Portal 2

Portal 2

released on Apr 18, 2011
by Valve

Portal 2

released on Apr 18, 2011
by Valve

Sequel to the acclaimed Portal (2007), Portal 2 pits the protagonist of the original game, Chell, and her new robot friend, Wheatley, against more puzzles conceived by GLaDOS, an A.I. with the sole purpose of testing the Portal Gun's mechanics and taking revenge on Chell for the events of Portal. As a result of several interactions and revelations, Chell once again pushes to escape Aperture Science Labs.

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Some say it's the best game of all time. I don't disagree, I just want to point out we all think it's the best game of all time

This is a must play if you enjoy puzzle games. It's a must play even if you don't enjoy puzzle games. The story in this game is incredible. It's so funny. The puzzles are satisfying to solve. You often need to think outside of the box in order to progress. Having you leave the testing chambers for a chunk of the game is so refreshing. Co-Op is a must if you have anyone to play with. Going through the Co-Op story is so fun.

Love this. Between co-op, more intense puzzles, and more portals - can't be beat.

It cannot get any better than this

Still one of my favorite games, but doesn't really evoke the same sense of isolation in the player as the first one, which is a shame in my opinion. Too many yapping robots. Also, that one scene gave me trust issues.