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Link to my Arkham Knight review -

The best of the Arkham Knight add on DLC packs. Adds a whole new area and playable character. Batgirl plays very similar to Batman but moves a bit quicker but still cool to play as Batgirl. Basic premise has Batgirl and Robin trying to save Commissioner Gordon from the Joker and Harley Quinn. Its pretty quick, takes no more than an hour but that is almost double the length of all the other ones.

Love seeing Harley in the animated series costume, im a sucker for anything referencing that show so thats plus a few points. I wish Robin had an updated costume as this is meant to be set years prior to Arkham Asylum and Tim Drake looks exactly the same.

The only one of these Episodic DLC's that is worth the money.

out of all the Arkham Knight DLC stories, this is by far the longest clocking in at 3 hours, and it's the only one that actually gives character development to its character.

Easily the best of the many, many DLCs for this game. The setting and story are very cartoony but it ends up working in its favor.

melhor traje já feito da batgirl, bem melhor que aquela desgraça que parece um pijama das HQs.

Best of the single release DLC. Glad it adds a whole new area and doesn't just update an existing area. Cool to see Harley in her animated series costume. Really fun DLC

Surprisingly well done, about on par with the base game's quality. The predator sections in particular were fun as hell.

Nice to have one of these Arkham Knight DLCs that is longer than 20 minutes and has a decent amount of content. It's not a lot but it's certainly more than most of the other DLC episodes in this game.

Ever heard of the best DLC ever made? It's this one. A complete masterpiece! I loved seeing Batgirl in action, and I loved to see more of the Joker and Harley Quinn before the Arkham Asylum events.

The only thing I'm not satisfied with was Robin. Yeah, it was cool to see Tim Drake and his chemistry with Batgirl, but I feel like the devs wasted their opportunity to let you play with Jason Todd's Robin as this could've been before Joker kidnaps him. Aside from that, MASTERPIECE.

Muy interesante la historia y usar a Batichica por primera vez, otro pagaré de Rocksteady cobrado. Como siempre excelente el Joker y es bueno ver a Harley payasa.

As I dive further and further into Arkham Knight’s Season Pass content, I am reminded that Rocksteady still remembers what their strengths are, yet are either too stubborn or even apprehensive to not make a game with a pointless open world.

The Bat Girl DLC for Knight is a good example of what everyone liked about Asylum, tight and focused linear design where each area felt like it had purpose. And while this does not reach those heights, it does come relatively close.

Batgirl herself feels like a “lite” Batman in a physical and electronic sense.

You’re dropped into a free flow segment almost immediately, and I could not help but feel a bit disappointed that she shares so many animations with Batman, thankfully her faster animations make her feel a little more difficult to get the hang of and given her much lower health, you can’t button mash like you could in the base game. Batgirl’s speed is balanced by having her attacks cause much less damage, but the game also takes this into account by never throwing extremely large mobs at you when solo to pad out the play time.

In the comics Batgirl is a master hacker, and the game incorporates this skill into the game play frequently, with the tutorial section outright locking you in place until you use her remote hacking device. As someone who pen tests for their day job, I found that the hacking only consisting on hitting left trigger to brute force a trap or having to do the series staple password cracking rotating sticks mini game very underwhelming. There could have been mini games where you engage in social engineering to gain access to passwords, install key loggers on consoles to gain access codes to doors, subtly place usbs with malware on the ground, or tailgate a thug who has a key card, as a few examples.

This underwhelming feeling is exacerbated because you’ll be “hacking” after every free flow and predator segment. The fact that Rocksteady dropped the ball this hard on such an integral aspect of the character is astounding.

Batgirl only has around 1/3rd of the gadgets Batman has, which feels deliberate in order to make you focus on the remote hacking device. During predator segments, you’ll need to lure enemies to exploding consoles in order to use it effectively. As the enemy placement is smart as to not have you abuse it. The AI during these segments is some of the most impressive in the entire franchise, as some grunts will stand near certain vents and vantage points in an attempt to flush you out, as well as grouping up and constantly turning around for coverage. You will have to use your smoke pellets far more here, as once again this DLC does not have a lot of grates you can hide in to abuse. As well as plenty of open doors forcing you to thoroughly study your surroundings.

While I feel somewhat sick that I have to praise the bare minimum here. There are a few puzzle segments where you have to know what gadgets to use to progress, and unlike 90% of 8th gen-current games, Batgirl never tells you what to do, you must figure it out on your own. I was pleasantly surprised by this, as sad as that sounds given how far the industry has fallen in this regard.

The amusement park you spend your 90 minutes of playtime in is thankfully quite small and intricate instead of being an open world. The game also clues you in when you first arrive that the closer objective markers are the easier tasks, but you have the freedom to go about them in any order you wish. You even get rewarded for exploring of the beaten path if you play some of the carnival games with audio logs of the history of the park. Many games fail at teaching with out telling when it comes to non linear progression, so it’s great to see it be nailed here.
Once again the boss fight is incredibly poor. You’ll just be wailing on thugs until an LB prompt shows up every 4- or so seconds, you then run up to Joker or Harley, press the button, and repeat for 4-6 minutes. I’m not surprised at the continued dropping of the ball when it comes to the boss fights in Knight, I fully expect it now.

The plot isn’t anything special, Batgirl needs to save her father and she does her job well rescuing hostages and defusing bombs along the way. Joker and Harley never make the effort to truly test her physical or hacking skills and it gives the entire story a clock in clock out 9-5 vibe.

While the music is still mostly reused from the base game, there is a new track this time that plays during predator segments, it features far more slower paced percussion to illustrate that Batgirl is not at Batman’s level just yet and is a nice addition, though the dlc really could have used another 3-4 tracks.

Graphically the DLC is as impressive as ever, from little details like the stitching and scratch marks on Bat Girls ass plates, to the dilapidated rotted wood and twisted marine creatures of the amusement park, you’ll be in for a feast for the eyes.

Matter of family was heavily marketed as the marque title for Arkam Knight’s Season pass back in 2015, and from a glance it certainly is the cream of that crop. Like every other piece of Knight’s dlc it clears the low bar its base set, and you’ll have a good time that doesn’t overstay it’s welcome, though it can’t help but make you long for a more fleshed out campaign.


I had some good fun with this game. I liked the new story it adds and the new light it shines on some of the characters we only saw some of in the original release of the game. I like the different locations as well as the new combat encounters that are included in this release.

Incrível, o jogo apresenta a Batgirl, junto do Robin indo resgatar o Comissário de Polícia Jim Gordon. Essa é a única DLC desse jogo que tem um mapa aberto, com colecionáveis e inimigos espalhados. O combate é igual ao do Batman, só que foca mais no uso do Invasor Remoto. O jogo tem a melhor boss fight do Arkham Knight(Se não contar a "Boss Fight" do Johnny Charisma). OBS: O jogo se passa entre Arkham Origins e Arkham Asylum, para quem estava em dúvida.

my game crashed after the ending cutscene and now it says I only did 90% of it but I swear I beat it

and this one is actually really damn good
a ton of effort put into it

main reason its a 4 star and not anything higher is that batgirl plays just like batman

oh and im ass and that carousel bit with the 100+ dudes kinda pissed me off

Okay, but how come she doesn't have a Bentley styled, Bat-Wheel Chair??

DLC curta como as outras mas seu diferencial é ter um mapa aberto, colecionáveis e uma historia um pouco maior.
Problema é que não tem tesão alguma enfrentando os inimigos ou pra fazer combos, nisso o jogo peca demais, além de que, deveriam ter explorado mais a relação da barbara com o tim drake, seria interessante.
menção honrosa aos diálogos dos inimigos, muito bem escritos kkkkk

They made a proper story dlc and it was good!

Well at least it's not a poor mans excuse of a 10 minute DLC like the previous episodes and we get an ACTUAL dlc experience.

Gosto muito dessa DLC. Apesar de não ser tão profunda como o Cold Cold Heart por exemplo, eu acho que gosto mais dessa. Jogar com a Batgirl, e ver a dinâmica dela com o Robin sem ter o Batman no meio, é muito legal.

harley should've done the ice spice dance in that fit

A lot of fun, even if Batgirl's arsenal of gadgets is more stripped back than Batman's.

A decent little DLC that is honestly more fufilling than the others it's saddled with.

The best of the Arkham Knight DLCs. Feels like Asylum and is longer than 30 minutes.

a melhor dlc sem dúvidas, amei como exploraram mais a relação do tim e da barb

coringa do mark hamill <3

Ожидал большего, УВЫ.

This felt a lot like a one-off Batman: The Animated Series episode in a good way. It's short, an issue that plagues every Arkham series DLC, but provides a fun pre-Arkham Asylum mini-adventure with Barbara and Tim - who don't get nearly enough screen time across the trilogy.

Questo dlc di un'ora scarsa supera di mille volte gotham knights

Def the best dlc since it actually last more than it takes to bust a nut so that's cool and it's nice to see joker and Harley in their prime time just not my personal fav since I don't like Robin and he's in it for more than a second 7.5/10 dlc