Reviews from

in the past

(Taken from my Steam account.)

Was interested in this since launch because of its unique style and arcadey top-down perspective, and thoroughly surprised that it controls exactly unlike how I intended. The "Automobile Sim" tag on here threw me for a loop and I understand it now. Very, very far from the Super Off Road successor I mistakenly assumed it to be, Circuit Superstars took me by surprise by how it incorporates actual GT/Rally techniques and mechanics into a top-down arcade experience; oversteer, understeer, weight transfer, tire snapping and so many additional elements that contribute to its unique handling system. There's a real learning curve, one that I haven't mastered yet as I'm still fumbling on the Pro-AM difficulty, but one that I've been coming back to for how rewarding and satisfying it is to use your car's weight to catapult it around corners.

Other than its deep, robust method of car control, Circuit Superstars is simple. There's not much in the way of additional content aside from its cups and time trial methods, and I haven't dared jump into online play just yet. Game modes are customizable enough to experiment and practice with, so as long as you're aware of what's inside the game beforehand, decide for yourself if you're up for it. It's not for everyone, and I see a lot of comments that it's repetitive or controls poorly, and I feel as though those are similar cases of people's expectations not being met. For me, even though Circuit Superstars isn't the return-to-classic isometric rally racer it can look like at first glance, I find it fun to play once you accept what it truly is.

Bonus mention to the UI and sound design. Not just counting the dynamic engine sounds, but for the aesthetic design of its menus; it strikes a fine line between minimal and sleek, and the selection blips and starting jingles remind me of Wii Sports. Very uniform.

A nice time killer but not fleshed out enough for its robust vehicle selection.

There's times where Circuit Superstars feels empty or unpolished despite its appearances. A solid style and theme goes a long ways in a game like this and the art direction here is top notch. Under the hood all the variety is genuine variety. The cars handle wholly unique while still feeling like they exist in the same universe as each other. It's a fun game to play... Very casually. There's just not enough granular options and details in the game to want to push beyond that. No incentives. Nothing to build towards. No teaching or nurturing of actual racecraft that seemingly works here more than most other attempts at "realistic" top-down racing. No guide or path to improvement. No implied strategy options. Far too streamlined of a "Grand Prix" mode with little to no options. You have to bring everything yourself. The game really suffers from having such a broad foundation but such little built upon it. For a product so focused on quality racecraft, it leaves out so, so much and assumes far too much of the player.

All that said, I actually think Circuit Superstars would have benefited most from being more specialized rather than built out. Which is why I'm not surprised to see the team's next entry with Karting Superstars is just that. I look forward to checking that out down the road. But here, I think Circuit Superstars should have picked a style of racing and fleshed out the actual GAME part of the game more. Whether it was just a top-down DiRT or gave us some longer GT races with fuel, tire strategies and teams, it could've been much better. As it stands, it just isn't something worth diving into deep.

it's just another top-down racer not worth more than casual time killing entertainment. Which it works for that! It's plenty fun, handles fine, looks great. I've enjoyed it and will play more still. But just can't help but notice the couldas and shouldas.

[copied from my Steam review]

There is a fun racer somewhere in there, probably with friends or in a league, but going at it solo I was already trying not to fall asleep at the wheel 3 races in. The presentation in this game is just very dry and stiff. Like the last Everybody's Golf only even more lifeless and devoid of charm.

A good looking, casual, arcade racer.
The content is rather repetitive, but I think it could be fun with other people.

It may look like a party racing game in the vein of Micro Machines but Circuit Superstars is its own animal, combining the top-down cartoony aesthetic of the Codemasters classic with sim-elements which isn't a combination I've seen very often at all and one that works. Mostly.

Probably most importantly the cars feel fun to fling around each course, with each vehicle type having distinct handling and providing a different challenge and it's to the game's credit that it feels satisfying when you nail everything. Another nice touch is the addition of pit strategies, something that you don't normally see in this type of racer, meaning that you can try something a bit different to your opponents either by taking a risk with you fuel and making fewer pit stops or making your tyres last slightly longer so that you're in a better position at the end of the race

The tracks are well designed and are complemented by the game's simple art style which isn't distracting but still helps each course feel alive. In fact, some of the circuits are stubby little homages to real world courses which are instantly recognisable if you know your motorsport but still different enough that you won't be able to master it immediately. Each of them has at least one or two corners which are tricky to get right every single time while still feeling fun to drive around when you don't.

Unfortunately at the minute the limited number of tracks get repetitive pretty quickly (especially with very short laps), while the game's main draw - the multiplayer offering - is severely underbaked, only offering public lobbies with a choice of three randomised races to pick from and nothing outside of that. Single-player too doesn't really have much to it outside of a short championship for each vehicle type. The physics as well are a little off, as sometimes the tiniest knock will have you flying off the circuit while a massive shunt into the side of your car doesn't do anything to your speed or position on the circuit.

I hope the devs continue to fine tune the game to smooth out some of the kinks and add new content as I think it could be something special but right now it's merely pretty good.

Pretty good overall, but you quickly turn around (no pun intended) with the lack of offline content. Also, most of the categories are similar but it is easy to adapt to them and hard to master!

Super fun gameplay and cute style.

It's one of the better overhead racers made in a while. If that's your thing, pick this one up!