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Very, very strong Coffee Talk vibes on this one. Concocting different teas in order to unlock new scenarios and use your newly gained information to go back and mix them into different blends. That, and one other detail that I don't quite want to get into to try and remain spoiler free for both games.

Just like Coffee Talk, it's a very cozy experience. Not a very extensive one, but cozy nonetheless. You can only do so much with a few minutes of dialogue between three characters, and I like what they did.

I did have to look up a guide for that final ending, I'll admit. I'm not sure if it was purely my fault or just something that felt a little too vague, but I had tried mixing three of the same ingredient earlier to no avail, so I had assumed that it wasn't possible for any of the ingredients. Not the case, and unfortunately, I had no access to saves of any sort, so after a few failed attempts, I decided I wasn't really willing to trial and error my way into the correct drink. I think given more opportunities to make the drinks, I'd find it a little easier to experiment and find new recipes.

Not bad, though. I'm starting to become a fan of this developer already, and I'll absolutely consider trying the rest of their games. Especially looking forward to the rest of the Year of Springs games whenever I get that opportunity.

i guess i should also thank good buddy Lemonstrade for trying to urge me into playing this game so adamantly lol

Uma experiência bem curtinha (menos de uma hora), mas muito gostosinha. Praticamente uma visual novel com um puzzle leve de descobrir quais chás criar para fazer a história avançar. E é isso. Curtinho e bonitinho. Da pra terminar enquanto toma uma, ou duas, xícaras de chá.

Terminei com vontade que existissem mais capítulos, com outros personagens e histórias.

An enjoyable game with a cute storyline, it was a good, cozy time!

Claramente inspirado em Coffe Talk (e foi por esse exato motivo que comprei). Fiquei decepcionado, já que o jogo anterior da criadora A Year of Springs tem mais duração e tem uma histórinha um pouco mais profunda, achei essa tão mais ou menos, faltou mais sal na interação entre os personagens. Esperava mais.

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Schönes kleines Spiel. Nur bei der letzten Lösung stand ich gewaltig auf dem Schlauch da es für mich nicht logisch war.