Reviews from

in the past

This is one of the most schizo games I have ever seen, not in a good way. It is also extremely redneck-y. Everyone speaks in a hillbilly accent and utters total nonsense. Characters will just spew random shit like "thats the saddest thing since my goldfish froze to death 2 years ago" thats not even cool weird. The whole atmosphere is just greasy and uncomfortable but the game does not provide enough unique stuff to be worth playing.

Perfectly weird and disjointed. Bad Day on the Midway is more experience than game, with the player swapping between off-kilter characters in a messed up amusement park to uncover their secrets, explore attractions, and die at the hands of either bad footing or an unabashed serial killer.

I highly recommend giving this one an hour or two of your time, but don't feel pressured to see everything if you don't want to. After all, it's seemingly best enjoyed when you're a little disoriented and come bearing a desire to see something unlike the other things you've played of late. Also check out the amazingly assembled info site if you want a little more information after you poke around!

You walk around in a bizarre amusement park watching extremely weird stuff and discovering odd, but extremely iconic, characters. There aren't actual puzzles, you just need to find out where to go before suffering an horrible death. You can switch between characters whenever you meet then and each one has fun unique dialogs and events, you can even read their thoughts and they are often hilarious. It's priceless.

The downside is that the game is too short, and unlike other short games that properly develop their stories and leave you feeling satisfied, it makes you wish for a lot more, at least I did. This deserved to be like 5 cds long.

Too bad the David Lynch tv series never happened either.

GREAT GREAT GREAT. FANTASTIC. Suffers from being way too short for it's own good, I feel like this would have benefitted from more content (there is a novelization on Amazon I've yet to check out). I love how random it is but it still ends up having really intriguing, interesting characters. Very absurd but in a good way, and has replayability. Big reccomend.