Reviews from

in the past

the most fun i've had in an arpg

Un buen juego en todo, no destaca en nada pero todo esta bien, buena historia que no rompe la cabeza, combate divertido aunque quizas demasiado simple. sidequest y platino faciles pero quizás pesados, yo lo recomiendo pero no vayas con muchas espectaticas

Me llamó la atención por su carátula, pues llevaba eones sin tocar un juego de la saga YS, y creo que esta carátula es reflejo de la preciosidad que atesora el propio juego.

Es uno de los JRPGs más bonitos que he jugado nunca, en todos los aspectos.
La historia no es para volverse locos, pero todo los temas que toca y entrelaza me han parecido maravillosos y lo suficientemente interesantes como para mantenerme enganchado durante más de 70 horas.

Cada personaje es único, secundarios inclusive, y acabas cogiéndole cariño a todos, incluso a quienes les coges asco... nunca me había pasado antes en un juego.

La banda sonora merece un apartado solo para ella sola, de verdad, es un 10 y le va como anillo al dedo.
Tanto sus temas más sensibles y tiernos como los que son más cañeros y épicos, de verdad, son geniales.

Su sistema de combate es cierto que puede pecar un poco de ser simple y muy en la línea de un hack and slash, pero es divertido y vas adquiriendo bastantes habilidades. En dificultad NORMAL difícilmente morirás, a no ser que te enfrentes a enemigos a los que deberías dejar en paz...

Y por último, pero no menos importante, su final bueno es MUY BUENO.
Un final perfecto, emotivo y precioso que te dejará sensación de vacío si te ha gustado el juego.

Si le he dado 4 estrellas y media, ha sido porque el port para Switch es un poco lamentable en ocasiones, con caídas de resoluciones PREOCUPANTES en algunos puntos del juego, pues llega a verse incluso borroso en ciertos momentos cosa que no em ha pasado nunca con otro juego en la portátil.
De haberlo jugado en otro sistema, sería un 5/5 sin duda alguna.

Picked this up specifically for the experimental coop to have a split screen romp. The game definitely fulfilled that purpose. Sahad is the greatest character in any media. When he farted I felt that.

Game got shelved due to getting a bit too repetitive and a lot of enforced single player segments.

i got bad ending and i cant even fight final boss

best ys game, great story and very rewarding exploration and combat

decent engaging jrpg
played it on stadia yup that mfer ded

good game, i fucking hate dinosaurs so getting to kill them on the regular is a joy

If you only play in consoles, this is the best entry point to the series. You may miss a couple of references from Memories of Celceta, but nothing that demerits from the experience.

Has a good variety of locations even if everything takes place in a single island.

The castaways stories are interesting and compel you to continue looking for them. Having the goal of reaching a specific location for each chapter makes for a good loop that doesn't get tiring.

I guess there's the same issue from the rest of this era of the series (Ys Seven to IX), where you will set on three specific characters for most of the game (Adol + two others to complement him) and leave the other three characters forgotten for the rest of the game.

Yees 8, Lacrimosa of Dana, is an action-Japanese JRPG Action Game Developed by Nihon Falcom in twenty seventeen. Released on the Playstation Life (Vita), the game saw mediocre sales in Japan, which prompted XSeed Games to fill some big holes, and censor the game for North American Audiences.

As the 9th game in the Yees Franchise, Lacrimosa takes place on a deserted Island, inhabited by humans, lizards, dinosaurs, and lolis. The star of the show, Adol Christian, is once again at the forefront of the adventure. An explorer at Heart, Adol is tasked with helping him and a bunch of other nameless losers escape from the deserted island. Joining Adol is his friendly suppport Doge, the classic pervy ojousama Lactatia and the big chad himself, Sahad. Traversing forests, ruins, mountains, and dungeons, the group unravels a classic plot that is much higher stakes than they expected. AT the heart of it is a giant evil tree called Ys, and its up to Adol and co to save the world.

In addition to Adol, he is met by Hamel, the human personification of the town where Joshua's sister was slain who wields a rifle with deadly acurracy, Ricotta, a dwarf, and Dana, an adorable dinosaur with a long speckled past of maidens, prophecy, and trees. Dana is the games neuteragonist, which means that her past was taken away by force, and you switch between playing as her and Adol throughout the game. Dana has access to an umber of cool Orgia mode forms, inlcuding Rock that breaks stuff, Fire which heats stuff, and Ice stuff which colds stuff. The gameplay is action oriented, which amounts to mashing buttons and pressing the X button to switch to a character that can defeat the enemy. There's no complex rock paper scissors shenanigans here, it's all randomized. Birds are weak to getting shot, dinosaurs are weak to being slain (reference to Dinosaur Resurrection), and fragile enemies are weak to being clubbed like little baby seals. There is also two invincibility buttons, which can be chained together to turn off the difficulty (there are many options to choose from nad all of them are the same!). Each character has a bnumber of customizable skills to be swapped out, but if you get Adol's whirlwind you basically win the game.

The music is once again an absolute banger, as expected of Uematsu-2. Sunshine coastline is perhaps the greatest piece of music in the game, and will never be surpassed. It fills a big hole in my heart to hear this song, it is quite excellent and everyone should hear it.

As the first great Ys game, Lacrimosa takes everything up to a 10. It has amazing music, okay gameplay, a good story, excellent characters, and a translation so good it could bring tears to your eyes. The game actually received a nerf that weaked its localization power, but it was necessary as people could only talk about the translation instead of the game itself. Very high quality.


Changed my life
The perfect jrpg

I'm just waiting for more adventure

Es más Ys, y además tiene a Dana, what else do you need?

- El amplísimo elenco de personajes controlables y no controlables es muy variado. Cada uno cuenta con personalidades muy marcadas y es complicado no acabar integrado en la comunidad que se forma. Además, Dana is the best waifu ever.
- La isla es enorme, con muchísimos hábitats distintos, monstruos propios, lugares por descubrir y misiones secundarias que realizar.
- El juego es rápido, ágil y directo, como el resto de títulos de la saga. A esto contribuyen varios aspectos, como las animaciones frenéticas o una banda sonora que no te deja respirar ni por un segundo.

- Tiene problemas de rendimiento realmente graves, especialmente en los flashbacks de Dana, en los que el juego se vuelve casi injugable.
- El combate se vuelve repetitivo demasiado pronto, pese a poder manejar a distintos personajes, cada uno con habilidades características. Esto prácticamente obliga a eludir los combates aleatorios, aunque los bosses rallen a buen nivel.
- La historia, pese a ser contextualmente interesante y verse apoyada por los personajes que la forman, es más básica que un martillo.


Una obra maestra que desconocía.

Eu fico impressionado como o conteúdo secundário fez um trabalho mais eficiente com os personagens do que a história principal

No geral eu entendo o hype em cima da Dana, as melhores partes são dela mesmo, inclusive as boss fights e dungeons, mas ela só toma o estágio central muito pra frente e no lugar disso a gente tem uns personagens que são divertidos mas beem simples e alguns que são só ruins mesmo, a Dana salvou muito a história

O combate e exploração são simples, mas funcionam, o combate funciona na base de desviar na hora certa e usar as habilidades com timing certo, o que me divertiu, e a mecânicas de equipamentos que te dão habilidade de exploração deixa o backtracking divertido

Enfim, no geral, um jogo divertidinho, com seus altos e baixos, ou seja, mid.

Ys is mediocre in every respect besides music. This is your stereotypical underwhelming JRPG that is propped up by a passionate fanbase.

I get that this isn't a big-budget game, but the extremely small/linear zones and subpar visuals greatly hurt my enjoyment. If Xenoblade Chronicles can have large/open and detailed areas on the Wii, why can't this? To make matters worse, there were multiple occasions where I was told that I couldn't explore areas yet because of some arbitrary story restriction. It's way too restrictive.

The side characters are all one-note anime cliches and the main character is your typical dull silent protagonist with no personality. There's a lot of dialogue, but most of it isn't anything of substance and could be condensed into a few sentences. It only gets in the way of the action. The combat isn't terrible but feels a bit button-mashy since even basic enemies have high HP.

wasn’t really into it during the first couple of hours but everything after chapter 2 got me hooked and man this game ended up being insane.

I had a lot of fun with the combat and did not expect the story to be as good as it was, still not an incredible story, but quite a bit better than I was expecting

Maneiro, mas cansei do combate repetitivo depois de umas 10 horas de jogo. Estava gostando da história, mas não me animei de terminar

I am confused on why this game is so praised on this site. Thats not to say that its bad but it not amazing either. It mostly just feels like a shell of better games like DMC, kingdom hearts and souls. The combat is not as refined, the bosses aren't nearly as interesting, the ost is good but not as good as the previously named games. On top of the fact that this game came out really buggy. I actually played DMC 5 again just because of this game, and when I came back, I tried to do Nero air combos forgetting that I'm not playing the better game.

But to get into what I don't like about particularly in this game, I'll first talk about the combat. It is not the worst thing ever, but it certainly has its issues. Adol is so god damn fast, like too fast for most enemies to keep up with. I barely ever needed to dodge or parry because you can get in and out of combat so fast. Bosses and enemies need to be sped up or having Elden Ring tracking to really do anything. There's also aerial combat. It's not good. You have launchers and stuff but nothing to really stay in air with besides your basic mash combo. Most things also can't be launched so it's a really irrelevant part of combat. The game has this weapon triangle system where you have to use certain characters to do any real damage to monsters. Unsurprisingly, I don't like this feature either. I hate being forced to use the characters i don't enjoy using. For example, Sahad is big and slow and I think he sucks fat ass, but a lot of enemies need a smash type character to do damage to them. Imagine DMC but Dante sometimes has to use the guitar, and then he has to use the fists. Just let me use the character I want, this adds unnecessary mechanics into the game that take away from the experience. In my opinion, its better to be inclusive rather than exclusive, and in this case, its preventing me from enjoying the game as much. The bosses range from standard to below average but never anything too frustrating. Most bosses are big monster things, and as we know, the best bosses in action games are always the humanoid ones. Which saddens me because there's few in this game.

I won't say too much about the story as I don't want to go into spoiler territory. I will say though, that chapters 1 and 2 are so fucking boring. Nothing interesting happens at all until the very end of chapter 2, until then just skip all the cutscenes. The game spends way too long talking about the most boring shit possible in an attempt to set up the events of the game. Chapters 1 and 2 are filters for a good chunk of players, which almost included me. Chapter 3 is where the game starts to actually get good and do its thing.

The ost bangs, kinda. A lot of the songs are great, but some are just boring to listen too. In a way, it's like FF7 where most the songs are great and then some songs are just droning and irritating. I will never say that these ys games have a bad soundtrack, ys 1 had a crazy ost that did not fit at all but was still great.

Overall though, I just feel like I'm playing a shadow of better games. Given, I know Nihon Falcom aren't rolling in the dough enough to make their games like square and capcom do. Nevertheless though, I still don't enjoy this game nearly as much as most other actions games or rpgs that I have played. Also the frame drops on the vita version is fucking wild, game drops from 30 to 24 and back constantly and sometimes to like 10 frames.

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So good Miyazaki copied the final boss

Replay rapidito para jugar algo comfy, para que fuera más rápido hice el final malo y me partió el corazón.