Reviews from

in the past

I'm thankful that I was one of very few players to experience few crashes (only once for me), and was able to play the game to its entirety and enjoyed it

Didn't think a wrestling game could run, perform and just overall look worst than even the worst shit during the PS2/Xbox/GC days

Lackluster entry in a franchise that was on the right path with the solid succession from 2K18 to 2K19. The game was drastically improved through updates since it's day one mess, but the damage had been done. In-ring gameplay is solid, new elements added in comparison to the previous installment. Recurrent crashes, freezes and menu bugs make the game unbearable on PC.

Bruh this game is so fucking broken. Definitely 2K's biggest turd so far. The fact that we got stuck with this shit for almost THREE years is a travesty to wrestling fans!

Step Inside. More like step the fuck outta this shithole.

Back to 2K19 for a few years then.

Only real interesting things to me was looking back on the roster 4 years later and the dlc showcases. Everything else just did not do it for me. Wasn't a big fan of the controls and the graphics left a lot to be desired. I had a lot more fun playing 2k19, and dropped this game not too long after I bought it

Nomás complete el showcase por los trajes alternativos.

another fluke by a sports game

I only played it because the PS4 never had backwards compatibility, and still seems like the case with the 5, but yeah this game is a buggy and broken mess, and why does every superstar in the game look inaccurate and miserable, they’re feeling how I feel when I’m playing the game

Honestly, the myCareer is just boring, and the writing is awful. The only reason I actually had one or two laughs out of it is because I made my male MyPlayer this cursed red man called buttman as a joke. My humor out of the picture though, it really is just boring, and I just want everyone to blink, their eyes won’t close.

And yes, it crashes a lot for no reason.

Hey, maybe I might stream the pain as a joke in the future, but this is staying shelved, it’s a sin of a game

jogo com alguns bugs que atrapalharam muito a gameplay, mas me trouxeram muito divertimento

hooollly f this shit was bad
2k were so not cookn in fact what's the opposite of that ? eating ? idfk. what I do know is that this game is unplayable ,so many glitches ,the game crashed like it was splitgate after 2 weeks
sooo yea overall this game is unfinished (or maybe im just hatin ...idk although ... maybe u shouldn't play this one)

Decent gameplay (when working) and a pretty big roster, but everything else sucks asssss.

two years later and it's still awful in a hilarious way

don't actually buy this unless you intend to suffer, just buy Fire Pro World instead

you're still wrestling so it gets a half star

Bad, so fucking bad.
Bad mechanics, stupid AI, all showcase matches had way too many cutscenes except the most important one which was pretty fucking long because you had to do everything by yourself, never seen a game have this disastrous downgrade from a previous title, 2k19 was awesome.

one of the worst games i've ever played

Broken awful mess that never should have been sold.

I refuse to acknowledge this game's existence, it's a genuine disgrace to wrestling games as a whole.

this is almost broken as my heart when i think about smackdown vs raw, wwe2k14 and here comes the pain

This shit was so bad they said let's skip a year so we can get our shit together lol

Was actually getting into playing this game (after all the patches lol) and then it crashed and I lost all my progress for literally no reason.

Loses more points for this game being (so far) the only time The Fiend was ever featured which pains me that such a great character is locked behind this nothing of a game.