Reviews from

in the past

what do you get when you put akira yamaoka in a PS1 game that predicts how the internet will be?
you get ownage

The revolutionary first good VN

Suda released this in 1999 and somehow 99% of his contemporaries that followed have not come even 1% close to how creative and different this is

this was certainly one of the video games ever

game can take a bit to get going and i can see how some might find some gameplay moments tedious but once the game got going for me i enjoyed it and i thought it had a lot to appreciate
if you are curious about suda 51 and grasshopper give it a shot
if you are already a fan of suda 51 and grasshopper its a must play i feel

Good story and great writing. The little gameplay there is is VERY repetitive tough. Also the performance was weirdly bad in my PC.

Great visual novel with amazing writing, ingenious use of different visuals (including 2d animations and real life footage) and a great cast of characters. The strongest ones being Kusabi, Tokio and Sumio during case 3 imo. While the prologue and case 1 might be a bit boring (and in my case tricked me into thinking there was more interactivity) after that it definitely picks up the pace reaching a huge peak in case 3 and then again in case 5 . While a bit cryptic sometimes and easy to loose track of dates, the placebo side does an amazing job of complimenting each case and by the end of the game i definitely felt that everything tied up nicely with only 1 or 2 questions left. Will definitely pick up FSR soon and someone please for the love of god lend him 50.000

I like a lot about it, but it kept crashing on me consistently during one chapter until I changed the settings, the translation is scuffed at some points, and it lacks some key QoL features I think all VNs should have (e.g. a log in case you miss any text or need to re-read something).

The game feels sluggish with really meaningless reveals about a world that doesn’t really seem all that developed, it could be just poorly translated. That said, I loved a lot of the visuals.

It's decent, enjoyed playing it a lot but its almost too deep to understand this game

A brilliant cyberpunk crime story and introduction to Suda51 as a director and writer, with some tedium owed to its origins as a Playstation 1 game.

Had a few issues with the gameplay here and there but overall I thought this was a very unique and creative experience.

I’d totally lend Kusabi 50,000 yen.

believe in the net
god is in the cables
data transcends time
and multiplies
using billions of clones
gives you undeniable proof
and then people transcend the light

Weird little experience. Don't expect most of the answers, there will be just the necessary. Surreal at times, funny at times, great all the way. One of the best light novels out there. Play it all the way through it will be worthed

The Silver Case will forever have a reputation as Goichi Suda's first outing as Suda51, so to speak. Being the first title developed at the (in 1999) new Grasshopper Manufacture, it's a cornerstone in Suda's signature style, both in visuals and writing. The game's "Film Window" engine provides just enough visual excitement to separate it from other visual novels, be they contemporary to this game, or more recent, a parallel to Suda's subversion of established styles in the other genre's he's worked on. The writing is jarring, confusing, and often at times loathsomely dull, but provides sharply developed atmosphere that nothing else can quite match; another Suda staple.

The experimentation with cyberpunk tropes of the time, as well as deep thematic integration makes this a definite must-play (must-read?) for those already used to visual novels, or those that are invested in the history of Suda51.

Hilarious and thought-provoking at the same time. Should replay in JP.

I still have no idea what this game means. I think I prefer it that way. Very nice visual novel, be ready for a good time.

The best mysteries are the ones that make me have to write notes on my thoughts and theories. And The Silver Case made me write multiple pages worth of it.
I haven't played many of them, but The Silver Case probably has to be one of my favorite Visual Novels so far. I love mysteries, and trying to solve them, and this game's mysteries were so addicting to try and figure it out. As with all of Suda51's works that I've play thus far, the presentation is outstanding, presenting its story in such a unique way. It's as if every little image is on a separate window on a computer.
The story I don't really want to mention much as all as I feel mentioning anything of note could potentially spoil parts of this story. But god, it's so worth reading it, it's absolutely amazing. I'm not sure if it's my favorite story of Suda's work so far, as I loved Killer7's story so much, but this is easily a close second.
I was a bit uncertain how much I would like The Silver Case going in, but I mean. Look at my rating, you can probably imagine from that alone that my uncertainty was proved incorrect. This game is absolutely outstanding, and definitely worth the read.

one of the most intriguing murder visual novels i've ever read with such a unique presentation

tetsugoro kusabi come home the kids miss you