Reviews from

in the past

Pretty much an escape room game that I actually liked the artstyle of. Only completed the free portion but it's got some clever puzzles in it.

Tiny Room Stories: Town Mystery is a port from a mobile game and it works very well on PC! It's a relaxing puzzle and hidden object type of game, with a somewhat interesting story.

The graphical design of the game is well-done and the controls works great, however I do lack a soundtrack as the game can get awfully quiet at times.

It's quite long too, and no microtransactions invovled - so I can definitely recommend this game! I am excited what the devs have in stock for their upcoming game in the same game series of "Tiny Room Stories" :)

still playing right now & this puzzle makes me feel big brain, i'm having fun rn

edit 1: just finished act 2 & i think my brain's gonna explode, but this is still fun nonetheless hehe

edit 2: on the middle of act 3 . I'm not giving up

Bastante Divertido.

A história é bem bagunçada e estranha, mas como o foco é no puzzle o jogo é muito bom!

Os puzzles são excelentes e bastante desafiadores, até anotações em um caderninho eu fiz. Infelizmente eu sou ruim em puzzles e quebrei a cabeça em vários, a ponto de passar raiva. (O que é bom pra um jogo de puzzle, creio eu.)

Ainda nos puzzles, as vezes acho que há um certo exagero em sua dificuldade. Normal não entender as pistas de primeira, mas tem umas que quando você entende, percebe que foi completamente sem sentido em nível de dificuldade.

O gráfico casou bem com o game, e tem uma direção artística bem bonita.

As músicas são boas, mas são repetitivas a ponto de você ter que tirar o fone ou colocar outra música de fundo pra não ficar maluco.

Jogabilidade muito boa. Exploração muito imersiva de ficar girando o local pra achar as coisas.


Turns out I'm too stupid to play games like this, but I had fun; bashing my face against a wall in frustration not withstanding. I also enjoyed the story.

There's just nothing at all here. The writing is dull, sparse, and terribly translated, the puzzles are bog standard escape room fare, and the concept of a "mystery" isn't sold at all by either the narrative or mechanical design. The description suggests that this is supposed to have a "miniatures" vibe to it, but it just comes off as unremarkable low-poly asset pack instead. Charmless and empty.

i am glad that this is a mobile game, FREE TOO?! it's really worth it.

A simplicidade é o charme deste jogo, começando pelo visual bonito de cada tela. E falando em telas, são muitas! Esperava algo mais curto e com uma história clichê, mas me surpreendi com uma trama envolvente que se desenrola ao longo de vários episódios. Os puzzles são bem elaborados, diversificados e intuitivos, mas devido ao grande número de telas, podem se tornar um pouco cansativos. Até tem uns "puzzles labirintos" que normalmente detesto, mas aqui até que deu pra aguentar. No final das contas, é uma excelente opção para quem gosta de escape room.

Good game, fun riddles and great concept, the thing is that it gets interesting as you go, but then at the end I didn’t have a payoff worth enough for what I went through, also the riddles towards the end they mostly get “ugh.. that’s what it was?” Than get like “woah nice” when you find clues and whatnot.

Overall it was fun and I’d recommend it!

A point and click with modern escape room vibes.
There's a story in it but unlike your classic point n clicks in definitely feels secondary and that's fine.

Plays well and looks lovely on the phone.
Searching rooms for clues is mostly on the right side of fun/tedious with a great hint system that works wonderfully as a reminder of what you were doing if you stop mid chapter.
Which in the later chapters you are going to need.

As the game progresses the levels are larger, more rooms to go back and forth through and there is definitely a line of "that's enough rooms" that it crosses at points.
Warning if you have poor short term memory (codes, patterns) because this game does keep some important information logged but it's inconsistent and I found myself more than once scribbling down a code or some shapes.

A very enjoyable mystery game with cool sci-fi elements & an isometric miniature design. You play as a detective looking for his father before coming across a secret dimensional crystal.