continua sendo bem bem legal mesmo