Reviews from

in the past

baby you KNOW im on that wizard shit

W101 is a hugely underrated MMO. from awesome spell animations, to a surprisingly complex fighting system, to funny characters and even really bad yet still funny puns, this game has it all for anyone who likes card games and mmo's. Its much deeper than what it looks like on the surface

Would I pay $10/month for this? No.
Do I play an unhealthy amount of this whenever there's a free membership week? Yeah.

Awesome and nostalgic game. Not nearly as good as Pirate101 though.

Great game! art style is charming as hell! voice acting is great. Writing is fantastic. gameplay is very relaxing due to turn-based combat.

Only problem is that it runs on a membership system that costs $70 a year!

Too late I'm addicted, f*ck you kingsile.

i was poor so i never got the finish

this game made me feel less lonely, something about the community and the uniqueness of the story/content elicits only positive emotions.

nostalgic af but sadly never played passed the free part cuz I was a kid and mom said no.

I still find it enjoyable after all these years, would make it a 5 star if the game had less microtransactions and more chat options.

The last time I played this game was probably a decade ago lol, I was reminded of this by a video about the hack. Real ones remember the wizards of waverly place event. Shit, does that make me old?

arguably my most played game ever.. my first ever pc game, & the most hours ive spent on a single title. I have to say, it isn't the greatest game due to the paywall & overall PTW & money grabbing content. But looking at the bright side, it's GR8

this was the shit, but couldn't get very far due to needing premium currency to progress the story

Hmm today I will stack blades, traps, shields, and weaknesses to cast Hydra (clueless)

Played for a while as a kid and got very confused and stopped playing. Enjoyed it though.

good but you need to subscribe to play properly

premium is a scam
4 stars because of nostalgia

ok like i'm biased but the fun of drawing fanart to now I would pick this game over others. also i have been working on my castles for a decade so i can't quite now

have to pay to finish the rest of the game, was fun to use cheatengine in tho

i would enjoy this game if i didnt have to pay

totally gonna replay this even though it looks like claymation out of my lower intestine

Been playing this since the start. It's always been a really enjoyable game to come back to, and it's genuinely fun and interesting. I'm glad to see it's still thriving after all this time!

death, taxes, firecat alley and cyclops lane being paywalled

At least make the first arc free to play, this game is fun but the pay wall just kills it for most people. Especially since you need a subscription to continue the game.

my friend in elementary school really wanted me to play this with him but it ran like ass on my dinky gateway netbook and young me couldn't figure out why

as sincerely as I can put this I love this game but boy is it a pain in the ass to play. i've been playing since it came out and i think i like it for everything besides like... the actual way quests are? i like the worlds, game looks dated but it's still pretty cool, absolutely love the housing customization character customization etc. i just think battles in this game take way way way longer than they should and quests do not help especially if you're playing solo!!! just feels like it takes too long to even get to the story because half the time you're killing like 8 guys for a single drop or whatever. also i like how varied the classes are im a myth wizard! wahoo! yippee!

what do y'all know about the storm wizard and ice wizard duo?