Reviews from

in the past


Vraiment un bon jeu pour introduire l'arc Crossbell, bien ghetto bien on doit se faire respecter. Le concept est incroyablement superbe

honestly the ending kinda sucks since it just shits on the themes that the game was building up, but apart from that it's pretty good. the central cast are all very well characterized (Renne's arc in particular is a highlight of the entire series to be honest), and the music is just as good as what you'd expect from pre CS3 falcom. just turn the difficulty down to easy because the combat is needlessly tiresome and the final dungeon in particular is painful.

Aunque es divertido y ameno, apenas pasa mucho. Es una introducción más que nada.

gameplay is a bit of a downgrade from 3rd but still fun. SSS r amazing (except kind of elie) and are what makes this game so good. the self-contained plot here is good but nothing mind blowing (which is a given since its another set-up game) and didn't leave me as excited as the endings to FC or CS1 did. also has the (so far) best map in the series with how much smaller it is, gives the game a very intimate feeling since everything takes place in basically one city

Really good so far, but there seems to be a lot more that would probably click if I play Trails in the Sky first, so I'll do that at some point then come back to this one.

best beginner arc in trails

I love Crossbell, it's my home.

This is superior to the sky trilogy in every possible way.

One of the best paced games ever. Great core cast

Despite all I've heard over the years, I think this is the weakest "Arc Starter" game (e.g. Trails in the Sky FC, Cold Steel 1, etc.). Not to say that it's bad though, I had a great time in Crossbell! I think the main party is a little underbaked, Lloyd especially feels like proto-Rean in a way I didn't think he would. Randy and Tio are the standouts here, even if Randy is just chillin the whole game with not much to do. (Though that does match his vibe so 😆) I did grow to like everyone by the end though, Tio especially is my fav of the SSS.

But if the main four are a little underbaked, Crossbell city itself is a really fun, well developed setting. Unlike the on foot touring you do in Liberl and Erebonia, having the game based in one big city is just a fun way to reallllly flesh out the place, and talking to the same NPCs each time the story progressed was really fun. As always, there are a lot of fun side characters who show up regularly too, and they’re all very charming and are very integrated into the city in good ways. The slow opening of the surrounding areas and highways works too, and naturally folds into the “rounds” you do between story segments.

The music is solid as always, a couple of standouts and everything else just solid, very typicaly Trails-sound. The actual plot is Fine, I like the contrast of the SSS vs the Bracers, and the story eventually ramps up into some fun stuff that definitely made me excited for Azure. I definitely want more group development (especially poor Elie, please Aidios give her something, anything)

So yeah, a solid Trails game, but not particularly standout to me. Still quite enjoyed myself, because a decent Trails game (especially since this is done so similarly to the Sky style) is still more enjoyable to me than So many other things

ROT13: (Nyfb V pna’g oryvrir gurl qvq Gur Guvat NTNVA. Rira bar bs gur gernfher purfg zrffntrf wbxrf nobhg vg! V jnf va qvforyvrs sbe gur ragver ohvyqhc bs gur ynfg puncgref.)

Thanks Geofront. Will absolutely triple dip once the official PC and Switch versions come out.

holy mother of peak falcom does it again

Trails from zero is... alright. I find it very lacking in some crucial areas such as characterization, character designs and dialogue. The game is full of distasteful misogynistic jokes that had me scowling every few minutes. I don't know if it's because the game is over 10 years old at this point or because it's anime-adjacent and therefore has to indulge in these annoying tropes, either way it really made my experience with the game much less enjoyable.

The only characters in the entire game that I found compelling were Tio and KeA. Everyone else gave me a migraine with their irritating commentary. Also, whether you like the characters or not there's no denying falcom's female character designs have taken a certain turn in the past decade -- one that I'm personally not a big fan of.

I had such high expectations for this game because of how much everyone has praised it, but I was pretty disappointed. I'm truly hoping that trails to azure is a better experience.

I stopped playing this one, cuz the Japanese got too complicated... May try out the English fan patch someday. For now it kinda excerbated the problems I have with the Trails-games in general. It's so goddamn wordy and slow. When I played Trails in the Sky it didn't even get started till 10 hours in. And even only watching Trails of Cold 1 & 2 felt like it takes forever to get going...

I don't know, I love the world-buildung and characters and the plot itself mostly...I even kinda consider myself a Trails-Fan in a way? But maybe I just like watching it instead of actually spending all that time to finally get to the "good part" myself.... Maybe I see things differently when I play this one in English for now though, that's were I am at

Will come back to it once I crave for a 2d ish jrpg again

Rating: F
This game innovates the Sky FC formula by mixing the lack of writing with bad writing.

I can hear them
the drums of peak fiction

played halfway through on PSP, finished with the Geofront patch. Best Trails soundtrack btw

I know Crossbell better than my own city

The sky characters and Randy carried so hard.

I was really excited to play Zero after all this time since I figured a smaller cast set in just one city instead of an entire country would make for a rather concentrated experience but ended up being a bit of a disappointment.

Despite the cast being significantly smaller than Cold Steel's, you might assume that Zero's character development would end up being much more thorough but Zero sadly has so many time skips that there was never really enough moments where you got to see the main characters interact outside of their police work. Each character gets a few scenes but just not enough for a player to be satisfied. Clearly the intention was for players to play Zero multiple times to get all the Bonding scenes but I don't think playing a game three times for a total of 120 hours or so just to see a couple scenes is really a good use of a player's time.

It doesn't help that Zero basically ends up being more of an Epilogue for the Trails of the Sky series than its own game. Like, the last 20 minutes of the game sidelines the main cast as focuses on completely different characters and while its fine in the grand scheme of things if I was a new player I think I'd be more annoyed that Llyod, Elie, Randy, and Tio just stand around for a while another group of people have their "Happily Ever After" moment.

While it was fun to finally play the missing link between the Sky series and the Cold Steel series, Zero ended up being a rather disappointing. Its not terrible but its a a game where you end up getting frustrated at what could have been.

Hopefully Azure pans out better.