Reviews from

in the past

I have a soft spot for this game. A Tomb Raider clone is kinda a weird direction for an action heavy game like Duke Nukem. However I think it was a pretty good clone. It played just as well as it did IMO. There was even a joke about it on stage 1. The constant one liners are actually pretty funny and don't overly repeat themselves like a lot of them do in this era.

You always start in this city stage first and through the bad guys time travel shenanigan's it keeps changing everytime you go back to it. The time periods were interesting enough and it always fun seeing the enemy variants dressed appropriately. Honesty I liked it a great deal and outside of Duke 3D I'd say it's the best Duke game.

A surprisingly varied Tomb Raider-alike that has a greater focus on action and, unlike Lara Croft's games, gives you the tools to cope with a much higher enemy count. Still has a few environmental puzzles, exploration still rewarding and there's a surprising amount of detail and variation in each of the time zones Duke goes to - keeps the game feeling fresh all the way to the credits.

Most of these stars are for that awesome intro

One of those games I vaguely remember.

Good game!
The story was nice, the gameplay was enjoyable.

Played as part of the Evercade Duke Nukem Collection 2.

I forgot just how much this game takes from Tomb Raider, which is a funny coincidence as I started playing with this and TR in the same week, completely unintentionally.

It's definitely aged. Very rough round the ages and the controls are a little clunky, but otherwise its a fun adventure game with plenty of gore, violence and stupid one liners. Obviously the games attitudes and treatment of women are extremely outdated, but it's not all that frequent, fortunately. Although there was some gross dialogue/noises over the end credits I could've done without.

Duke looks pretty old and gross, even in ps1 fmv form, which makes his apparent sex appeal quite funny, but otherwise, that side of it I can do without.

I like the games structure. Find time machine, power up time machine, go back to specific time period and stop the baddies killing of Dukes lineage, repeat a couple of times, with more amusing results when coming back to the present day.

Some of the levels feel like really well laid out puzzles to be navigated, whereas others, particularly late on, feels like they've thrown mud and seeing what sticks.

I appreciate being able to use save states on evercade, as I'm not sure I'd have finished this. I'd probably have given up halfway through the castle section. Which I think I did back in the day when I first played it. I had very little recollection of the boss fight for that area or anything beyond.

It's rough round the edges, controls like a cruise ship, and if you can deal with it's terribly 90s attitudes, it's a fun game. I had a good time.

Pretty good game I enjoyed back then but it really aged badly, movement is poor and aiming is poor for today's standards but I feel nostalgic for it in every sense, the PVP with my brother was awesome.

It's okay, has alot of neat details, like the deagle hanging from your leg that duke actually picks if you use it, or how he takes the other weapons from the backpack (this was pretty detailed for the time), and there's neat kill animations, but the Tomb Raider slow 3D platforming doesn't really fit Duke Nukem.

Also for some reason the audio is kinda fucked up in general in this game, the songs loops sound really short and will get annoying very fast, some voice lines seem bugged resulting in the dialogue ending mid sentence.

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NOO!!! who did this to you dukey? FUCK THIS TEAM WHO CREATED THIS SHIT FUCK ALL OF YOU (one star for my lil dukey)

This is probably my most played Playstation game. Me and my friend loved this game, we even had so many PvP battles in it. Stage diversity is 10/10

the one memory i have of this game as a kid is my mom flipping out at my dad because he showed me you could shoot strippers in this

Melhor que tomb raider.

O jogo pega a franquia duke nukem e transforma de forma sensacional em um game terceira pessoa de ação e aventura mas sem sair da essência do original, o jogo possui fases em determinados momentos no tempo ( tempo atual, velho oeste, época medieval, Roma antiga) e com isso algumas frases do duke nukem são especiais desses momentos no tempo, as armas que você pega tbm.

A trilha sonora é sensacional, o level design tbm é excelente.

A jogabilidade de tanque é refinada e responsiva assim fazendo a gente se acostumar o mais rápido possível.

Um dos melhores jogos do playstation 1 vale muito a pena dar uma conferida.

tem muie peladakkkkkkkkkk amooooooooooooooooooooooo