Reviews from

in the past

The first game I've ever played

I have pretty much nostalgia to it, but tbh it's a normal game, nothing exceptional but it does everything okay even if there is not something wow

An okay licensed game for a goated ass movie.

I love the Tintin series and movie, but this game was kinda disappointing. The game is very short, and not as detailed and well-made as i had hoped.

I was hoping to get an Uncharted sort of experience out of this one (perhaps unfairly), but it's more of a side-scrolling puzzle platformer. It's by no means terrible but pretty short and mindless overall. There are a lot worse movie games for sure.

I miss movie tie-in games so much

Worth playing alone just for Haddock’s insults

I’ve got pretty fond memories of this one
It’s not citizen Kane, but it’s fun for what it is.
Though I played the game first and then watched the film, and my word are the plots different

The Adventures of Tintin: The Game is a pretty neat 2D platformer slightly bogged down by Licensed Game "Alternate ways of Play". What I mean is that between levels there are Crash Bandicoot plane flying, Skyward Sword on rails sword swinging, and driving/turret section. These kind of start waring their welcome pretty fast, but the actual levels are dope.

This game is made by the Ubisoft studio that makes Rayman (old and new) and most recently made the new Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, so this studio has the pedigree for 2D platforming. It's pretty simplistic, but it frequently had little gimmicks that made me go "oh! neat!". A main mechanic of this game is picking up and throwing different items. If you throw banana's on someone, they will slide until they fall down a floor or hit a wall. Beach balls will bounce off walls and maybe hit multiple people. Cauldrons will land on people's hands making them hit allies. These aren't used all the time, but its still pretty neat.

The clouds in this game also look fucking crazy, I kind of think they used some of the UbiArt Engine to make them look that good.

Overall, just a neat short 2D platform adventure.

I was really fucking with this game, it is bombastic, cartoonishly violent, and has 2D puzzle-platforming combat that makes me go "ohhh! thats awesome!". But Sadly, my Xbox 360 finally got the Red Ring of Death and this attempt at this game has been shelved. Pour one out for a 14 year old console. 🫡