Reviews from

in the past

I actually started playing this back on the 360 on veteran, but couldn't get through the mission where you are in the back of the truck shooting everything, so I just stopped playing it. 8 years later I tried again on veteran, but still couldn't get past that mission. Finally gave in and played it on Hardened and finished it.

harder than world at war to platinum, but great game

The game is fun, but shows it's age especially when compared to the other call of duty games. The story was not memorable, with the exception of the final missions of each country. Over all, it's a decent world war 2 shooter, that I would only recommend to fans of the series.

I didn't want to actually play through this campaign again, mainly because I actually bought this port when it was released, and it was my first introduction to the original Call of Duty before playing the original PC version earlier this year.

This game is literally just the first COD with upgraded graphics and no quick save system. I have played it in completion at least 4-5 times. These are not positive or negative aspects to the game, they are merely factual observations, do with them what you will.

It was neat to finally play this when it came bundled with MW2 and see how the series started, but it was a pretty generic WW2 shooter.

Good for a quirky little nostalgia trip or bit of trivia on how the series started. Actually playing through the whole thing would be torture.

Eu gosto desse jogo, mas esse remaster é horrível.

I finished this on Veteran on PS3...
It was something

Começa um arcade mode de treino de mira de campanha americana e termina como uma arte russa em steligrado, SENSACIONAL