I enjoy gaming and thought this would be interesting to try to get all set up and to use continuously.

5.0 - Perfect. An example of when a game does everything right and deserves praise.
4.5 - Almost Perfect. A few minor issues that can be overlooked while playing.
4.0 - Great. A very fun game that doesn’t get old.
3.5 - Pretty Good. Very solid game that I would enjoy returning to.
3.0 - Decent. Game is fun, but there is still room for improvement.
2.5 - Average. Not a bad game, but not great or memorable.
2.0 - Meh. The idea is good, but execution could have been a lot better.
1.5 - Bad. Hardly any redeeming qualities and entire game is a chore to get through.
1.0 - Garbage. Something went seriously wrong in either dev or planning or both. Can still be fun-bad.
0.5 - Bottom of the barrel. My life is worse after having played this game. Or there was some bug or other issue that made the game essentially or completely unplayable.
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Dude I opened the game and there was not a single server with a single player on it. But the movement within the game is fine so I think just running around killing people would be fun. Just gave this the average rating since I didn't really play it

This review contains spoilers

This was the first Zelda game that I’ve seriously played that wasn’t part of the BOTW series. All in all, it was pretty good. A seemingly classic Zelda game with backtracking to previous areas and several dungeons. Most of the dungeons were pretty well-designed and fun to go through, as were the 3 main areas. I especially liked the desert with the time stones. I also really liked following the story through and seeing what happens in the world and with the characters.

However, there were some things that I really didn’t care for after a while. Firstly, I thought the game went a little bit overboard with the backtracking. I am first sent to all 3 areas to find out what happened to Zelda, which is just following the story. After spending time doing that, I need to return to all 3 areas again to find the flames and power up my sword, which is nice since I can return to previous areas and see new parts of them with new tools. But after doing that, I am told to go to the 3 areas for a third time to get parts of the hero song to be able to find the triforce. After the third time of this, I was starting to think it was a bit tedious, even though the places in the areas were changed. Regardless, once I found out that I needed to find the pieces of the triforce, I was fully expecting and dreading to go to the 3 areas again to find the triforce pieces, but that was luckily not what happened. Keep in mind that every time I had to go somewhere else, I needed to travel through the sky a bit, which added up to a decent amount of time just going between places.

Another thing that was weird for me was the combat. Playing it on switch, I just used a pro controller and did not bother with motion controls with joycons. After a while, I did end up getting used to the combat, so I didn’t mind it as I played more of the game. Same thing with the graphics and art style; I thought it looked weird at first, but got used to it. Fi also started getting on my nerves after like 5 minutes. She talked too much and something about how she always gave percentage changes bothered me for no reason.

The bosses were pretty good. None of them were crazy hard but they still felt like a good challenge at the end of each dungeon. One thing I thought was weird was the final boss. I finished the first phase after a bit of figuring out what to do. The second phase was basically just the first phase again but just a bit more waiting. Once I finished the second phase, a cutscene starts and I thought the boss was about to get mad and power up for the big final phase, but he just kept talking and just sort of faded away. I was really confused and kept waiting for the fake out into the big final fight. I was on edge for the entire final cutscene, which must have been like 7 straight minutes. Once I realized I already beat the final boss, I just thought it was a bit too easy and simple.

For my first traditional Zelda game, I enjoyed it. I can see myself possibly playing others in the future.

Halo is always hyped up by everyone who has played it, so after completing Halo Reach, I decided to keep playing through the Master Chief Collection with this game. Overall, the game is fine but I think it is overhyped. I played this campaign on co-op with a friend and I think that made me have more fun that if I played it alone. I never played Halo when I was younger, so maybe I'm just missing the nostalgia that everyone else has.

The gunplay is obviously the center point of the game and it is pretty good overall. There is a nice variety of weapons to use and they all feel different from each other. There are also a lot of different enemies, but some of them feel way too spongy and take longer than I feel they should to kill. I was not a huge fan of any of the the flood enemy types. They were either too small and annoying, did too much damage, or were able to revive themselves for seemingly no reason. They were not fun to fight and I enjoyed combat more when it was only the Convenent.

The level design was fine for the most part. There were quite a lot of sections in levels that felt way too repetitive and tedious to get through, making it seem like the devs just needed to make the levels longer and just duplicated some sections to give the illusion. The library level was especially bad at this but I'm told that a lot of people agree with me on that opinion of the library.

Also, the story felt like it was just the writers using their first draft as the final paper. It all felt just half-baked and really generic. The story was not really interesting at all and seemed to only serve to give the player an excuse to go forward and keep engaging in the gunfights. I really cannot express how much I didn't care about what was going on with the story.

Overall, a fine game that I believe was likely a lot cooler and better back when it came out, but just isn't as impressive nowadays compared to other games.