Reviews from

in the past

I wish card wars from the show was real

Fragrant Story should take notes from this game's spinner mechanics

ive been watching through all of adventure time for the first time recently and ive been thinking about this game back when i used to watch episodes from seasons 1-3 and a little bit of 4 all the time and now it makes me a little sad that i cant even revisit this game because its not on the play store anymore. apparently you can download it and play it on smartphone emulators but i hate using them so much that its not worth it just to play this game again

I really wanted this game to be more like that episode from Adventure Time but it's impossible to do that, they tried and failed, but as a card game it's still good enough.

I was obsessed with the episode this game was based on and so I ended up playing this game a lot when I was little. Wasn't exactly what I was expecting and the game could have been better, but it kept my attention. It kinda sucked when I lost my save and they took the game off of the app store though.

O episódio da guerra de cartas é muito foda, quando vi pela primeira vez queria muito jogar. Esse jogo poderia ter sido melhor mas é bem legal pra passar o tempo.

>> Prós
• JOGABILIDADE : É bem parecido ao jogo do episódio ( Apenas gire o porco )

>> Contras
• MECÂNICA DAS CARTAS : Dava pra ser mais aproveitado pra deixar ainda mais parecido ao desenho.

>> Perso Favorito = Porco.

played it as a kid
revisited as an adult to finish and make a review about it
so nice memories from that

I loved adventure time as a kid and this was some pretty good fun back then :)

i remember nothing about this game other than that i was a demon w/ it

eu perdi a conta do tanto de vezes que revi o episódio que originou esse joguinho por conta do meu fascínio com qualquer tipo de joguinho de carta por turno. Guardo no meu coração.

the lebron james of predatory mobile gaming

(medio me decepcione porque no era exactamente como en la serie, pero tiene una propuesta diferente nueva y muy entretenida para el yo de hace como 10 años)